Package containing the data models for DynatraceObservability. null.
Account |
Dynatrace Account Information. |
Action |
Enum. |
App |
Response of a list App Services Operation. |
Auto |
Update settings of One |
Availability |
The availability state of One |
Dynatrace |
Properties of the Dynatrace environment. |
Dynatrace |
The response of a Dynatrace |
Environment |
Dynatrace Environment Information. |
Filtering |
The definition of a filtering tag. |
Identity |
The properties of the managed service identities assigned to this resource. |
Liftr |
Liftr resource category. |
Linkable |
Response for getting all the linkable environments. |
Linkable |
Request for getting all the linkable environments for a user. |
Log |
Tells whether log modules are enabled or not. |
Log |
Set of rules for sending logs for the Monitor resource. |
Managed |
The kind of managed identity assigned to this resource. |
Marketplace |
Request for getting Marketplace SaaS resource details for a tenant Id. |
Marketplace |
Flag specifying the Marketplace Subscription Status of the resource. |
Metric |
Set of rules for sending metrics for the Monitor resource. |
Monitor |
The response of a Monitor |
Monitor |
The updatable properties of the Monitor |
Monitored |
List of all the resources being monitored by Dynatrace monitor resource. |
Monitoring |
Flag specifying if the resource monitoring is enabled or disabled. |
Monitoring |
The monitoring mode of One |
Operation |
Localized display information for this particular operation. |
Operation |
A list of REST API operations supported by an Azure Resource Provider. |
Origin |
The intended executor of the operation; as in Resource Based Access Control (RBAC) and audit logs UX. |
Plan |
Billing plan information. |
Provisioning |
Provisioning state of the monitoring resource. |
Send |
Indicates whether AAD logs are being sent. |
Send |
Indicates whether activity logs are being sent. |
Send |
Indicates whether subscription logs are being sent. |
Sending |
Indicates whether logs are being sent. |
Sending |
Indicates whether metrics are being sent. |
Single |
Various states of the SSO resource. |
Sso |
Request for getting sso details for a user. |
Sso |
Indicates whether SSO is enabled or not. |
Tag |
Valid actions for a filtering tag. |
Tag |
The response of a Tag |
Update |
The current update status of One |
User |
A managed identity assigned by the user. |
User |
User info. |
VMHosts |
Response of a list VM Host Operation. |
App |
An immutable client-side representation of App |
Dynatrace |
An immutable client-side representation of Dynatrace |
Dynatrace |
The entirety of the Dynatrace |
Dynatrace |
The Dynatrace |
Dynatrace |
The first stage of the Dynatrace |
Dynatrace |
The stage of the Dynatrace |
Dynatrace |
The stage of the Dynatrace |
Dynatrace |
The stage of the Dynatrace |
Dynatrace |
The stage of the Dynatrace |
Dynatrace |
The stage of the Dynatrace |
Dynatrace |
The stage of the Dynatrace |
Dynatrace |
The template for Dynatrace |
Dynatrace |
The Dynatrace |
Dynatrace |
The stage of the Dynatrace |
Dynatrace |
The stage of the Dynatrace |
Dynatrace |
The stage of the Dynatrace |
Dynatrace |
The stage of the Dynatrace |
Linkable |
An immutable client-side representation of Linkable |
Marketplace |
An immutable client-side representation of Marketplace |
Metrics |
An immutable client-side representation of Metrics |
Monitor |
An immutable client-side representation of Monitor |
Monitor |
The entirety of the Monitor |
Monitor |
The Monitor |
Monitor |
The first stage of the Monitor |
Monitor |
The stage of the Monitor |
Monitor |
The stage of the Monitor |
Monitor |
The stage of the Monitor |
Monitor |
The stage of the Monitor |
Monitor |
The stage of the Monitor |
Monitor |
The stage of the Monitor |
Monitor |
The stage of the Monitor |
Monitor |
The stage of the Monitor |
Monitor |
The stage of the Monitor |
Monitor |
The stage of the Monitor |
Monitor |
The template for Monitor |
Monitor |
The Monitor |
Monitor |
The stage of the Monitor |
Monitored |
An immutable client-side representation of Monitored |
Monitors |
Resource collection API of Monitors. |
Operation |
An immutable client-side representation of Operation. |
Operations |
Resource collection API of Operations. |
Single |
Resource collection API of Single |
Sso |
An immutable client-side representation of Sso |
Tag |
An immutable client-side representation of Tag |
Tag |
The entirety of the Tag |
Tag |
The Tag |
Tag |
The first stage of the Tag |
Tag |
The stage of the Tag |
Tag |
The stage of the Tag |
Tag |
The stage of the Tag |
Tag |
The stage of the Tag |
Tag |
The template for Tag |
Tag |
The Tag |
Tag |
The stage of the Tag |
Tag |
The stage of the Tag |
Tag |
Resource collection API of Tag |
VMExtension |
An immutable client-side representation of VMExtension |
VMInfo |
An immutable client-side representation of VMInfo. |
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