/backward_compat Switch
The /backward_compat switch directs the MIDL compiler to turn off some advanced features when generating RPC/COM stubs.
midl /backward_compat { maybenull_sizeis | zeroout_alignmentgap |
BSTR_byvalue_escaping | string_defaultvalue | signed_wchar_t }
- Applies the [disable_consistency_check] attribute to an entire MIDL compilation.
- Turns off zeroing out gaps in the marshaled buffer.
- Directs the MIDL compiler to honor escape sequences such as ‘\n’ or ‘\t’ in BSTRs.
- Forces the MIDL compiler to coerce strings in [defaultvalue] attributes into VARIANT.VT_I4 type before coercing the value into the correct type.
- Directs MIDL to treat the wchar_t type as signed for compatibility with Visual Basic.
maybenull_sizeis: See [disable_consistency_check].
zeroout_alignmentgap: When IDLs are compiled with –target NT60 or higher, MIDL will create stubs that zero out any alignment gaps between members or a structure in the wire buffer. The command line switch /backward_compat zeroout_alignmentgap directs MIDL to disable this feature.
In the following example structure, the wire buffer contains a 7 byte alignment gap to align the hyper member to 8 after the char member. With –target NT60 or higher, MIDL will zero out that gap unless the switch is used.
IDL file:
syntaxtypedef struct _structwithgaps{ char c; // 7 byte gap to align the following hyper to 8 hyper h; } structwithgap;
This switch can provide a slight performance improvement with potentially significant increases in disclosure risk.
BSTR_byvalue_escaping: By default, the MIDL compiler does not process escape sequences such as ‘\n’ or ‘\t’ in string constants for OLE Automation when converting a string constant to types VT_LPSTR or VT_LPWSTR. With this backward compatibility switch option, the escape sequences are evaluated.
string_defaultvalue: Forces the MIDL compiler to coerce numeric strings in [defaultvalue] attributes into VARIANT.VT_I4 type before coercing the value into the correct type. This can lead to loss of precision in some cases, so this switch option is not recommended.
signed_wchar_t: Directs MIDL to treat the wchar_t type as signed for compatibility with Visual Basic.