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Aġġorna għal Microsoft Edge biex tieħu vantaġġ mill-aħħar karatteristiċi, aġġornamenti tas-sigurtà, u appoġġ tekniku.
When building your app, it's important to know what you can and can't customize in Microsoft Teams. This information can help you better understand which parts of the app experience you control.
The following wireframes show you:
The surfaces you can customize in each Teams app capability (outlined in pink).
The scopes each capability supports.
What does scope mean? A scope is an area in Teams where people can use your app. Apps can have one or many scopes, including personal, channels, chats, and meetings.
Personal apps
Personal apps provide a large canvas to host your app content for individual users.
Supported scopes: Personal
The canvas is a webview so you can completely customize the experience.
The canvas is an iframe so you can completely customize the experience.
Tabs provide a large canvas to host your app content for a group of users. You can include tabs in shared spaces such as channels, chats, and meeting invites.
Supported scopes: Channels, Chats, Meetings
The canvas is a webview so you can completely customize the experience.
The canvas is an iframe so you can completely customize the experience.
Bots are conversational apps that integrate with Teams native messaging features, so the UI work is handled for you. From a design standpoint, there are still opportunities to add personality, custom functionality, and rich, actionable information with our natural language processing (NLP) support and Adaptive Cards platform.
Message extensions are shortcuts for inserting app content or acting on a message without navigating away from the conversation. Action-based message extensions give you more control of the experience, while Teams handles much of what renders for search-based message extensions.
Meeting extensions are apps to enhance live meetings. You can host your app content in several scenarios, including before, during, and after meetings.
Supported scopes: Meetings, Chats
The surface is a webview, allowing you to customize the experience, but keep in mind that during meetings these apps use dark theme.
The surface is an iframe, allowing you to customize the experience, but keep in mind that during meetings these apps use dark theme and are narrow.
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Feedback ta’ Platform Docs
Platform Docs huwa proġett b’sors miftuħ. Agħżel link biex tipprovdi l-feedback:
Demonstrate skills to plan, deploy, configure, and manage Microsoft Teams to focus on efficient and effective collaboration and communication in a Microsoft 365 environment.
Learn how and when to use Microsoft Teams design tools such as Teams UI Kit, resources, choose capabilities and UX flows to design an effective Microsoft Teams app.
Learn how to design a tab for desktop, web, and mobile, and get Microsoft Teams UI Kit. Learn tab, build user authentication, tab notifications, and deep linking.
Learn to implement the design guidelines, use UI templates to design a meeting extension for Teams. Use in-meeting tab, in-meeting dialog and share meeting stage.
Learn how to design a message extension and get the Microsoft Teams UI Kit. Describes Teams design guidelines reference message extensions tips and best practice.
Learn about the basics of designing your Microsoft Teams app, including avatars, layout, icons, type, color scheme, shape and elevation, and copy and content.