Troubleshoot issues with table views

This article helps you troubleshoot and resolve issues related to table views.

Issue 1 - Can't see data in certain columns in table views


This issue is occurring due to mismatch of column names between the layoutxml and fetchxml in the view ODATA file (OrgUrl/api/data/Dynamics 365 version/savedqueries(ViewId)).


To resolve this issue, you must remove and add back the column that is causing this issue. This will ensure that the column names in layoutxml and fetchxml are matched.


Before you start resolving the issue, take note of the view for which this issue is occurring.

  1. Go to Settings > Customizations > Customize the System.

  2. Select the Entity > Views and select the view that has this issue. In this example, we're selecting the table Account and view as Accounts Being Followed.

    Choose a view from the table.

  3. Select More Actions > Edit.

    The view edit page opens.

    Open the view edit page to edit a view.

  4. Select the column that is causing the issue and select Remove. In this example, we select the column Email (Primary Contact) to remove.

    Remove a column from view.

    The column is removed from the view.

  5. Add back the column that you've deleted. Select Add Columns and readd the column that you removed. In this example, we're adding the column Email (Primary Contact) that was removed.

    Adding back the removed column.

    The data in the columns is displayed properly.

Issue 2 - Can't see some records in the table views


This issue is occurring due to the filtering of data on a view.


To resolve this issue, you must edit or remove filters for the view. This will ensure that filters are applied properly for the view.


Before you start resolving the issue, take note of the view for which this issue is occurring.

  1. Go to Settings > Customizations > Customize the System.

  2. Select the Entity > Views and select the view that has this issue. In this example, we're selecting the table Account and view as Accounts I Follow.

    Choose the view from the table.

  3. Select More Actions > Edit.

    The view edit page opens.

    Open the view edit page to edit or remove the filters.

  4. Select Edit Filter Criteria and recheck the filter condition either by updating or deleting.

    Update or clear the filter criteria.

    The records in the views are displayed properly.

Issue 3 - Can't see some records in opportunity, quote, order, or invoice subgrids

While working on opportunity, quote, order, or invoice records, you might observe that some records are missing.


You might not see some records because of an error that occurred due to customization done to the subgrid.


To fix the issue of incorrect customization, follow these steps to make sure your subgrid is configured correctly:

  1. In your app, on the nav bar, select the Settings icon, and then select Advanced Settings.

    Advanced Settings link in the Settings menu.

    The Business Management settings page opens in a new browser tab.

  2. On the navigation bar, select Settings, and then under Customization, select Customizations.

  3. Select Customize the System.

  4. Under Components in the solution explorer, expand Entities, expand Opportunity, and then select Forms.

  5. Open the Opportunity form of type Main.

  6. Double-click to select the Connections section in the Product Line Items section.

    Product Line Items subgrid.

    The Set Properties dialog box opens.

    Set properties of Opportunity Products grid.

  7. On the Controls tab, double-click to select Editable Grid.

    Double-click the Editable Grid option.

  8. Make sure that all values are set correctly:

    • Grid View: Opportunity Product Inline Edit View

    • Nested Grid View: Select the pencil icon and fill in the following details:

      Details in the Configure Property dialog box.

      • Table: Opportunity Products
      • View: Opportunity Product Inline Edit View: Bundle Products
    • Nested grid parent ID: parentbundleidref

    • Group by Column: Enabled (Enum)

    • Allow filtering: Enabled (Enum)

    • Hide nested grid column header: Hide Column


      If you're using product bundles and edit these bundled line items in the product grid, select Hide nested grid column header as Show Column.

Issue 4 - Can't set a custom view as the default view for the Existing products field in Add products dialog

To add products to an opportunity, quote, order, or invoice, you select the products from the Existing product lookup field in the Add products dialog. If you change the default view of the lookup field to a custom view, the field doesn't display products from the custom view.


To be able to display products from the selected price list, the lookup always defaults to a system view named Products in Parent Price List. So, even if you change the default, the lookup field will set the default back to the Products in Parent Price List view.


This behavior is working as designed. Though you can't set a default view, you can manually switch to the view in the Existing products lookup field.

The Change view option in add products dialog box.

Issue 5 - Can't update nested bundle items on the Product tab


For an opportunity, when you update nested bundle items on the Product tab, the save icon is disabled. This issue occurs because the header of the nested grid column is hidden under Opportunity Product Inline Edit View in customizations.


To resolve this issue, follow these steps to show the header of the nested grid columns for products on the opportunity form.

  1. In your app, on the nav bar, select the Settings icon, and then select Advanced Settings.

    Advanced Settings on the Settings menu.

    The Business Management settings page opens in a new browser tab.

  2. On the navigation bar, select Settings, and then under Customization, select Customizations.

  3. Select Customize the System.

  4. Under Components in the solution explorer, expand Entities, expand Opportunity, and then select Forms.

  5. Open the Opportunity form of form type Main.

  6. In the Product Line Items section, double-click to select the Opportunity products section.

    Select Opportunity products.

    The Set Properties dialog box opens.

    Set properties of Opportunity Products grid.

  7. On the Controls tab, double-click to select Editable Grid.

    Select Editable Grid on the Controls tab.

  8. In the Editable Grid section, select the pencil icon next to Hide nested grid column header.

    Select Hide nested grid column header.

  9. In the Configure Property dialog box, under Bind to static options, select Show column header.

    Select Show column header in the Configure Property dialog box.

  10. Save and publish the configuration.

Issue 6 - Can't see opportunity records in the legacy web client when you select Opportunities from the site map but you can see them in Unified Interface


Records are shown in the list based on table views. The issue might occur when there's no public view marked as the default view for a table.


Select one of the public views of the table as default. This ensures the views are displayed as expected. To learn how to make a view as your default view, see Specify a model-driven app default view


If you still can't see the records, clear the browser cache and try again.