HealthcareFhirResourceType Class

public final class HealthcareFhirResourceType
extends ExpandableStringEnum<HealthcareFhirResourceType>

Schema of FHIR resource type enumeration.

Field Summary

Modifier and Type Field and Description
static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ACCOUNT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ACTIVITY_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ADVERSE_EVENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ALLERGY_INTOLERANCE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType APPOINTMENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType APPOINTMENT_RESPONSE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType AUDIT_EVENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType BASIC

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType BINARY

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType BIOLOGICALLY_DERIVED_PRODUCT

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType BODY_SITE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType BODY_STRUCTURE

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType BUNDLE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CAPABILITY_STATEMENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CARE_PLAN

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CARE_TEAM

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CATALOG_ENTRY

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CHARGE_ITEM

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CHARGE_ITEM_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CLAIM

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CLAIM_RESPONSE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CLINICAL_IMPRESSION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CODE_SYSTEM

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType COMMUNICATION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType COMMUNICATION_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType COMPARTMENT_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType COMPOSITION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CONCEPT_MAP

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CONDITION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CONSENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CONTRACT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType COVERAGE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType COVERAGE_ELIGIBILITY_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType COVERAGE_ELIGIBILITY_RESPONSE

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DATA_ELEMENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DETECTED_ISSUE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DEVICE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DEVICE_COMPONENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DEVICE_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DEVICE_METRIC

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DEVICE_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DEVICE_USE_STATEMENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DIAGNOSTIC_REPORT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DOCUMENT_MANIFEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DOCUMENT_REFERENCE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DOMAIN_RESOURCE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType EFFECT_EVIDENCE_SYNTHESIS

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ELIGIBILITY_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ELIGIBILITY_RESPONSE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ENCOUNTER

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ENDPOINT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ENROLLMENT_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ENROLLMENT_RESPONSE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType EPISODE_OF_CARE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType EVENT_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType EVIDENCE

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType EVIDENCE_VARIABLE

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType EXAMPLE_SCENARIO

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType EXPANSION_PROFILE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType EXPLANATION_OF_BENEFIT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType FAMILY_MEMBER_HISTORY

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType FLAG

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType GOAL

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType GRAPH_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType GROUP

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType GUIDANCE_RESPONSE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType HEALTHCARE_SERVICE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType IMAGING_MANIFEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType IMAGING_STUDY

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType IMMUNIZATION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType IMMUNIZATION_EVALUATION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType IMMUNIZATION_RECOMMENDATION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType IMPLEMENTATION_GUIDE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType INSURANCE_PLAN

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType INVOICE

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType LIBRARY

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType LINKAGE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType LIST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType LOCATION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEASURE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEASURE_REPORT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDIA

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICATION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICATION_ADMINISTRATION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICATION_DISPENSE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICATION_KNOWLEDGE

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICATION_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICATION_STATEMENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICINAL_PRODUCT

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICINAL_PRODUCT_AUTHORIZATION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICINAL_PRODUCT_CONTRAINDICATION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICINAL_PRODUCT_INDICATION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICINAL_PRODUCT_INGREDIENT

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICINAL_PRODUCT_INTERACTION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICINAL_PRODUCT_MANUFACTURED

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICINAL_PRODUCT_PACKAGED

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICINAL_PRODUCT_PHARMACEUTICAL

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICINAL_PRODUCT_UNDESIRABLE_EFFECT

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MESSAGE_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MESSAGE_HEADER

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MOLECULAR_SEQUENCE

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType NAMING_SYSTEM

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType NUTRITION_ORDER

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType OBSERVATION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType OBSERVATION_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType OPERATION_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType OPERATION_OUTCOME

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ORGANIZATION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ORGANIZATION_AFFILIATION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PARAMETERS

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PATIENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PAYMENT_NOTICE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PAYMENT_RECONCILIATION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PERSON

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PLAN_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PRACTITIONER

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PRACTITIONER_ROLE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PROCEDURE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PROCEDURE_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PROCESS_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PROCESS_RESPONSE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PROVENANCE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType QUESTIONNAIRE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType QUESTIONNAIRE_RESPONSE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType REFERRAL_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType RELATED_PERSON

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType REQUEST_GROUP

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType RESEARCH_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType RESEARCH_ELEMENT_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType RESEARCH_STUDY

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType RESEARCH_SUBJECT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType RESOURCE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType RISK_ASSESSMENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType RISK_EVIDENCE_SYNTHESIS

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SCHEDULE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SEARCH_PARAMETER

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SEQUENCE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SERVICE_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SERVICE_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SLOT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SPECIMEN

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SPECIMEN_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType STRUCTURE_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType STRUCTURE_MAP

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SUBSCRIPTION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SUBSTANCE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SUBSTANCE_NUCLEIC_ACID

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SUBSTANCE_POLYMER

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SUBSTANCE_PROTEIN

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SUBSTANCE_REFERENCE_INFORMATION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SUBSTANCE_SOURCE_MATERIAL

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SUBSTANCE_SPECIFICATION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SUPPLY_DELIVERY

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SUPPLY_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType TASK

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType TERMINOLOGY_CAPABILITIES

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType TEST_REPORT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType TEST_SCRIPT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType VALUE_SET

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType VERIFICATION_RESULT

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.

static final HealthcareFhirResourceType VISION_PRESCRIPTION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description


Use the fromString(String name) factory method.

Creates a new instance of HealthcareFhirResourceType value.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
static HealthcareFhirResourceType fromString(String name)

Creates or finds a HealthcareFhirResourceType from its string representation.

static Collection<HealthcareFhirResourceType> values()

Gets known HealthcareFhirResourceType values.

