Apr 29, 2 PM - Apr 30, 7 PM
Ingħaqad mal-avveniment virtwali aħħari tal-Windows Server 29-30 ta 'April għal sessjonijiet tekniċi deep-dive u Q&A live ma' inġiniera ta 'Microsoft.
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Aġġorna għal Microsoft Edge biex tieħu vantaġġ mill-aħħar karatteristiċi, aġġornamenti tas-sigurtà, u appoġġ tekniku.
Logs off a user from a session on a Remote Desktop Session Host server and deletes the session.
logoff [<sessionname> | <sessionID>] [/server:<servername>] [/v]
Parameter | Description |
<sessionname> |
Specifies the name of the session. This must be an active session. |
<sessionID> |
Specifies the numeric ID which identifies the session to the server. |
/server:<servername> |
Specifies the Remote Desktop Session Host server that contains the session whose user you want to log off. If unspecified, the server on which you are currently active is used. |
/v | Displays information about the actions being performed. |
/? | Displays help at the command prompt. |
You can always log off yourself from the session to which you are currently logged on. You must, however, have Full Control permission to log off users from other sessions.
Logging off a user from a session without warning can result in loss of data at the user's session. You should send a message to the user by using the msg command to warn the user before taking this action.
If <sessionID>
or <sessionname>
isn't specified, logoff logs the user off from the current session.
After you log off a user, all processes end and the session is deleted from the server.
You can't log off a user from the console session.
To log off a user from the current session, type:
To log off a user from a session by using the session's ID, for example session 12, type:
logoff 12
To log off a user from a session by using the name of the session and server, for example session TERM04 on Server1, type:
logoff TERM04 /server:Server1
Apr 29, 2 PM - Apr 30, 7 PM
Ingħaqad mal-avveniment virtwali aħħari tal-Windows Server 29-30 ta 'April għal sessjonijiet tekniċi deep-dive u Q&A live ma' inġiniera ta 'Microsoft.
Irreġistra issa