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Offline Installation of Azure PowerShell

In some environments, it's not possible to connect to the internet or the PowerShell Gallery. In those situations, you can install the Az PowerShell module offline using one of these methods.


The options for offline installation in this article require at least one system with internet access to download the Az PowerShell module, which can be different from the system where you plan to install the module.


  • Install a supported version of PowerShell version 7 or higher
  • Windows PowerShell 5.1 is also supported if your're running a Windows operating system.

Cross platform

The following installation options for the Az PowerShell module are available cross-platform on all platforms including Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Install from tar archive


The tar command-line utility is required to use this installation option. Its available by default on Windows 10 version 1803 or higher, most Linux distributions, and current versions of macOS.

  1. On a system with access to the internet, define the destination path where you want to save the tar archive.

    $downloadFolderPath = "$home/Downloads"
  2. Verify the download folder exists. Create the folder otherwise.

    if (-not (Test-Path -Path $downloadFolderPath -PathType Container)) {
        New-Item -Path $downloadFolderPath -ItemType Directory
  3. Determine the URL of the tar archive for the latest Az PowerShell module version on GitHub.

    $tarSourceUrl = (
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://api.github.com/repos/azure/azure-powershell/releases/latest |
        Select-Object -ExpandProperty assets | Where-Object content_type -eq 'application/x-gzip'
  4. Store the tar filename and destination filepath in variables.

    $fileName = Split-Path -Path $tarSourceUrl -Leaf
    $downloadFilePath = Join-Path -Path $downloadFolderPath -ChildPath $fileName
  5. Download the tar archive from GitHub using PowerShell.

    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $tarSourceUrl -OutFile $downloadFilePath
  6. Unblock the downloaded file if you're running a Windows operating system.

    if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5 -or $IsWindows -eq $true) {
        Unblock-File -Path $downloadFilePath


    Copy the tar archive to your offline system. Define the $downloadFilePath and $downloadFolderPath variables or specify actual values instead of using the variables in the following commands on your offline system.

  7. Extract the contents of the tar archive.

    tar zxf $downloadFilePath -C $downloadFolderPath
  8. Run the InstallModule.ps1 script that's one of the extracted files on the offline system where you want to install the Az PowerShell module.


Save and copy installation

Download the Az PowerShell module with Save-Module or Save-PSResource to a network location using a system with access to the internet and the PowerShell Gallery. These commands save the Az module and its dependencies to the specified location. Use the saved modules as the installation source and copy them to the offline system.

Install from a private repository

Create a private repository on your local network and use it as installation source for your offline system. To learn more, see Working with Private PowerShellGet Repositories.

This method allows you to cache PowerShell modules on a single server or file share to be deployed with PowerShellGet or Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet to any disconnected systems.


On Windows, you also have the option of installing the Az PowerShell module with an MSI if you're using Windows PowerShell version 5.1.


Keep in mind that the MSI installer only works for Windows PowerShell 5.1.


For solutions to common installation issues with the Az PowerShell module, see Troubleshoot installation problems with the Az PowerShell module.

See also

Next Steps

To learn more about managing your Azure resources with the Az PowerShell module, see Get Started with Azure PowerShell.