Sidang Kemuncak Windows Server
29 Apr, 2 PTG - 30 Apr, 7 PTG
Sertai acara maya Windows Server muktamad pada 29-30 April untuk sesi teknikal mendalam dan Soal Jawab langsung dengan jurutera Microsoft.
Daftar sekarangPelayar ini tidak lagi disokong.
Naik taraf kepada Microsoft Edge untuk memanfaatkan ciri, kemas kini keselamatan dan sokongan teknikal yang terkini.
The Network Shell command-line scripting utility that allows you to, either locally or remotely, display or modify the network configuration of a currently running computer. You can start this utility at the command prompt or in Windows PowerShell.
netsh [-a <Aliasfile>][-c <Context>][-r <Remotecomputer>][-u [<domainname>\<username>][-p <Password> | [{<NetshCommand> | -f <scriptfile>}]
Parameter | Description |
-a <Aliasfile> |
Specifies that you are returned to the netsh prompt after running Aliasfile and the name of the text file that contains one or more netsh commands. |
-c <Context> |
Specifies that netsh enters the specified netsh context and the netsh context to enter. |
-r <Remotecomputer> |
Specifies the remote computer to configure. Important: If you use this parameter, you must make sure the Remote Registry service is running on the remote computer. If it isn't running, Windows displays a “Network Path Not Found” error message. |
-u <domainname>\<username> |
Specifies the domain and user account name to use while running the netsh command under a user account. If you omit the domain, the local domain is used by default. |
-p <Password> |
Specifies the password for the user account specified by the -u <username> parameter. |
<NetshCommand> |
Specifies the netsh command to run. |
-f <scriptfile> |
Exits the netsh command after running the specified script file. |
/? | Displays help at the command prompt. |
If you specify -r followed by another command, netsh runs the command on the remote computer and then returns to the Cmd.exe command prompt. If you specify -r without another command, netsh opens in remote mode. The process is similar to using set machine at the Netsh command prompt. When you use -r, you set the target computer for the current instance of netsh only. After you exit and reenter netsh, the target computer is reset as the local computer. You can run netsh commands on a remote computer by specifying a computer name stored in WINS, a UNC name, an Internet name to be resolved by the DNS server, or an IP address.
If your string value contains spaces between characters, you must enclose the string value in quotation marks. For example, -r "contoso remote device"
Sidang Kemuncak Windows Server
29 Apr, 2 PTG - 30 Apr, 7 PTG
Sertai acara maya Windows Server muktamad pada 29-30 April untuk sesi teknikal mendalam dan Soal Jawab langsung dengan jurutera Microsoft.
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