Cascadia Code is a new monospaced font from Microsoft that provides a fresh experience for command-line applications and text editors. Cascadia Code was developed alongside Windows Terminal. This font is most recommended to be used with terminal applications and text editors such as Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code.
Cascadia Code versions
There are multiple versions of Cascadia Code available that include ligatures and glyphs. All versions of Cascadia Code can be downloaded from the Cascadia Code GitHub releases page. Windows Terminal ships Cascadia Code and Cascadia Mono in its package and uses Cascadia Mono by default.
Font Name
Includes Ligatures
Includes Powerline Glyphs
Cascadia Code
Cascadia Mono
Cascadia Code PL
Cascadia Mono PL
Powerline and programming ligatures
Powerline is a common command-line plugin that allows you to display additional information in your prompt. It uses a few additional glyphs to display this information properly.
Programming ligatures are glyphs that are created by combining characters. They are most useful when writing code. The "Code" variants include ligatures, whereas the "Mono" variants exclude them.
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Feedback ta’ Windows Terminal
Windows Terminal huwa proġett b’sors miftuħ. Agħżel link biex tipprovdi l-feedback:
In this module, you learn how to use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with Visual Studio Code (VS Code). We explore the installation process and the basics of using WSL. Additionally, we install and utilize the Visual Studio Code WSL extension. Finally, we demonstrate how to debug and run Python code in VS Code within our WSL environment.