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API-naslag voor .NET MAUI version 8

Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView NamespaceProvides shared enums and classes that enable BlazorWebView support across supported platforms.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.Maui NamespaceProvides interfaces and classes that enable BlazorWebView support for .NET MAUI.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.WindowsForms NamespaceProvides interfaces and classes that enable BlazorWebView support for WinForms.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.Wpf NamespaceProvides interfaces and classes that enable BlazorWebView support for WPF.
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection NamespaceProvides the classes and extension methods to enable BlazorWebView through the AppHostBuilder.
Microsoft.Maui NamespaceProvides interfaces, classes and supporting types that are common across all .NET MAUI functionalities.
Microsoft.Maui.Accessibility NamespaceProvides interfaces and classes that enable accessibility.
Microsoft.Maui.Animations NamespaceProvides interfaces and classes that enable the animations.
Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel NamespaceProvides common interfaces, classes and enums that support the application model.
Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.Communication NamespaceProvides interfaces and classes for communication APIs such as accessing contacts, sending emails or SMS messages and the phone dialer.
Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer NamespaceProvides interfaces and classes that enable you to use data transfer APIs. For instance to access the clipboard or initiate a file share request on the operating system.
Microsoft.Maui.Authentication NamespaceProvides interfaces and classes to enable authentication scenarios.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls NamespaceProvides all the common layouts an controls classes and everything that goes with it.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility NamespaceProvides layouts and controls for compatibility with Xamarin.Forms.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.Hosting NamespaceProvides classes to enable compatibility scenarios through the AppHostBuilder.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Foldable NamespaceProvides classes and supporting types to work with foldable devices. Foldable devices meaning (mostly) mobile devices that have a way of folding the physical device.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Handlers NamespaceProvides interfaces and classes for the handlers that form the bridge between the .NET MAUI abstract controls and the platform controls.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Handlers.Items NamespaceProvides the handler classes for the ItemsView and descendants (like CarouselView and CollectionView).
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting NamespaceProvides the classes and extension methods to enable the AppHostBuilder.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals NamespaceProvides classes and supporting types that are used internally by the controls and layouts.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Maps NamespaceProvides classes and supporting types to work with maps.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform NamespaceProvides classes that enable platform specific functionalities for controls.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration NamespaceProvides marker classes that identify each supported target platform to use with platform specific functionality.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific NamespaceProvides classes to support platform specific functionality for Android.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.AppCompat NamespaceProvides classes to support platform specific functionality for Android AppCompat.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.GTKSpecific NamespaceProvides classes to support platform specific functionality for GTK.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.TizenSpecific NamespaceProvides classes to support platform specific functionality for Tizen.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.WindowsSpecific NamespaceProvides classes to support platform specific functionality for Windows.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.iOSSpecific NamespaceProvides classes to support platform specific functionality for iOS.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.macOSSpecific NamespaceProvides classes to support platform specific functionality for macOS.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shapes NamespaceProvides classes and supporting types to work with shapes and transformations.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StyleSheets NamespaceProvides classes that enable working with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml NamespaceProvides interfaces and classed that form the XAML binding and parsing engine.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.Diagnostics NamespaceProvides classes to support diagnostics scenarios for the XAML binding engine.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.Internals NamespaceProvides classes and interfaces to support the internals of the XAML binding and parsing engine.
Microsoft.Maui.Converters NamespaceProvides classes that are TypeConverters, used to convert mostly string values in XAML to strongly typed objects in code.
Microsoft.Maui.Devices NamespaceProvides interfaces, classes and supporting types to work with common device functionality across all supported platforms. E.g. battery, vibration, flashlight, etc.
Microsoft.Maui.Devices.Sensors NamespaceProvides interfaces, classes and supporting types to work with device sensors across all supported platforms. E.g. accelerometer, compass, geolocation, etc.
Microsoft.Maui.Dispatching NamespaceProvides interfaces and classes to enable the event message dispatcher in .NET MAUI.
Microsoft.Maui.Embedding NamespaceProvides functionality to enable embedding of platform controls in .NET MAUI.
Microsoft.Maui.Foldable NamespaceProvides classes to support foldable devices in .NET MAUI.
Microsoft.Maui.Graphics NamespaceProvides interfaces, classes and supporting types for .NET MAUI Graphics; the abstracted, unified drawing APIs that work cross-platform.
Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Converters NamespaceProvides classes that are TypeConverters, used to convert mostly string values in XAML to strongly typed objects in code for .NET MAUI Graphics.
Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform NamespaceProvides interfaces and classes for .NET MAUI Graphics with platform specific functionality like manipulating images.
Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Skia NamespaceProvides classes to enable Skia support.
Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Text NamespaceProvides interfaces, classes and supporting types for working with text in .NET MAUI Graphics.
Microsoft.Maui.Handlers NamespaceProvides interfaces and classes for the handlers that form the bridge between the .NET MAUI abstract controls and the platform controls.
Microsoft.Maui.Hosting NamespaceProvides interfaces and classes with functionality for configuration your .NET MAUI application through the AppHostBuilder.
Microsoft.Maui.HotReload NamespaceProvides interfaces and classes that enable Hot Reload support.
Microsoft.Maui.Layouts NamespaceProvides interfaces, classes and supporting types for the layouts.
Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents NamespaceProvides interfaces and classes to enable the platform specific lifecycle events configuration in the AppHostBuilder.
Microsoft.Maui.Maps NamespaceProvides all the common types used for maps.
Microsoft.Maui.Maps.Handlers NamespaceProvides interfaces and classes for the handlers that form the bridge between the .NET MAUI abstract controls and the platform controls for the maps control.
Microsoft.Maui.Media NamespaceProvides interfaces, classes and supporting types to work with media across all supported platforms. E.g. pick an image, take a screenshot, use text-to-speech, etc.
Microsoft.Maui.Networking NamespaceProvides interfaces, classes and supporting types to work with network and connectivity APIs across all supported platforms.
Microsoft.Maui.Platform NamespaceProvides classes that enable platform specific functionalities.
Microsoft.Maui.Primitives NamespaceProvides primitive types.
Microsoft.Maui.Storage NamespaceProvides interfaces, classes and supporting types to work with storage on devices across all supported platforms (e.g. pick a file, save preferences, use secure storage, etc.).