eDiscovery is a federated query web service that enables external applications, such as SharePoint 2013, to perform queries of Exchange data. Discovery consists of several phases, including identifying and preserving key data, culling down and reviewing the data, and producing data in court. eDiscovery queries facilitate the discovery process by providing a single discovery workflow across Exchange and SharePoint.
Table 2. EWS operations and EWS Managed API methods for working with eDiscovery
Gets details about items that cannot be indexed. This includes, but is not limited to, the item identifier, an error code, an error description, when an attempt was made to index the item, and additional information about the item.
Archive mailboxes are secondary mailboxes that are associated with a user. Archive mailboxes are typically used to manage email storage limits. For example, older email items might periodically be moved from the Inbox to the archive mailbox.
Exchange introduces two new EWS operations that you can use to archive a set of mail items from a primary mailbox. Archiving Inbox items in this way preserves the folder hierarchy of the items. In addition, archive mailboxes can now be stored either locally on a client, or remotely, in a way that is mostly opaque to a user, by using a folder path to point to the contents of the archive.
Table 3. EWS operations and EWS Managed API methods for working with archiving
Creates a folder hierarchy in a primary or archive mailbox.
Personas in EWS
A persona is a collection of data that is associated with an individual. The data can come from one or more sources and is associated with the persona by means of a common link ID. Personas in EWS enable you to link, search, browse, and retrieve information about a person from multiple sources and organize that information into a single logical entity. Personas differ from contacts in that a contact is a collection of data from a single source that is associated with an individual; for example, a personal Outlook contact or an entry in a global address list (GAL).
The EWS Managed API does not implement this functionality.
The Unified Contact Store also exposes persona functionality by means of the operations that support that feature.
The Unified Contact Store is a feature that provides a consistent contact experience across Office products and acts as an integration point for third-party applications to use the same contact store. It allows users and applications to store, manage, and access contact information and make it available globally among Lync, Exchange 2013, Outlook, Outlook Web App and any other application that implements access to the Unified Contact Store. Exchange is the contact store for the Unified Contact Store experience.
The EWS Managed API does not implement this functionality.
Table 5. EWS operations for working with the Unified Contact Store
Retention policies are policies that are used in Exchange to group one or more retention tags, to apply retention settings to folders or individual items such as email and voice mail messages, and to apply retention settings to a mailbox.
Exchange includes three types of retention tags:
Default policy tags that apply to mailbox items that have no other type of retention tag applied.
System folder policy tags that are applied to default folders such as the Inbox.
Personal tags that a user can apply to folders they create or to individual items.
Only one retention policy can be assigned to a mailbox, but the policy can have one or more retention tags of various types linked to it. Retention tags can be linked to or unlinked from a retention policy at any time. EWS in Exchange exposes a new operation, GetUserRetentionPolicyTags, and the EWS Managed API implements a new method, ExchangeService.GetUserRetentionPolicyTags(), that provides a list of all the tags that are linked to a retention policy. You can set and retrieve retention policy tags for items and folders by using the CreateItem, CreateFolder, UpdateItem, UpdateFolder, GetItem, and GetFolder operations.
Requesting user photos
You can request user photos from the Exchange server by using one of the two implementations of the GetUserPhoto operation: REST or SOAP. The REST endpoint uses a standard HTTPS GET request to get the user photo. The service will either return a user photo stored in Exchange or a photo from Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS).
The EWS Managed API does not implement this functionality. You can, however, use the EWS Managed API to return user photos that are stored in a mailbox by getting the photo that is attached to a contact.
The propose new time feature was introduced in version 15.00.0800.007 of Exchange. This allows meeting attendees to propose new meeting times to the meeting organizer.
The EWS Managed API does not implement this functionality.
Demonstreert dat u de vaardigheden hebt die nodig zijn om optimaal gebruik te maken van Outlook 2016 door een MOS-certificering (Microsoft Office Specialist) te verdienen.
Use the EWS Managed API, EWS, Autodiscover, and other web services in Exchange to create solutions for managing business email, calendar, and contacts on desktop and mobile devices and online.
EWS implements new functionality in new product releases. Use the information in this article to determine whether the version of Exchange you're targeting includes support for the data or features you need access to.
If you're migrating from an earlier version of Exchange, use the information in this article to find out which development technologies are supported in current product versions, and which technology to migrate to.