Mar 17, 9 PM - Mar 21, 10 AM
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Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is a pattern for building applications that use foundation models to reason over proprietary information or other data that isn't publicly available on the internet. Generally, a client application calls to an orchestration layer that fetches relevant information from a data store, such as a vector database. The orchestration layer passes that data as part of the context as grounding data to the foundation model.
A multitenant solution is used by multiple customers. Each customer, or tenant, consists of multiple users from the same organization, company, or group. In multitenant scenarios, you need to make sure that tenants, or individuals within tenants, are only able to incorporate grounding data that they're authorized to access.
There are multitenant concerns beyond ensuring that users only access the information they're authorized to access. However, this article focuses on that aspect of multitenancy. This article begins with an overview of single-tenant RAG architectures. It discusses the challenges that you might encounter in multitenancy with RAG and some common approaches to take. It also outlines multitenancy considerations and recommendations for improved security.
This article describes several features that are specific to Azure OpenAI Service, such as the Azure OpenAI On Your Data feature. However, you can apply most of the principles described in this article to foundational AI models on any platform.
In this single-tenant RAG architecture, an orchestrator fetches relevant proprietary tenant data from the data stores and provides it as grounding data to the foundation model. The following steps describe a high-level workflow.
For more information, see Design and develop a RAG solution.
This variant of the single-tenant RAG architecture uses the On Your Data feature of Azure OpenAI to integrate directly with data stores like Azure AI Search. In this architecture, you either don't have your own orchestrator, or your orchestrator has fewer responsibilities. The Azure OpenAI API calls into the data store to fetch the grounding data and passes that data to the language model. This method gives you less control over what grounding data to fetch and the relevancy of that data.
Azure OpenAI is managed by Microsoft. It integrates with the data store, but the model itself doesn't integrate with the data store. The model receives grounding data in the same way as it does when an orchestrator fetches the data.
In this RAG architecture, the service that provides the foundation model fetches the appropriate proprietary tenant data from the data stores and uses that data as grounding data to the foundation model. The following steps describe a high-level workflow. The italicized steps are identical to the preceding single-tenant RAG architecture that has an orchestrator workflow.
If you want to use this architecture in a multitenant solution, then the service that directly accesses the grounding data, such as Azure OpenAI, must support the multitenant logic that your solution requires.
In multitenant solutions, tenant data might exist in a tenant-specific store or coexist with other tenants in a multitenant store. Data might also be in a store that's shared across tenants. Only data that the user is authorized to access should be used as grounding data. The user should see only common or all-tenant data or data from their tenant that's filtered to help ensure that they see only the data that they're authorized to access.
The following steps describe a high-level workflow. The italicized steps are identical to the single-tenant RAG architecture with an orchestrator workflow.
Consider the following options when you design your multitenant RAG inferencing solution.
The two main architectural approaches for storage and data in multitenant scenarios are store-per-tenant and multitenant stores. These approaches are in addition to stores that contain data shared across tenants. Your multitenant solution can use a combination of these approaches.
In store-per-tenant stores, each tenant has its own store. The advantages of this approach include both data and performance isolation. Each tenant's data is encapsulated in its own store. In most data services, the isolated stores aren't susceptible to the noisy neighbor problem of other tenants. This approach also simplifies cost allocation because the entire cost of a store deployment can be attributed to a single tenant.
This approach might present challenges such as increased management and operational overhead and higher costs. You shouldn't use this approach if you have a large number of small tenants, like in business-to-consumer scenarios. This approach might also reach or exceed service limits.
In the context of this AI scenario, a store-per-tenant store means that the necessary grounding data to bring relevancy into the context comes from an existing or new data store that only contains grounding data for the tenant. In this topology, the database instance is the discriminator that's used for each tenant.
In multitenant stores, multiple tenants' data coexists in the same store. The advantages of this approach include the potential for cost optimization, the ability to handle a higher number of tenants than the store-per-tenant model, and lower management overhead because of the lower number of store instances.
The challenges of using shared stores include the need for data isolation and management, the potential for the noisy neighbor antipattern, and more complex cost allocation to tenants. Data isolation is the most important concern when you use this approach. You need to implement secure approaches to help ensure that tenants can only access their data. Data management can also be challenging if tenants have different data lifecycles that require operations such as building indexes on different schedules.
