Use Bing Image Search API to search the Web for images that matches the user's request.
It's easy. If you have your subscription key, just send an HTTP GET request to the following endpoint:
Here's a cURL example that shows you how to call the endpoint using your subscription key. Change the q query parameter to search for whatever images you'd like.
Although that's all the more you need to do to search the Web, Bing does suggest you include a couple of other headers to provide a better search experience for your user. Those headers include:
User-Agent — Lets Bing know whether the user needs a mobile or desktop experience.
X-MSEdge-ClientID — Provides continuity of experience.
X-MSEdge-ClientIP — Provides the user's location for location aware queries.
X-Search-Location — Provides the user's location for location aware queries.
The more information you can provide Bing, the better the search experience will be for your users. To learn more about these headers, see Request headers.
Here's a cURL example that includes these headers.
curl -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: <yourkeygoeshere>" -H "X-MSEdge-ClientID: 00B4230B74496E7A13CC2C1475056FF4" -H "X-MSEdge-ClientIP:" -H "X-Search-Location: lat:55;long:-111;re:22" -A "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.65 Safari/537.36"
Bing returns a couple of headers you should capture.
BingAPIs-TraceId — ID that identifies the request in the log file.
X-MSEdge-ClientID — The ID that you need to pass in subsequent request to provide continuity of experience.
BingAPIs-Market — The market used by Bing for the request.
Here's a cURL call that returns the response headers. If you want to remove the response data so you can see only the headers, include the -o nul parameter.
The only query parameter that you must pass is the q parameter, which you set to the user's query string. You must URL encode the user's query string and all query parameter values that you pass.
The API supports a number of query parameters that you can pass in your request. Here's a list of the ones you're most likely to use.
count and offset — Used to page image results. Read more
mkt — Used to specify the market where the results come from, which is typically the market where the user is making the request from.
safeSearch — Used to specify the user's safe search preference.
To learn more about these parameters and other parameters that you may specify, see Query parameters.
Here's a cURL example that includes these query parameters.
When you query the Web, Bing returns all relevant images that it finds. But what if you're only interested in animated GIFs, images that Bing found in the last week, or images found on a specific site? Simple, just use one or more of the following query parameters to filter the types of images that you want. For more details about these parameters and others, see Filter query parameters.
aspect — Filter images by aspect ratio (for example, standard or wide screen images).
color — Filter images by dominant color or black and white.
freshness — Filter images by age (for example, images that Bing discovered in the past week).
height, width — Filter images by width and height.
imageType — Filter images by type (for example, clip art, animated GIFs, or transparent backgrounds).
license — Filter images by the type of license associated with the site.
size — Filter images by size, such as small images up to 200x200 pixels.
The following example shows how to get animated GIFs that Bing discovered in the past week.
To get images from a specific domain, use the site: query operator in the query string. The response may contain results from other sites depending on the number of relevant results found on the specified site.
The following example gets sailing images found on
Because the site: operator might include adult content regardless of the safeSearch setting, only use site: if you're aware of the content on the domain.
Filter by SafeSearch Setting
The safeSearch query parameter lets you filter images for adult content.
You may set the safeSearch parameter to one of the following values:
Off — Returns images with adult content. The thumbnail images that are clear (non-fuzzy).
Moderate — Does not return images with adult content.
Strict — Does not return images with adult content.
Overview of the search experience for schools, including the custom results available to students and teachers, and the settings available to customize school and web results for your organization.