This policy setting decides if crash dump collection on the machine is allowed or not. Supported values: 0 - Disable crash dump collection. 1 (default) - Allow crash dump collection.
Description framework properties:
Property name
Property value
Access Type
Add, Delete, Get, Replace
Default Value
Allowed values:
Disable crash dump collection.
1 (Default)
Allow crash dump collection.
Applicable OS
✅ Device ❌ User
✅ Pro ✅ Enterprise ✅ Education ✅ Windows SE ✅ IoT Enterprise / IoT Enterprise LTSC
This policy setting decides if live dump collection on the machine is allowed or not. Supported values: 0 - Disable live dump collection. 1 (default) - Allow live dump collection.
Bruk Web App Down, Crash Monitoring og Ask Genie for feilsøking. Bruk disse verktøyene til å overvåke program- og plattformtilgjengelighet, identifisere ubehandlede unntak, fange opp minnedumper og oppringingsstakker og finne områder for undersøkelse og diagnostikk.
Learn how the DMSessionActions configuration service provider (CSP) is used to manage the number of sessions the client skips if the device is in a low-power state.
Learn how the Win32CompatibilityAppraiser configuration service provider enables the IT admin to query the current status of the Appraiser and UTC telemetry health.