Package containing the data models for HDInsightManagementClient. HDInsight Management Client.
Aadds |
The Azure active directory domain service resource details. |
Application |
Gets the application SSH endpoint. |
Application |
Gets the application HTTP endpoints. |
Application |
Result of the request to list cluster Applications. |
Application |
The HDInsight cluster application GET response. |
Async |
The async operation state. |
Autoscale |
The autoscale request parameters. |
Autoscale |
The load-based autoscale request parameters. |
Autoscale |
The autoscale configuration update parameter. |
Autoscale |
Schedule-based autoscale request parameters. |
Autoscale |
Parameters for a schedule-based autoscale rule, consisting of an array of days + a time and capacity. |
Autoscale |
Time and capacity request parameters. |
Azure |
The azure monitor parameters. |
Azure |
The selected configurations for azure monitor. |
Azure |
The table configuration for the Log Analytics integration. |
Billing |
The billing meters. |
Billing |
The billing resources. |
Client |
The information of AAD security group. |
Cluster |
The Create |
Cluster |
The cluster create parameters. |
Cluster |
The cluster create request specification. |
Cluster |
The cluster definition. |
Cluster |
The Disk Encryption Cluster request parameters. |
Cluster |
The properties of cluster. |
Cluster |
Identity for the cluster. |
Cluster |
The List Cluster operation response. |
Cluster |
The cluster monitor parameters. |
Cluster |
The Patch |
Cluster |
The Resize Cluster request parameters. |
Compute |
The compute isolation properties. |
Compute |
Describes the compute profile. |
Connectivity |
The connectivity properties. |
Data |
The data disks groups for the role. |
Days |
Defines values for Days |
Dimension |
The definition of Dimension. |
Directory |
The directory type. |
Disk |
The disk billing meters. |
Disk |
The disk encryption properties. |
Encryption |
The encryption-in-transit properties. |
Errors |
The error message associated with the cluster creation. |
Excluded |
The configuration that services will be excluded when creating cluster. |
Execute |
The parameters for the script actions to execute on a running cluster. |
Extension |
Cluster monitoring extensions. |
Filter |
The filtering mode. |
HDInsight |
The provisioning state, which only appears in the response. |
Hardware |
The hardware profile. |
Ip |
The ip configurations for the private link service. |
Ip |
Contains the Ip |
Json |
Algorithm identifier for encryption, default RSA-OAEP. |
Kafka |
The kafka rest proxy configuration which contains AAD security group information. |
Linux |
The ssh username, password, and ssh public key. |
Localized |
The details about the localizable name of a type of usage. |
Metric |
The details of metric specifications. |
Name |
The request spec of checking name availability. |
Network |
The network properties. |
OSType |
The type of operating system. |
Operation |
The object that represents the operation. |
Operation |
Result of the request to list HDInsight operations. |
Operation |
The details of operation. |
Os |
The Linux operation systems profile. |
Outbound |
A value to describe how the outbound dependencies of a HDInsight cluster are managed. |
Private |
The private endpoint. |
Private |
The list private endpoint connections response. |
Private |
The provisioning state, which only appears in the response. |
Private |
The method that private IP address is allocated. |
Private |
Indicates whether or not private link is enabled. |
Private |
The private link configuration. |
Private |
The private link configuration provisioning state, which only appears in the response. |
Private |
The private link service connection state. |
Private |
The concrete private link service connection. |
Quota |
The regional quota capability. |
Quota |
The quota properties for the cluster. |
Regional |
The regional quota capacity. |
Regions |
The regions capability. |
Resource |
The azure resource id. |
Resource |
The type of identity used for the cluster. |
Resource |
The direction for the resource provider connection. |
Role |
Describes a role on the cluster. |
Role |
Defines values for Role |
Runtime |
Describes a script action on a running cluster. |
Script |
Describes a script action on role on the cluster. |
Script |
The list script execution history response. |
Script |
The execution summary of a script action. |
Script |
The persisted script action for the cluster. |
Security |
The security profile which contains Ssh public key for the HDInsight cluster. |
Service |
The specification of the service. |
Ssh |
The list of SSH public keys. |
Ssh |
The SSH public key for the cluster nodes. |
Storage |
The storage Account. |
Storage |
The storage profile. |
Tier |
The cluster tier. |
Update |
The update cluster identity certificate request parameters. |
Update |
The update gateway settings request parameters. |
Usage |
The details about the usage of a particular limited resource. |
User |
The User Assigned Identity. |
Validation |
The validation error information. |
Version |
The version properties. |
Versions |
The version capability. |
Virtual |
The virtual network properties. |
Vm |
This class represent a single filter object that defines a multidimensional set. |
Vm |
The vm size property. |
Application |
An immutable client-side representation of Application. |
Application. |
The entirety of the Application definition. |
Application. |
The Application definition stages. |
Application. |
The first stage of the Application definition. |
Application. |
The stage of the Application definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified. |
Application. |
The stage of the Application definition allowing to specify etag. |
Application. |
The stage of the Application definition allowing to specify parent resource. |
Application. |
The stage of the Application definition allowing to specify properties. |
Application. |
The stage of the Application definition allowing to specify tags. |
Applications |
Resource collection API of Applications. |
Async |
An immutable client-side representation of Async |
Azure |
An immutable client-side representation of Azure |
Billing |
An immutable client-side representation of Billing |
Capabilities |
An immutable client-side representation of Capabilities |
Cluster |
An immutable client-side representation of Cluster. |
Cluster. |
The entirety of the Cluster definition. |
Cluster. |
The Cluster definition stages. |
Cluster. |
The first stage of the Cluster definition. |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified. |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify identity. |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify location. |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify properties. |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify parent resource. |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify tags. |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify zones. |
Cluster. |
The template for Cluster update. |
Cluster. |
The Cluster update stages. |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify identity. |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify tags. |
Cluster |
An immutable client-side representation of Cluster |
Cluster |
An immutable client-side representation of Cluster |
Cluster |
An immutable client-side representation of Cluster |
Clusters |
Resource collection API of Clusters. |
Configurations |
Resource collection API of Configurations. |
Extensions |
Resource collection API of Extensions. |
Gateway |
An immutable client-side representation of Gateway |
Host |
An immutable client-side representation of Host |
Locations |
Resource collection API of Locations. |
Name |
An immutable client-side representation of Name |
Operation |
An immutable client-side representation of Operation. |
Operations |
Resource collection API of Operations. |
Private |
An immutable client-side representation of Private |
Private |
The entirety of the Private |
Private |
The Private |
Private |
The first stage of the Private |
Private |
The stage of the Private |
Private |
The stage of the Private |
Private |
The stage of the Private |
Private |
The template for Private |
Private |
The Private |
Private |
The stage of the Private |
Private |
Resource collection API of Private |
Private |
An immutable client-side representation of Private |
Private |
An immutable client-side representation of Private |
Private |
Resource collection API of Private |
Runtime |
An immutable client-side representation of Runtime |
Script |
Resource collection API of Script |
Script |
Resource collection API of Script |
Usages |
An immutable client-side representation of Usages |
Virtual |
Resource collection API of Virtual |
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