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Displays the status of a print queue on a computer running Line printer Daemon (LPD).


lpq -S <servername> -P <printername> [-l]


Parameter Description
-S <servername> Specifies (by name or IP address) the computer or printer sharing device that hosts the LPD print queue with a status that you want to display. This parameter is required and must be capitalized.
-P <Printername> Specifies (by name) the printer for the print queue with a status that you want to display. This parameter is required and must be capitalized.
-l Specifies that you want to display details about the status of the print queue.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.


To display the status of the Laserprinter1 printer queue on an LPD host at, type:

lpq -S -P Laserprinter1