Some platforms have features that you can use when you implement tenant data isolation in shared stores. For example, Azure Cosmos DB has native support for data partitioning and sharding. It's typical to use a tenant identifier as a partition key to provide some isolation between tenants. Azure SQL and Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server support row-level security. However, these features aren't typically used in multitenant solutions because you have to design your solution around these features if you plan to use them in your multitenant store.
In the context of this AI scenario, grounding data for all tenants commingle in the same data store. Therefore, your query to that data store must include a tenant discriminator to help ensure that responses are restricted to bring back only relevant data within the context of the tenant.
Multitenant solutions often share data across tenants. In an example multitenant solution for the healthcare domain, a database might store general medical information or information that isn't specific to the tenant.
In the context of this AI scenario, the grounding data store is generally accessible and doesn't need filtering based on specific tenants because the data is relevant and authorized for all tenants in the system.
Identity is a key aspect of multitenant solutions, including multitenant RAG solutions. The intelligent application should integrate with an identity provider to authenticate the identity of the user. The multitenant RAG solution needs an identity directory that stores authoritative identities or references to identities. This identity needs to flow through the request chain and allow downstream services, such as the orchestrator or the data store itself, to identify the user.
You also need a way to map a user to a tenant so that you can grant access to that tenant data.
When you build a multitenant RAG solution, you must define what a tenant is for your solution. The two common models to choose from are business-to-business and business-to-consumer models. The model that you choose helps you determine what other factors you should consider when you build your solution. Understanding the number of tenants is critical for choosing the data store model. A large number of tenants might require a model that has multiple tenants for each store. A smaller number of tenants might allow for a store-per-tenant model. The amount of data for each tenant is also important. Tenants that have large amounts of data might prevent you from using multitenant stores because of size limitations on the data store.
If you intend to expand an existing workload to support this AI scenario, you might have made this decision already. Generally speaking, you can use your existing data storage topology for the grounding data if that data store can provide sufficient relevancy and meet any other nonfunctional requirements. However, if you plan to introduce new components, such as a dedicated vector search store as a dedicated grounding store, then you still need to make this decision. Consider factors such as your current deployment stamp strategy, your application control plane impact, and any per-tenant data lifecycle differences, such as pay-for-performance situations.
After you define what a tenant is for your solution, you need to define your authorization requirements for data. Tenants only access data from their tenant, but your authorization requirements might be more granular. For example, in a healthcare solution, you might have rules such as:
In a document-based RAG application, you might want to restrict users' access to documents based on a tagging scheme or sensitivity levels assigned to the documents.
After you have a definition of what a tenant is and have a clear understanding of the authorization rules, use that information as requirements for your data store solution.
Restricting access to only the data that users are authorized to access is known as filtering or security trimming. In a multitenant RAG scenario, a user might be mapped to a tenant-specific store. That doesn't mean that the user should be able to access all the data in that store. Define your tenant and authorization requirements discusses the importance of defining authorization requirements for your data. You should use these authorization rules as the basis for filtering.
You can use data platform capabilities like row-level security to implement filtering. Or you might need custom logic, data, or metadata. These platform features aren't typically used in multitenant solutions because you need to design your system around these features.
We recommend that you have an API in front of the storage mechanism that you use. The API acts like a gatekeeper that helps ensure that users only get access to information they're authorized to access.
Users' access to data can be limited by:
The API layer should:
Code that needs to access tenant data shouldn't be able to query the back-end stores directly. All requests for data should flow through the API layer. This API layer provides a single point of governance or security on top of your tenant data. This approach prevents the tenant and user data access authorization logic from reaching other areas of the application. This logic is encapsulated in the API layer. This encapsulation makes the solution easier to validate and test.
When you design a multitenant RAG inferencing solution, you must consider how to architect the grounding data solution for your tenants. Understand the number of tenants and the amount of per-tenant data that you store. This information helps you design your data tenancy solution. We recommend that you implement an API layer that encapsulates the data access logic, including multitenant logic and filtering logic.
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Mar 17, 9 PM - Mar 21, 10 AM
Ingħaqad mas-serje meetup biex tibni soluzzjonijiet skalabbli tal-IA bbażati fuq każijiet ta 'użu fid-dinja reali ma' żviluppaturi u esperti sħabi.
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