What happens when you provision a computer (WDK 8.1)
Using Microsoft Visual Studio to configure and set up driver deployment and driver testing is called provisioning a target computer or provisioning a test computer. For information about provisioning, see Provision a computer for driver deployment and testing (WDK 8.1). Here we show what happens when you use version 8.1 of the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) to provision a target computer.
When you provision a computer (WDK 8.1)
Provisioning a computer performs the following tasks:
Copies installation files to %SystemDrive%\DriverTest
Creates a user named WDKRemoteUser and switches to that user
Sets the power policy to a high power configuration, which prevents the system from entering Standby or Hibernate Mode when idle
Enables the RTC Wake timer
Enables and configures kernel debugging
Enables test signing of drivers
Reboots the target computer if necessary
Creates a system restore point
Removing provisioning from the target computer
Once you have provisioned a target computer, you cannot completely remove the provisioning. However, you can remove most of the provisioning from the target computer by using Visual Studio on the host computer. Here are the steps.
On the host computer, in Visual Studio, on the Driver menu, choose Test > Configure Computers.
Select the name of the target computer, and select Delete computer.
Select Remove provisioning and delete computer. Select Next.
When the removal process is complete, select Finish.
Uninstall WDK Test Target Setup from the target computer.
When you remove provisioning (WDK 8.1)
When you remove provisioning from the target computer, these items are removed:
Test Automation Framework
Windows Driver Testing Framework
%SystemDrive%\DriverTest folder and contents
WDKRemoteUser account
Workstation lock policy
Removing provisioning does not change these items:
Use dynamic provisioning methods such as Subscription Activation, Provisioning packages, and Microsoft Entra join to reconfigure an existing operating system.
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Learn how the Microsoft Windows Device Testing Framework (WDTF) enables you to create, manage, reuse, and extend device-centric, scenario-based automated tests.