"The solution installation or removal failed" when installing or removing a solution
This article provides a resolution to avoid the error The solution installation or removal failed due to the installation or removal of another solution at the same time when you try to install or remove a solution in Microsoft Dynamics 365.
Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Original KB number: 4343228
When attempting to install or remove a solution in Microsoft Dynamics 365, you see a message that says:
The import of solution <solution name> failed.
If you select Download Log file, you see the following error:
The solution installation or removal failed due to the installation or removal of another solution at the same time. Please try again later.
You may also see a reference to error code -2147020463 or 80071151.
This error can occur if you try to install or remove a solution but another solution is already in the process of being installed or removed. This may occur if you or another user are doing another install or removal action at the same time.
If you or someone else in your organization are enabling a feature, that feature may install one or more solutions as part of the deployment process.
If someone is installing or removing another solution, wait for that action to complete before attempting to install or remove another solution.
Solution Architects for Finance and Operations apps in Microsoft Dynamics 365 are trusted advisors who understand business recommended practices and software capabilities. They lead team members to implement Dynamics solutions that can achieve the predefined implementation goals.
When you try to import a solution in Microsoft Dynamics 365, you may receive an error that states you cannot complete this action for this component because of the configuration of its managed properties. Provides a resolution.