Enables or disables the placement of line status and modem status values into the regular data stream that an application acquires through the ReadFile function.
When this line-status and modem-status data placement mode is enabled, status values are preceded in the data stream by an escape character. The user-definable escape character is set by the IOCTL_SERIAL_LSRMST_INSERT control code. See the Remarks section for status value details.
To perform this operation, call the DeviceIoControl function with the following parameters.
BOOL DeviceIoControl(
(HANDLE) hDevice, // handle to device
(LPVOID) lpInBuffer, // input buffer
(DWORD) nInBufferSize, // size of input buffer
NULL, // lpOutBuffer
0, // nOutBufferSize
(LPDWORD) lpBytesReturned, // number of bytes returned
(LPOVERLAPPED) lpOverlapped // OVERLAPPED structure
An application that uses this scheme must examine each character in the data stream to determine the presence of modem-status or line-status data.
The following values follow the designated escape character in the data stream if the LSRMST_INSERT mode has been turned on.
Value | Meaning |
SERIAL_LSRMST_ESCAPE | Indicates the reception of the escape character itself into the data stream. |
SERIAL_LSRMST_LSR_DATA | Indicates that a line status change occurred, and data was available in the receive hardware buffer. Following this BYTE is a BYTE value of the line status register is the BYTE present in the receive hardware buffer when the line status change was processed. |
SERIAL_LSRMST_LSR_NODATA | Indicates that a line status change occurred, but no data was available in the receive hardware buffer. |
SERIAL_LSRMST_MST | Indicates that a modem status change occurred. Following this BYTE is a BYTE that is the value of the modem status register when the modem status change was processed. |
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | Windows XP |
Minimum supported server | Windows Server 2003 |
Header | winioctl.h (include Windows.h) |