Entity types used by Bing Web Search API
This section contains the list entity hints that the EntityPresentationInfo object's entityTypeHint
field can be set to. The hints are grouped by category of entities.
- Generic
- Person
- Place
- Media
- Organization
- Attraction
- City
- Continent
- Country
- Hotel
- House
- LocalBusiness
- Locality
- MinorRegion
- Neighborhood
- Other
- PointOfInterest
- PostalCode
- RadioStation
- Region
- Restaurant
- State
- StreetAddress
- SubRegion
- TouristAttraction
- Travel
- Book
- Movie
- TelevisionSeason
- TelevisionShow
- VideoGame
- Event
- Actor
- Artist
- Attorney
- CollegeOrUniversity
- School
- Speciality
- Animal
- Car
- Drug
- Food
- Product
- SportsTeam