Mar 31, 11 PM - Apr 2, 11 PM
L-akbar avveniment ta 'tagħlim Fabric, Power BI, u SQL. 31 ta 'Marzu - 2 ta' April. Uża l-kodiċi FABINSIDER biex tiffranka $ 400.
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Aġġorna għal Microsoft Edge biex tieħu vantaġġ mill-aħħar karatteristiċi, aġġornamenti tas-sigurtà, u appoġġ tekniku.
Applies to: ✅ Warehouse and Mirrored Database in Microsoft Fabric
Sharing is a convenient way to provide users read access to your data for downstream consumption. Sharing allows downstream users in your organization to consume a Warehouse using T-SQL, Spark, or Power BI. You can customize the level of permissions that the shared recipient is granted to provide the appropriate level of access.
You must be an admin or member in your workspace to share an item in Microsoft Fabric.
After identifying the Warehouse item you would like to share with another user in your Fabric workspace, select the quick action in the row to Share.
The following animated gif reviews the steps to select a warehouse to share, select the permissions to assign, and then finally Grant the permissions to another user.
You can share your Warehouse from the OneLake or Warehouse item by choosing Share from quick action, as highlighted in the following image.
You're prompted with options to select who you would like to share the Warehouse with, what permissions to grant them, and whether they'll be notified by email.
Fill out all required fields, select Grant access.
When the shared recipient receives the email, they can select Open and navigate to the Warehouse OneLake catalog page.
Depending on the level of access the shared recipient has been granted, the shared recipient is now able to connect to the SQL analytics endpoint, query the Warehouse, build reports, or read data through Spark.
Here's more detail about each of the permissions provided:
ReadData (used by the warehouse for T-SQL permissions), ReadAll (used by OneLake and the SQL analytics endpoint), and Build (used by Power BI) are separate permissions that do not overlap.
"Read all data using SQL" is selected ("ReadData" permissions)- The shared recipient can read all the objects within the Warehouse. ReadData is the equivalent of db_datareader role in SQL Server. The shared recipient can read data from all tables and views within the Warehouse. If you want to further restrict and provide granular access to some objects within the Warehouse, you can do this using T-SQL GRANT
"Read all data using Apache Spark" is selected ("ReadAll" permissions)- The shared recipient has read access to the underlying parquet files in OneLake, which can be consumed using Spark. ReadAll should be provided only if the shared recipient wants complete access to your warehouse's files using the Spark engine.
"Build reports on the default dataset" checkbox is selected ("Build" permissions)- The shared recipient can build reports on top of the default semantic model that is connected to your Warehouse. Build should be provided if the shared recipient wants Build permissions on the default semantic model, to create Power BI reports on this data. The Build checkbox is selected by default, but can be unchecked.
With ReadData permissions, the shared recipient can open the Warehouse editor in read-only mode and query the tables and views within the Warehouse. The shared recipient can also choose to copy the SQL analytics endpoint provided and connect to a client tool to run these queries.
A shared recipient with ReadAll permissions can find the Azure Blob File System (ABFS) path to the specific file in OneLake from the Properties pane in the Warehouse editor. The shared recipient can then use this path within a Spark Notebook to read this data.
For example, in the following screenshot, a user with ReadAll permissions can query the data in FactSale
with a Spark query in a new notebook.
With Build permissions, the shared recipient can create reports on top of the default semantic model that is connected to the Warehouse. The shared recipient can create Power BI reports from the OneLake catalog or also do the same using Power BI Desktop.
The Manage permissions page shows the list of users who have been given access by either assigning to Workspace roles or item permissions.
If you're a member of the Admin or Member workspace roles, go to your workspace and select More options. Then, select Manage permissions.
For users who were provided workspace roles, you'll see the corresponding user, workspace role, and permissions. Members of the Admin, Member, and Contributor workspace roles have read/write access to items in this workspace. Viewers have ReadData permissions and can query all tables and views within the Warehouse in that workspace. Item permissions Read, ReadData, and ReadAll can be provided to users.
You can choose to add or remove permissions using Manage permissions:
Microsoft Fabric data warehousing supports several technologies that administrators can use to protect sensitive data from unauthorized viewing. By securing or obfuscating data from unauthorized users or roles, these security features can provide data protection in both a Warehouse and SQL analytics endpoint without application changes.
clause filter predicates.Avvenimenti
Mar 31, 11 PM - Apr 2, 11 PM
L-akbar avveniment ta 'tagħlim Fabric, Power BI, u SQL. 31 ta 'Marzu - 2 ta' April. Uża l-kodiċi FABINSIDER biex tiffranka $ 400.
Irreġistra llumTaħriġ
Secure, publish, and share data in Power BI - Training
Learn how to secure, share, and publish Microsoft Power BI reports as part of the Power BI service. Understand workspaces and certification.
Microsoft Certified: Fabric Data Engineer Associate - Certifications
As a Fabric Data Engineer, you should have subject matter expertise with data loading patterns, data architectures, and orchestration processes.
Security for data warehousing - Microsoft Fabric
Learn more about securing the SQL analytics endpoint and Warehouse in Microsoft Fabric.
Workspace roles - Microsoft Fabric
Learn about the roles you can use to manage user access within a workspace.
SQL granular permissions - Microsoft Fabric
Learn about providing granular permissions via SQL in the warehouse.