Methods inherited from ExpandableStringEnum

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object

Field Details


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ACCOUNT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ACTIVITY_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ADVERSE_EVENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ALLERGY_INTOLERANCE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType APPOINTMENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType APPOINTMENT_RESPONSE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType AUDIT_EVENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType BASIC

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType BINARY

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType BIOLOGICALLY_DERIVED_PRODUCT

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType BODY_SITE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType BODY_STRUCTURE

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType BUNDLE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CAPABILITY_STATEMENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CARE_PLAN

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CARE_TEAM

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CATALOG_ENTRY

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CHARGE_ITEM

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CHARGE_ITEM_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CLAIM

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CLAIM_RESPONSE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CLINICAL_IMPRESSION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CODE_SYSTEM

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType COMMUNICATION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType COMMUNICATION_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType COMPARTMENT_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType COMPOSITION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CONCEPT_MAP

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CONDITION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CONSENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType CONTRACT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType COVERAGE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType COVERAGE_ELIGIBILITY_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType COVERAGE_ELIGIBILITY_RESPONSE

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DATA_ELEMENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DETECTED_ISSUE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DEVICE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DEVICE_COMPONENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DEVICE_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DEVICE_METRIC

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DEVICE_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DEVICE_USE_STATEMENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DIAGNOSTIC_REPORT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DOCUMENT_MANIFEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DOCUMENT_REFERENCE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType DOMAIN_RESOURCE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType EFFECT_EVIDENCE_SYNTHESIS

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ELIGIBILITY_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ELIGIBILITY_RESPONSE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ENCOUNTER

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ENDPOINT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ENROLLMENT_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ENROLLMENT_RESPONSE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType EPISODE_OF_CARE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType EVENT_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType EVIDENCE

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType EVIDENCE_VARIABLE

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType EXAMPLE_SCENARIO

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType EXPANSION_PROFILE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType EXPLANATION_OF_BENEFIT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType FAMILY_MEMBER_HISTORY

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType FLAG

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType GOAL

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType GRAPH_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType GROUP

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType GUIDANCE_RESPONSE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType HEALTHCARE_SERVICE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType IMAGING_MANIFEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType IMAGING_STUDY

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType IMMUNIZATION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType IMMUNIZATION_EVALUATION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType IMMUNIZATION_RECOMMENDATION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType IMPLEMENTATION_GUIDE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType INSURANCE_PLAN

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType INVOICE

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType LIBRARY

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType LINKAGE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType LIST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType LOCATION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEASURE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEASURE_REPORT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDIA

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICATION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICATION_ADMINISTRATION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICATION_DISPENSE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICATION_KNOWLEDGE

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICATION_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICATION_STATEMENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICINAL_PRODUCT

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICINAL_PRODUCT_AUTHORIZATION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICINAL_PRODUCT_CONTRAINDICATION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICINAL_PRODUCT_INDICATION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICINAL_PRODUCT_INGREDIENT

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICINAL_PRODUCT_INTERACTION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICINAL_PRODUCT_MANUFACTURED

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICINAL_PRODUCT_PACKAGED

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICINAL_PRODUCT_PHARMACEUTICAL

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MEDICINAL_PRODUCT_UNDESIRABLE_EFFECT

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MESSAGE_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MESSAGE_HEADER

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType MOLECULAR_SEQUENCE

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType NAMING_SYSTEM

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType NUTRITION_ORDER

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType OBSERVATION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType OBSERVATION_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType OPERATION_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType OPERATION_OUTCOME

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ORGANIZATION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType ORGANIZATION_AFFILIATION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PARAMETERS

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PATIENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PAYMENT_NOTICE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PAYMENT_RECONCILIATION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PERSON

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PLAN_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PRACTITIONER

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PRACTITIONER_ROLE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PROCEDURE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PROCEDURE_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PROCESS_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PROCESS_RESPONSE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PROVENANCE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType QUESTIONNAIRE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType QUESTIONNAIRE_RESPONSE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType REFERRAL_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.

public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType RELATED_PERSON

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType REQUEST_GROUP

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType RESEARCH_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType RESEARCH_ELEMENT_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType RESEARCH_STUDY

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType RESEARCH_SUBJECT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType RESOURCE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType RISK_ASSESSMENT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType RISK_EVIDENCE_SYNTHESIS

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SCHEDULE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SEARCH_PARAMETER

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SEQUENCE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SERVICE_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SERVICE_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SLOT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SPECIMEN

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SPECIMEN_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType STRUCTURE_DEFINITION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType STRUCTURE_MAP

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SUBSCRIPTION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SUBSTANCE

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SUBSTANCE_NUCLEIC_ACID

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SUBSTANCE_POLYMER

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SUBSTANCE_PROTEIN

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SUBSTANCE_REFERENCE_INFORMATION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SUBSTANCE_SOURCE_MATERIAL

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SUBSTANCE_SPECIFICATION

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SUPPLY_DELIVERY

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType SUPPLY_REQUEST

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType TASK

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType TERMINOLOGY_CAPABILITIES

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType TEST_REPORT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType TEST_SCRIPT

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType VALUE_SET

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType VERIFICATION_RESULT

The FHIR resource type defined in R4.


public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType VISION_PRESCRIPTION

The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.

Constructor Details


public HealthcareFhirResourceType()


Use the fromString(String name) factory method.

Creates a new instance of HealthcareFhirResourceType value.

Method Details


public static HealthcareFhirResourceType fromString(String name)

Creates or finds a HealthcareFhirResourceType from its string representation.


name - a name to look for.


the corresponding HealthcareFhirResourceType.


public static Collection values()

Gets known HealthcareFhirResourceType values.


known HealthcareFhirResourceType values.

Applies to

Azure SDK for Java
