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About ISpecifyPropertyPages (deprecated)

This page documents a feature that may be unavailable in future versions of Windows Media Player and the Windows Media Player SDK.

If a rendering plug-in provides a property page, the plug-in must implement the ISpecifyPropertyPages interface. This interface contains only one method: ISpecifyPropertyPages::GetPages. This is the method that associates the property page with the rendering plug-in. Windows Media Player calls this method when the user invokes the property page, passing a parameter of type CAUUID, which is a counted array of GUIDs. The sample plug-in implementation of GetPages fills this structure with a single GUID that is the class ID of the plug-in property page object. Windows Media Player then uses the class id to create the property page object.

You might notice that the sample implementation of GetPages uses CoTaskMemAlloc to allocate memory for the GUID structure. It is the responsibility of the caller, in this case Windows Media Player, to use CoTaskMemFree to release the memory. For details about the CAUUID structure, see the Platform SDK documentation.

Implementing the Property Page for a Rendering Plug-in (deprecated)