/backward_compat Switch

The /backward_compat switch directs the MIDL compiler to turn off some advanced features when generating RPC/COM stubs.

midl /backward_compat { maybenull_sizeis | zeroout_alignmentgap | 
     BSTR_byvalue_escaping | string_defaultvalue | signed_wchar_t }

Switch Options


Applies the [disable_consistency_check] attribute to an entire MIDL compilation.


Turns off zeroing out gaps in the marshaled buffer.


Directs the MIDL compiler to honor escape sequences such as ‘\n’ or ‘\t’ in BSTRs.


Forces the MIDL compiler to coerce strings in [defaultvalue] attributes into VARIANT.VT_I4 type before coercing the value into the correct type.


Directs MIDL to treat the wchar_t type as signed for compatibility with Visual Basic.


  • maybenull_sizeis: See [disable_consistency_check].

  • zeroout_alignmentgap: When IDLs are compiled with –target NT60 or higher, MIDL will create stubs that zero out any alignment gaps between members or a structure in the wire buffer. The command line switch /backward_compat zeroout_alignmentgap directs MIDL to disable this feature.

    In the following example structure, the wire buffer contains a 7 byte alignment gap to align the hyper member to 8 after the char member. With –target NT60 or higher, MIDL will zero out that gap unless the switch is used.

    IDL file:

    typedef struct _structwithgaps{
        char c;
        // 7 byte gap to align the following hyper to 8 
        hyper h;
    } structwithgap;

    This switch can provide a slight performance improvement with potentially significant increases in disclosure risk.

  • BSTR_byvalue_escaping: By default, the MIDL compiler does not process escape sequences such as ‘\n’ or ‘\t’ in string constants for OLE Automation when converting a string constant to types VT_LPSTR or VT_LPWSTR. With this backward compatibility switch option, the escape sequences are evaluated.

  • string_defaultvalue: Forces the MIDL compiler to coerce numeric strings in [defaultvalue] attributes into VARIANT.VT_I4 type before coercing the value into the correct type. This can lead to loss of precision in some cases, so this switch option is not recommended.

  • signed_wchar_t: Directs MIDL to treat the wchar_t type as signed for compatibility with Visual Basic.