Create a knowledge store with Azure AI Search - Training
Create a knowledge store with Azure AI Search
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The Semantic Kernel Vector Store functionality is in preview, and improvements that require breaking changes may still occur in limited circumstances before release.
The In-Memory Vector Store connector is a Vector Store implementation provided by Semantic Kernel that uses no external database and stores data in memory. This Vector Store is useful for prototyping scenarios or where high-speed in-memory operations are required.
The connector has the following characteristics.
Feature Area | Support |
Collection maps to | In-memory dictionary |
Supported key property types | Any type that can be compared |
Supported data property types | Any type |
Supported vector property types | ReadOnlyMemory<float> |
Supported index types | Flat |
Supported distance functions |
Supported filter clauses |
Supports multiple vectors in a record | Yes |
IsFilterable supported? | Yes |
IsFullTextSearchable supported? | Yes |
StoragePropertyName supported? | No, since storage is in-memory and data reuse is therefore not possible, custom naming is not applicable. |
Add the Semantic Kernel Core nuget package to your project.
dotnet add package Microsoft.SemanticKernel.Connectors.InMemory --prerelease
You can add the vector store to the dependency injection container available on the KernelBuilder
or to the IServiceCollection
dependency injection container using extension methods provided by Semantic Kernel.
using Microsoft.SemanticKernel;
// Using Kernel Builder.
var kernelBuilder = Kernel
using Microsoft.SemanticKernel;
// Using IServiceCollection with ASP.NET Core.
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
You can construct an InMemory Vector Store instance directly.
using Microsoft.SemanticKernel.Connectors.InMemory;
var vectorStore = new InMemoryVectorStore();
It is possible to construct a direct reference to a named collection.
using Microsoft.SemanticKernel.Connectors.InMemory;
var collection = new InMemoryVectorStoreRecordCollection<string, Hotel>("skhotels");
By default the In-Memory Vector Store connector will read the values of keys and vectors using reflection. The keys and vectors are assumed to be direct properties on the data model.
If a data model is required that has a structure where keys and vectors are not direct properties of the data model, it is possible to supply functions to read the values of these.
When using this, it is also required to supply a VectorStoreRecordDefinition
so that information
about vector dimension size and distance function can be communicated to the In-Memory vector store.
var collection = new InMemoryVectorStoreRecordCollection<string, MyDataModel>(
VectorStoreRecordDefinition = vectorStoreRecordDefinition,
KeyResolver = (record) => record.Key,
VectorResolver = (vectorName, record) => record.Vectors[vectorName]
private class MyDataModel
public string Key { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, ReadOnlyMemory<float>> Vectors { get; set; }
The In-Memory Vector Store connector is a Vector Store implementation provided by Semantic Kernel that uses no external database and stores data in memory. This Vector Store is useful for prototyping scenarios or where high-speed in-memory operations are required.
The connector has the following characteristics.
Feature Area | Support |
Collection maps to | In-memory dictionary |
Supported key property types | Any that is allowed to be a dict key, see the python documentation for details here |
Supported data property types | Any type |
Supported vector property types | list[float | int] | numpy array |
Supported index types | Flat |
Supported distance functions |
Supports multiple vectors in a record | Yes |
is_filterable supported? | Yes |
is_full_text_searchable supported? | Yes |
Add the Semantic Kernel package to your project.
pip install semantic-kernel
You can create the store and collections from there, or create the collections directly.
In the snippets below, it is assumed that you have a data model class defined named 'DataModel'.
from semantic_kernel.connectors.memory.in_memory import InMemoryVectorStore
vector_store = InMemoryVectorStore()
vector_collection = vector_store.get_collection("collection_name", DataModel)
It is possible to construct a direct reference to a named collection.
from semantic_kernel.connectors.memory.in_memory import InMemoryCollection
vector_collection = InMemoryCollection("collection_name", DataModel)
Create a knowledge store with Azure AI Search - Training
Create a knowledge store with Azure AI Search
Using the Semantic Kernel Qdrant Vector Store connector (Preview)
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Semantic Kernel Vector Store code samples (Preview)
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Legacy Semantic Kernel Memory Stores
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