
Delen via


Cassandra general logging messages (system.log).

Table attributes

Attribute Value
Resource types microsoft.documentdb/cassandraclusters
Categories -
Solutions LogManagement
Basic log No
Ingestion-time transformation No
Sample Queries Yes


Column Type Description
AddressIp string IP address of the node that generated the logging event.
_BilledSize real The record size in bytes
CassandraKey string Cassandra key.
CassandraKeyspace string Cassandra keyspace.
CassandraTable string Cassandra table.
ClusterName string Cluster name.
CodeCacheAfter long Code cache after garbage collection (in bytes). Code cache stores native code generated by JVM.
CodeCacheBefore long Code cache before garbage collection (in bytes). Code cache stores native code generated by JVM.
Collections int The number of garbage collections.
CompressedClassSpaceAfter long Compressed class space after garbage collection (in bytes). Compressed class space stores class information referred to by the objects in the JavaHeap.
CompressedClassSpaceBefore long Compressed class space before garbage collection (in bytes). Compressed class space stores class information referred to by the objects in the JavaHeap.
DeletionInfo string Deletion info.
DroppedCrossNodeTimeout int The number of messages dropped due to cross node timeout in last 5000ms.
DroppedInternalTimeout int The number of messages dropped due to internal timeout in last 5000ms.
DroppedMessages int The number of messages dropped in last 5000ms.
DroppedMessagesType string The type of messages dropped in last 5000ms.
DurationMs int Duration.
EdenSpaceAfter long Eden space after garbage collection (in bytes). Eden space is the memory region where objects are allocated when they are created.
EdenSpaceBefore long Eden space before garbage collection (in bytes). Eden space is the memory region where objects are allocated when they are created.
Endpoint string IP address of an endpoint.
EventCategory string Category of the logging event, e.g. startup, garbage_collection, compaction.
EventProduct string Product of the logging event, e.g. cassandra, dse, solr.
EventType string type of the logging event, e.g. commit_log_replay_skipped, unknown_table.
Exception string Throwable trace bound to the logging event, by default this will output the full trace as one would normally find with a call to Throwable.printStackTrace().
GCType string The type of garbage collection, e.g. ParNew, MarkSweepCompact, G1 Old.
HostId string The GUID assigned in the Cassandra cluster to uniquely identify this node. See the system.local table or nodetool status to find information about the host by its HostId.
_IsBillable string Specifies whether ingesting the data is billable. When _IsBillable is false ingestion isn't billed to your Azure account
Level string Severity level of the event, will be one of INFO, WARM, ERROR, or OFF.
LiveCells int The number of live cells.
MaxMemory long The maximum amount of memory (in bytes) that can be used for memory management.
Message string Application supplied message associated with the logging event.
MetaspaceAfter long Metaspace after garbage collection (in bytes). Metaspace stores classes metadata.
MetaspaceBefore long Metaspace before garbage collection (in bytes). Metaspace stores classes metadata.
OldGenAfter long Old Generation after garbage collection (in bytes). Old Generation is used to store long surviving objects.
OldGenBefore long Old Generation before garbage collection (in bytes). Old Generation is used to store long surviving objects.
PartitionKey string Partition key.
PartitionSize int Partition size.
PendingTasks int The number of pending tasks in gossip stage.
PercentFull real The percentage of full heap.
PermGenAfter long Permanent Generation space after garbage collection (in bytes). Permanent generation stores classes metadata (renamed to Metaspace in Java 8).
PermGenBefore long Permanent Generation space before garbage collection (in bytes). Permanent generation stores classes metadata (renamed to Metaspace in Java 8).
RequestedColumns int The number of columns requested.
_ResourceId string A unique identifier for the resource that the record is associated with
SessionId string Unique string identifying what query was running when this log was emitted. Use SHOW SESSION <SessionId> to find details of the query's activity.
SliceEnd string The end of the the column slice inclusive.
SliceStart string The start of the column slice inclusive.
SourceFile string File name where the logging request was issued.
SourceLine int Line number where the logging request was issued.
SourceSystem string The type of agent the event was collected by. For example, OpsManager for Windows agent, either direct connect or Operations Manager, Linux for all Linux agents, or Azure for Azure Diagnostics
SSTableName string SSTable name.
_SubscriptionId string A unique identifier for the subscription that the record is associated with
SurvivorSpaceAfter long Survivor space after garbage collection (in bytes). Survivor space stores the objects that have survived the garbage collection of the Eden space.
SurvivorSpaceBefore long Survivor space before garbage collection (in bytes). Survivor space stores the objects that have survived the garbage collection of the Eden space.
TenantId string The Log Analytics workspace ID
ThreadId string ID of the thread that generated the logging event.
ThreadName string Name of the thread that generated the logging event.
TimeGenerated datetime Date and time the record was created.
TombstonedCells int The number of tombstoned cells.
Type string The name of the table
UsedMemory long The amount of memory currently used (in bytes).