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DevicePolicyManager.GetStorageEncryption(ComponentName) Method


This member is deprecated.

[Android.Runtime.Register("getStorageEncryption", "(Landroid/content/ComponentName;)Z", "GetGetStorageEncryption_Landroid_content_ComponentName_Handler")]
public virtual bool GetStorageEncryption (Android.Content.ComponentName? admin);
[<Android.Runtime.Register("getStorageEncryption", "(Landroid/content/ComponentName;)Z", "GetGetStorageEncryption_Landroid_content_ComponentName_Handler")>]
abstract member GetStorageEncryption : Android.Content.ComponentName -> bool
override this.GetStorageEncryption : Android.Content.ComponentName -> bool



Which DeviceAdminReceiver this request is associated with. If null, this will return the requested encryption setting as an aggregate of all active administrators.


true if the admin(s) are requesting encryption, false if not.



This member is deprecated. This method only returns the value set by #setStorageEncryption. It does not actually reflect the storage encryption status. Use #getStorageEncryptionStatus for that.

Called by an application that is administering the device to determine the requested setting for secure storage.

Java documentation for android.app.admin.DevicePolicyManager.getStorageEncryption(android.content.ComponentName).

Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 2.5 Attribution License.

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