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Aġġorna għal Microsoft Edge biex tieħu vantaġġ mill-aħħar karatteristiċi, aġġornamenti tas-sigurtà, u appoġġ tekniku.
Microsoft Teams provides the flexibility to change the default storage from OneDrive and SharePoint to a preferred third-party cloud storage provider app. When a file is drag-dropped into the message compose area of a Teams chat or channel, you can allow the file to be stored in a third-party cloud storage using Microsoft Teams JavaScript client library (TeamsJS).
For Teams app to support third-party cloud storage for drag-dropped files:
The app manifest (previously called Teams app manifest) must be configured with the app ID of the third-party storage app. Search for the property named defaultFilesUploadAppId and configure the app ID.
Use plain string only and do not use inverted commas.
The app manifest must have the first action as Upload. This action automatically opens the app in upload mode when files are drag-dropped into the message compose area.
Following code sample shows the first action added as Upload under composeExtensions:
If you want your Teams app to have a third-party storage of your preference, you must use the getDragAndDropFiles API of thirdPartyCloudStorage in TeamsJS SDK. This API enables uploading files from the message compose area of a Teams chat or channel to third-party storage app.
The thirdPartyCloudStorage API is used only in scenarios when the files are drag-dropped. It's not used when the files are added using the plus icon in the message compose toolbar.
To implement third-party cloud storage for the drag-dropped files in Teams, follow these steps:
Ensure the property defaultFilesUploadAppId is configured with the third-party storage app ID and the first action is set as Upload in the app manifest.
Create the unique ID using the following parameters from the application context:
const uniqueIdForChats = replyToId + id (that is, threadId).
All the above values are present in the application context. If "commandContext" = "thirdParty", it helps third-party cloud storage app to determine that the app is opened programmatically. If replyToId isn't present in the context, then the unique ID is ""+threadId.
The following image shows the sample of the application context with the values to create the unique ID highlighted:
Use the getDragAndDropFiles API from the thirdPartyCloudStorage in TeamsJS SDK for the third-party storage app to fetch the drag-dropped files.
A callback function is implemented to receive and handle the files.
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Demonstrate skills to plan, deploy, configure, and manage Microsoft Teams to focus on efficient and effective collaboration and communication in a Microsoft 365 environment.
Learn about developer community help, raise issues, and general questions. Questions related to SDK and samples, documentation feedback, and feature requests.
Learn about app templates for Teams that includes Microsoft 365 Learning Pathways and Company Communicator with deployment and installation instructions.
Learn what you can do during the launch stage of your app to grow your app. Learn about Teams Store listing, landing page, and Store marketing toolkit.