Apr 29, 2 PM - Apr 30, 7 PM
Ingħaqad mal-avveniment virtwali aħħari tal-Windows Server 29-30 ta 'April għal sessjonijiet tekniċi deep-dive u Q&A live ma' inġiniera ta 'Microsoft.
Irreġistra issaDan il-brawżer m'għadux appoġġjat.
Aġġorna għal Microsoft Edge biex tieħu vantaġġ mill-aħħar karatteristiċi, aġġornamenti tas-sigurtà, u appoġġ tekniku.
Dumps the internal tables, thread, and memory information for the NT File Replication Service (NTFRS) from both the local and remote servers. The recovery setting for NTFRS in Service Control Manager (SCM) can be critical to locating and keeping important log events on the computer. This tool provides a convenient method of reviewing those settings.
ntfrsutl ds[<computer>]
ntfrsutl [sets][<computer>]
ntfrsutl [version][<computer>]
ntfrsutl poll[/quickly[=[<n>]]][/slowly[=[<n>]]][/now][<computer>]
Parameter | Description |
idtable | Specifies the ID table. |
configtable | Specifies the FRS configuration table. |
inlog | Specifies the inbound log. |
outlog | Specifies the outbound log. |
<computer> |
Specifies the computer. |
memory | Specifies the memory usage. |
threads | Specifies the memory usage. |
stage | Specifies the memory usage. |
ds | Lists the NTFRS service's view of the DS. |
sets | Specifies the active replica sets. |
version | Specifies the API and NTFRS service versions. |
poll | Specifies the current polling intervals.
/? | Displays help at the command prompt. |
To determine the polling interval for file replication, type:
C:\Program Files\SupportTools>ntfrsutl poll wrkstn-1
To determine the current NTFRS application program interface (API) version, type:
C:\Program Files\SupportTools>ntfrsutl version
Apr 29, 2 PM - Apr 30, 7 PM
Ingħaqad mal-avveniment virtwali aħħari tal-Windows Server 29-30 ta 'April għal sessjonijiet tekniċi deep-dive u Q&A live ma' inġiniera ta 'Microsoft.
Irreġistra issa