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Machine learning-entiteit


LUIS wordt op 1 oktober 2025 buiten gebruik gesteld en vanaf 1 april 2023 kunt u geen nieuwe LUIS-resources maken. We raden u aan uw LUIS-toepassingen te migreren naar gesprekstaalbegrip om te profiteren van continue productondersteuning en meertalige mogelijkheden.

De machine learning-entiteit is de voorkeursentiteit voor het bouwen van LUIS-toepassingen.

Voorbeeld van JSON

Stel dat de app pizzaorders accepteert, zoals de zelfstudie over de decomposeerbare entiteit. Elke bestelling kan verschillende pizza's bevatten, inclusief verschillende maten.

Hier zijn enkele voorbeelden van utterances:

Voorbeelduitingen voor pizza-app
Can I get a pepperoni pizza and a can of coke please
can I get a small pizza with onions peppers and olives
pickup an extra large meat lovers pizza

Omdat een machine learning-entiteit veel subentiteiten met vereiste functies kan hebben, is dit slechts een voorbeeld. Het moet worden beschouwd als een handleiding voor wat uw entiteit retourneert.

Houd rekening met de query:

deliver 1 large cheese pizza on thin crust and 2 medium pepperoni pizzas on deep dish crust

Dit is de JSON als verbose=false deze is ingesteld in de querytekenreeks:

"entities": {
    "Order": [
            "FullPizzaWithModifiers": [
                    "PizzaType": [
                        "cheese pizza"
                    "Size": [
                    "Quantity": [
                    "PizzaType": [
                        "pepperoni pizzas"
                    "Size": [
                    "Quantity": [
                    "Crust": [
                            "Deep Dish"
    "ToppingList": [
    "CrustList": [

Dit is de JSON als verbose=true deze is ingesteld in de querytekenreeks:

"entities": {
    "Order": [
            "FullPizzaWithModifiers": [
                    "PizzaType": [
                        "cheese pizza"
                    "Size": [
                    "Quantity": [
                    "$instance": {
                        "PizzaType": [
                                "type": "PizzaType",
                                "text": "cheese pizza",
                                "startIndex": 16,
                                "length": 12,
                                "score": 0.999998868,
                                "modelTypeId": 1,
                                "modelType": "Entity Extractor",
                                "recognitionSources": [
                        "Size": [
                                "type": "SizeList",
                                "text": "large",
                                "startIndex": 10,
                                "length": 5,
                                "score": 0.998720646,
                                "modelTypeId": 1,
                                "modelType": "Entity Extractor",
                                "recognitionSources": [
                        "Quantity": [
                                "type": "builtin.number",
                                "text": "1",
                                "startIndex": 8,
                                "length": 1,
                                "score": 0.999878645,
                                "modelTypeId": 1,
                                "modelType": "Entity Extractor",
                                "recognitionSources": [
                    "PizzaType": [
                        "pepperoni pizzas"
                    "Size": [
                    "Quantity": [
                    "Crust": [
                            "Deep Dish"
                    "$instance": {
                        "PizzaType": [
                                "type": "PizzaType",
                                "text": "pepperoni pizzas",
                                "startIndex": 56,
                                "length": 16,
                                "score": 0.999987066,
                                "modelTypeId": 1,
                                "modelType": "Entity Extractor",
                                "recognitionSources": [
                        "Size": [
                                "type": "SizeList",
                                "text": "medium",
                                "startIndex": 49,
                                "length": 6,
                                "score": 0.999841452,
                                "modelTypeId": 1,
                                "modelType": "Entity Extractor",
                                "recognitionSources": [
                        "Quantity": [
                                "type": "builtin.number",
                                "text": "2",
                                "startIndex": 47,
                                "length": 1,
                                "score": 0.9996054,
                                "modelTypeId": 1,
                                "modelType": "Entity Extractor",
                                "recognitionSources": [
                        "Crust": [
                                "type": "CrustList",
                                "text": "deep dish crust",
                                "startIndex": 76,
                                "length": 15,
                                "score": 0.761551,
                                "modelTypeId": 1,
                                "modelType": "Entity Extractor",
                                "recognitionSources": [
            "$instance": {
                "FullPizzaWithModifiers": [
                        "type": "FullPizzaWithModifiers",
                        "text": "1 large cheese pizza on thin crust",
                        "startIndex": 8,
                        "length": 34,
                        "score": 0.616001546,
                        "modelTypeId": 1,
                        "modelType": "Entity Extractor",
                        "recognitionSources": [
                        "type": "FullPizzaWithModifiers",
                        "text": "2 medium pepperoni pizzas on deep dish crust",
                        "startIndex": 47,
                        "length": 44,
                        "score": 0.7395033,
                        "modelTypeId": 1,
                        "modelType": "Entity Extractor",
                        "recognitionSources": [
    "ToppingList": [
    "CrustList": [
    "$instance": {
        "Order": [
                "type": "Order",
                "text": "1 large cheese pizza on thin crust and 2 medium pepperoni pizzas on deep dish crust",
                "startIndex": 8,
                "length": 83,
                "score": 0.6881274,
                "modelTypeId": 1,
                "modelType": "Entity Extractor",
                "recognitionSources": [
        "ToppingList": [
                "type": "ToppingList",
                "text": "cheese",
                "startIndex": 16,
                "length": 6,
                "modelTypeId": 5,
                "modelType": "List Entity Extractor",
                "recognitionSources": [
                "type": "ToppingList",
                "text": "pepperoni",
                "startIndex": 56,
                "length": 9,
                "modelTypeId": 5,
                "modelType": "List Entity Extractor",
                "recognitionSources": [
        "CrustList": [
                "type": "CrustList",
                "text": "thin crust",
                "startIndex": 32,
                "length": 10,
                "modelTypeId": 5,
                "modelType": "List Entity Extractor",
                "recognitionSources": [

Volgende stappen

Meer informatie over de machine learning-entiteit, waaronder een zelfstudie, concepten en instructiegids.

Meer informatie over de lijstentiteit en de entiteit reguliere expressie .