Access Policy Provisioning State |
Information about Provisioning state is stored in this table. |
ProvisioningStateId |
Access Policy Resource Type |
Access porlich resource information is stored in this table. |
ResourceTypeId |
Access Policy Set |
Overall information about access policy, policy use case details, and where the policy applied one, etc. are stored in this table. |
AccessPolicySetId (UniqueId), ResourceTypeId (FK), ProvisioningStateId (FK) |
Business Domain |
Business domain name, description, status, and ownership details are published in the Business domain table |
Parent Business Domain ID (FK), Created By User ID (FK), Last Modified By User ID (FK) |
Classification |
Data asset classification information is stored in this table. |
ClassificationId |
Custom Access Use Case |
Access use case information is stored in this table. |
AccessPolicySetId |
Data Asset |
Data asset name, description, and source information is stored in this table. |
DataAssetId (UniqueId), DataAssetTypeId (FK), CreatedByUserId (FK), LastModifiedByUserId (FK) |
Data Asset Column |
Data asset column name, column description, and references are stored in this table. |
DataAssetId (FK), ColumnId (Unique), DataAssetTypeId (FK), DataTypeId (FK), Created By User Id (FK), Last Modified By User Id (FK) |
Data Asset Column Classification Assignment |
Data classification assignment related reference keys are stored in this table. |
DataAssetId (FK), ColumnId (FK), ClassificationId (FK) |
Data Asset Domain Assignment |
Data asset governance domain assignment related information are available in this table. |
DataAssetId (FK), BusinessDomainId (FK), AssignedByUserId (FK) |
Data Asset Owner |
Data asset owner information stored in this table. |
DataAssetOwnerId |
Data Asset Owner Assignment |
Data asset owner assignment information is stored in this table. |
DataAssetId, DataAssetOwnerId |
Data Asset Type Data Type |
Data asset type information is stored in this table. |
DataTypeId (UniqueId), DataAssetTypeId (FK) |
Data Product |
Data product name, description, use cases, status, and other relevant information stored in this table. |
DataProductId (UniqueId), DataProductTypeId (FK), DataProductStatusId (FK), UpdateFrequencyId (FK), CreatedByUserId (FK), LastUpdatedByUserId (FK) |
Data Product Asset Assignment |
Data product and data asset assignment information are stored in this table. |
DataProductId, DataAssetId |
Data Product Business Domain Assignment |
Data product and governance domain assignment information are stored in this table. |
DataProductId (FK), BusinessDomainId (FK), AssignedByUserId (FK) |
Data Product Documentation |
Data product documentation reference information is stored in this table. |
DataProductId, DocumentationId |
Data Product Owner |
Data product owner information is stored in this table. |
DataProductId, DataProductOwnerId |
Data Product Status |
Data product status (like published or draft) related information stored in this table. |
DataProductStatusId |
Data Product Terms Of Use |
Data product usage terms information is stored in this table. |
DataProductId, TermOfUsedId, DataAssetId |
Data Product Type |
The information about data product types - Master, Reference, Operational, etc. are stored in this table. |
DataProductTypeId |
Data Product Update Frequency |
The information about how often this data product's data are updated is stored in this table. |
UpdateFrequencyId |
Data Quality Asset Rule Execution |
Data quality scanning results stored in this table |
RuleId (FK), DataAssetId (FK), JobExecutionId (FK) |
Data Quality Job Execution |
Data quality job execution status is stored in this table. |
JobExecutionId (UniqueId) |
Data Quality Rule |
Information about data quality rules is stored in this table. |
RuleId (UniqueId), RuleTypeId (FK), BusinessDomainId (FK), DataProductId (FK), DataAssetId (FK), JobTypeDisplayName (FK), RuleOriginDisplayName (FK), RuleTargetObjectType (FK), CreatedByUserId (FK), LastUpdatedByUserId (FK) |
Data Quality Rule Column Execution |
Information about data quality rules pass and fail count, data quality score in columns level, and including data quality job execution details are stored in this table. |
RuleId (FK), DataAssetId (FK), ColumnId (FK), JobExecutionId (FK) |
Data Quality Rule Type |
Data quality rule type and associated dimensions are stored in this table. |
RuleTypeId (UniqueId), DimensionDisplayName (FK) |
Data Subscription Request |
Information about data subscribers, policies applied, subscription request status, and other relevant information stored in this table. |
SubscriberRequestId (UniqueId), SubscriberIdentityTypeDisplayName (FK), RequestorIdentityTypeDisplayName (FK), RequestorStatusDisplayName (FK) |
Glossary Term |
Information about glossary term, description, and overall status of the glossary term are stored in this table. |
GlossaryTermId (UniqueId), ParentGlossaryTermId (FK), CreatedByUserId (FK), LastModifiedByUserId (FK) |
Glossary Term Business Domain Assignment |
Information about glossary term governance domain assignment and statuses are stored in this table. |
GlossaryTermId (FK), BusinessDomainId (FK), AssignedByUserId (FK), GlossaryTermStatusId (FK), CreatedByUserId (FK), LastUpdatedByUserId (FK) |
Glossary Term Data Product Assignment |
Information about glossary term data product assignment is stored in this table. |
GlossaryTermId (FK), DataProductId (FK), AssignedByUserId (FK), GlossaryTermStatusId (FK), CreatedByUserId (FK), LastUpdatedByUserId (FK) |
Policy Set Approver |
Policy set and the approver information are stored in this table. |
SubscriberRequestId (FK), AccessPolicySetId (FK), ApproverUserId (FK) |
Relationship |
Information about source type and target information are stored in this table. |
AccountId, SourceId, TargetId |