RtlVerifyVersionInfo function (wdm.h)
The RtlVerifyVersionInfo routine compares a specified set of operating system version requirements to the corresponding attributes of the currently running version of the operating system.
[in] ULONG TypeMask,
[in] ULONGLONG ConditionMask
[in] VersionInfo
Pointer to an RTL_OSVERSIONINFOEXW structure that specifies the operating system version requirements to compare to the corresponding attributes of the currently running version of the operating system.
[in] TypeMask
Specifies which members of VersionInfo to compare with the corresponding attributes of the currently running version of the operating system. TypeMask is set to a logical OR of one or more of the following values.
Value | Corresponding member |
VER_BUILDNUMBER | dwBuildNumber |
VER_MAJORVERSION | dwMajorVersion |
VER_MINORVERSION | dwMinorVersion |
VER_PLATFORMID | dwPlatformId |
VER_SUITENAME | wSuiteMask |
VER_PRODUCT_TYPE | wProductType |
[in] ConditionMask
Specifies how to compare each VersionInfo member. To set the value of ConditionMask, a caller should use the VER_SET_CONDITION macro:
IN ULONG TypeBitMask,
IN UCHAR ComparisonType
The value of ConditionMask is created in the following way:
Initialize the value of ConditionMask to zero.
Call VER_SET_CONDITION once for each VersionInfo member specified by TypeMask.
Set the TypeBitMask and ComparisonType parameters for each call to VER_SET_CONDITION as follows:
Indicates the VersionInfo member for which the comparison type is set. TypeBitMask can be one of the following values.
Value | Corresponding member |
VER_BUILDNUMBER | dwBuildNumber |
VER_MAJORVERSION | dwMajorVersion |
VER_MINORVERSION | dwMinorVersion |
VER_PLATFORMID | dwPlatformId |
VER_SUITENAME | wSuiteMask |
VER_PRODUCT_TYPE | wProductType |
Specifies the comparison type that RtlVerifyVersionInfo uses to compare the VersionInfo member specified by TypeBitMask with the corresponding attribute of the currently running operating system.
For all values of TypeBitMask other than VER_SUITENAME, ComparisonType is set to one of the following values.
Value | Meaning |
VER_EQUAL | The current value must be equal to the specified value. |
VER_GREATER | The current value must be greater than the specified value. |
VER_GREATER_EQUAL | The current value must be greater than or equal to the specified value. |
VER_LESS | The current value must be less than the specified value. |
VER_LESS_EQUAL | The current value must be less than or equal to the specified value. |
If TypeBitMask is set to VER_SUITENAME, ComparisonType is set to of one the following values.
Value | Meaning |
VER_AND | All product suites specified in the wSuiteMask member must be present in the current system. |
VER_OR | At least one of the specified product suites must be present in the current system. |
RtlVerifyVersionInfo returns one of the following status values:
Return code | Description |
STATUS_SUCCESS | The specified version matches the currently running version of the operating system. |
STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER | The input parameters are not valid. |
STATUS_REVISION_MISMATCH | The specified version does not match the currently running version of the operating system. |
RtlVerifyVersionInfo enables a driver to easily verify the presence of a required set of operating system attributes. RtlVerifyVersionInfo is the kernel-mode equivalent of the user-mode VerifyVersionInfo function in the Windows SDK. See the example in the Windows SDK that shows how to verify the system version.
Typically, RtlVerifyVersionInfo returns STATUS_SUCCESS only if all comparisons succeed. However, the major version, minor version, and service pack version are tested in a sequential manner in the following way:
If the major version exceeds the minimum required, then the minor version and service pack version are not tested. For example, if the current major version is 6.0, a test for a system greater than or equal to version 5.1 service pack 1 succeeds. The minor version and service pack version are not tested.
If the minor version exceeds the minimum required, then the service pack version is not tested. For example, if the current major version is 5.2, a test for a system version greater than or equal to version 5.1 service pack 1 succeeds. The service pack version is not tested.
If the major service pack version exceeds the minimum required, then the minor service pack version is not tested.
To verify a range of system versions, a driver can call RtlVerifyVersionInfo twice, once to verify a lower bound on the system version and once to verify an upper bound on the system version.
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Universal |
Header | wdm.h (include Ntddk.h) |
Library | NtosKrnl.lib |
DLL | NtosKrnl.exe (kernel mode); Ntdll.dll (user mode) |