MathTranslate function
Translates the math characters in the specified range.
HRESULT MathTranslate(
_Inout_ ITextRange2 *prg,
_In_ long Flags
prg [in, out]
Type: ITextRange2*On entry, this parameter specifies the text range that contains the math characters to translate. On successful exit, the characters in the range have been translated as specified
Flags [in]
Type: longThe translation flags, which can be one or more of the following values:
Value Meaning tomConvertMathChar Converts to/from math italic and/or math bold according to the status of italic and bold retrieved by the ITextFont2::GetEffects method.
tomFoldMathAlpha Converts from math alphanumerics back to ASCII and Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) Greek.
tomMathAlphabetics Converts to math italic.
Other flags are ignored and must be zero.
If this function succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.
This function is exported by the RichEdit 6.0 or later msftedit.dll.
Header |
Tom.h |
Msftedit.dll |