A GUID identifying the client application authorized to retrieve OAuth tokens from the OAuthAuthority.
Specifies the GUID of a client application authorized to retrieve OAuth tokens from the OAuthAuthority. This policy must target ./User, otherwise it fails.
Supported datatype is string.
The default value is an empty string. Otherwise, the value should contain a GUID.
Description framework properties:
Property name
Property value
chr (string)
Access Type
Add, Delete, Get, Replace
Applicable OS
❌ Device ✅ User
✅ Pro ✅ Enterprise ✅ Education ✅ Windows SE ✅ IoT Enterprise / IoT Enterprise LTSC
Resource URI for which access is being requested by the Enterprise Cloud Print client during OAuth authentication.
Specifies the per-user resource URL for which access is requested by the enterprise cloud print client during OAuth authentication. This policy must target ./User, otherwise it fails.
Supported datatype is string.
The default value is an empty string. Otherwise, the value should contain a URL.
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