!wdmaud is obsolete.
!wdmaud Address Flags
Specifies the address of the structure to be displayed.
Specifies the information to display. This must include exactly one of the bits 0x1, 0x2, 0x4, and 0x8. The 0x100 bit can be added to any of these.
Bit 0 (0x1)
Displays a list of all IOCTLs that have been sent to wdmaud.sys. When this is used, Address should specify the address of the WdmaIoctlHistoryListHead. If the 0x100 bit is set, the display also includes the pContext that each IOCTL was sent with.
Bit 1 (0x2)
Displays a list of all IRPs that WDMAud has marked as pending. When this is used, Address should specify the address of the WdmaPendingIrpListHead. If the 0x100 bit is set, the display also includes the context on which each IRP was allocated.
Bit 2 (0x4)
Displays a list of all MDLs that WDMAud has allocated. When this is used, Address should specify the address of the WdmaAllocatedMdlListHead. If the 0x100 bit is set, the display also includes the context on which each MDL was allocated.
Bit 3 (0x8)
Displays a list of all active contexts attached to wdmaud.sys. When this is used, Address should specify the address of the WdmaContextListHead. If the 0x100 bit is set, the display also includes the data members of each context structure.
Bit 8 (0x100)
Causes the display to include verbose information.
Windows XP and later - Unavailable
For information about WDM audio architecture and audio drivers, see the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) documentation.
The contexts attached to wdmaud.sys (pContext) contain most of the state data for each device. Whenever wdmaud.drv is loaded into a new process, wdmaud.sys is notified of its arrival. Whenever wdmaud.drv is unloaded, wdmaud.sys cleans up any allocations made in that context.