Common prerequisites for deploying OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 in Azure

Applies to: ✔️ Linux VMs ✔️ Flexible scale sets

This article describes common prerequisites for deploying OpenShift Container Platform or OKD in Azure.

The installation of OpenShift uses Ansible playbooks. Ansible uses Secure Shell (SSH) to connect to all cluster hosts to complete installation steps.

When ansible makes the SSH connection to the remote hosts, it can't enter a password. For this reason, the private key can't have a password (passphrase) associated with it or deployment fails.

Because the virtual machines (VMs) deploy via Azure Resource Manager templates, the same public key is used for access to all VMs. The corresponding private key must be on the VM that executes all the playbooks as well. To perform this action securely, an Azure key vault is used to pass the private key into the VM.

If there's a need for persistent storage for containers, then persistent volumes are required. OpenShift supports Azure virtual hard disks (VHDs) for persistent volumes, but Azure must first be configured as the cloud provider.

In this model, OpenShift:

  • Creates a VHD object in an Azure storage account or a managed disk.
  • Mounts the VHD to a VM and formats the volume.
  • Mounts the volume to the pod.

For this configuration to work, OpenShift needs permissions to perform these tasks in Azure. A service principal is used for this purpose. The service principal is a security account in Azure Active Directory that is granted permissions to resources.

The service principal needs to have access to the storage accounts and VMs that make up the cluster. If all OpenShift cluster resources deploy to a single resource group, the service principal can be granted permissions to that resource group.

This guide describes how to create the artifacts associated with the prerequisites.

  • Create a key vault to manage SSH keys for the OpenShift cluster.
  • Create a service principal for use by the Azure Cloud Provider.

If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.

Sign in to Azure

Sign in to your Azure subscription with the az login command and follow the on-screen directions, or click Try it to use Cloud Shell.

az login

Create a resource group

Create a resource group with the az group create command. An Azure resource group is a logical container into which Azure resources are deployed and managed. You should use a dedicated resource group to host the key vault. This group is separate from the resource group into which the OpenShift cluster resources deploy.

The following example creates a resource group named keyvaultrg in the eastus location:

az group create --name keyvaultrg --location eastus

Create a key vault

Create a key vault to store the SSH keys for the cluster with the az keyvault create command. The key vault name must be globally unique and must be enabled for template deployment or the deployment will fail with "KeyVaultParameterReferenceSecretRetrieveFailed" error.

The following example creates a key vault named keyvault in the keyvaultrg resource group:

az keyvault create --resource-group keyvaultrg --name keyvault \
       --enabled-for-template-deployment true \
       --location eastus

Create an SSH key

An SSH key is needed to secure access to the OpenShift cluster. Create an SSH key pair by using the ssh-keygen command (on Linux or macOS):

ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/openshift_rsa -t rsa -N ''


Your SSH key pair can't have a password / passphrase.

For more information on SSH keys on Windows, see How to create SSH keys on Windows. Be sure to export the private key in OpenSSH format.

Store the SSH private key in Azure Key Vault

The OpenShift deployment uses the SSH key you created to secure access to the OpenShift master. To enable the deployment to securely retrieve the SSH key, store the key in Key Vault by using the following command:

az keyvault secret set --vault-name keyvault --name keysecret --file ~/.ssh/openshift_rsa

Create a service principal

OpenShift communicates with Azure by using a username and password or a service principal. An Azure service principal is a security identity that you can use with apps, services, and automation tools like OpenShift. You control and define the permissions as to which operations the service principal can perform in Azure. It's best to scope the permissions of the service principal to specific resource groups rather than the entire subscription.

Create a service principal with az ad sp create-for-rbac and output the credentials that OpenShift needs.

The following example creates a service principal and assigns it contributor permissions to a resource group named openshiftrg.

First, create the resource group named openshiftrg:

az group create -l eastus -n openshiftrg

Create service principal:

az group show --name openshiftrg --query id

Save the output of the command and use in place of $scope in next command

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name openshiftsp \
      --role Contributor --scopes $scope \

Take note of the appId property and password returned from the command:

  "appId": "11111111-abcd-1234-efgh-111111111111",
  "displayName": "openshiftsp",
  "name": "http://openshiftsp",
  "password": {Strong Password},


Be sure to write down the secure password as it will not be possible to retrieve this password again.

For more information on service principals, see Create an Azure service principal with Azure CLI.

Prerequisites applicable only to Resource Manager template

Secrets will need to be created for the SSH private key (sshPrivateKey), Azure AD client secret (aadClientSecret), OpenShift admin password (openshiftPassword), and Red Hat Subscription Manager password or activation key (rhsmPasswordOrActivationKey). Additionally, if custom TLS/SSL certificates are used, then six additional secrets will need to be created - routingcafile, routingcertfile, routingkeyfile, mastercafile, mastercertfile, and masterkeyfile. These parameters will be explained in more detail.

The template references specific secret names so you must use the bolded names listed above (case sensitive).

Custom Certificates

By default, the template will deploy an OpenShift cluster using self-signed certificates for the OpenShift web console and the routing domain. If you want to use custom TLS/SSL certificates, set 'routingCertType' to 'custom' and 'masterCertType' to 'custom'. You'll need the CA, Cert, and Key files in .pem format for the certificates. It is possible to use custom certificates for one but not the other.

You'll need to store these files in Key Vault secrets. Use the same Key Vault as the one used for the private key. Rather than require 6 additional inputs for the secret names, the template is hard-coded to use specific secret names for each of the TLS/SSL certificate files. Store the certificate data using the information from the following table.

Secret Name Certificate file
mastercafile master CA file
mastercertfile master CERT file
masterkeyfile master Key file
routingcafile routing CA file
routingcertfile routing CERT file
routingkeyfile routing Key file

Create the secrets using the Azure CLI. Below is an example.

az keyvault secret set --vault-name KeyVaultName -n mastercafile --file ~/certificates/masterca.pem

Next steps

This article covered the following topics:

  • Create a key vault to manage SSH keys for the OpenShift cluster.
  • Create a service principal for use by the Azure Cloud Solution Provider.

Next, deploy an OpenShift cluster: