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API-referanse for WinUI 2 version 2.5

Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers NamespaceDefines support types for the Microsoft UI Automation infrastructure. Note This namespace requires the Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls NuGet package, a part of the Microsoft Windows UI Library. This documentation applies to WinUI 2 for UWP (for WinUI in the Windows App SDK, see the Windows App SDK namespaces).
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls NamespaceProvides UI controls and classes for creating custom controls. Note This namespace requires the Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls NuGet package, a part of the Microsoft Windows UI Library. This documentation applies to WinUI 2 for UWP (for WinUI in the Windows App SDK, see the Windows App SDK namespaces).
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives NamespaceDefines the components that comprise WinUI controls, or otherwise support the control composition model. Note This namespace requires the Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls NuGet package, a part of the Microsoft Windows UI Library. This documentation applies to WinUI 2 for UWP (for WinUI in the Windows App SDK, see the Windows App SDK namespaces).
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Core.Direct NamespaceProvides a way for middleware authors to access low-level, high-performance XAML APIs and achieve better CPU and working set performance. Note This namespace requires the Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Core.Direct NuGet package, a part of the Microsoft Windows UI Library. This documentation applies to WinUI 2 for UWP (for WinUI in the Windows App SDK, see the Windows App SDK namespaces).
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Media NamespaceProvides brushes, basic media support, and graphics primitives. Note This namespace requires the Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls NuGet package, a part of the Microsoft Windows UI Library. This documentation applies to WinUI 2 for UWP (for WinUI in the Windows App SDK, see the Windows App SDK namespaces).
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.XamlTypeInfo NamespaceProvides support for the XAML schema. Note This namespace requires the Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls NuGet package, a part of the Microsoft Windows UI Library. This documentation applies to WinUI 2 for UWP (for WinUI in the Windows App SDK, see the Windows App SDK namespaces).