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_MeetingItem.SendUsingAccount Property


Returns or sets an Account object that represents the account to use to send the MeetingItem. Read/write.

 property Microsoft::Office::Interop::Outlook::Account ^ SendUsingAccount { Microsoft::Office::Interop::Outlook::Account ^ get(); void set(Microsoft::Office::Interop::Outlook::Account ^ value); };
public Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Account SendUsingAccount { get; set; }
Public Property SendUsingAccount As Account

Property Value


You can use the SendUsingAccount property to specify the account that the Send() method uses to send the MeetingItem. This property returns Nothing (a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) in C#) if the account specified for the MeetingItem no longer exists.

This property is read-only if the MeetingItem is a received item, or if the MeetingItem has already been sent (that is, the Sent property of the object is set to True).

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