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CarrierConfigManager.Key5gNrSsrsrqThresholdsIntArray Field


List of 4 customized 5G SS reference signal received quality (SSRSRQ) thresholds.

[Android.Runtime.Register("KEY_5G_NR_SSRSRQ_THRESHOLDS_INT_ARRAY", ApiSince=30)]
public const string Key5gNrSsrsrqThresholdsIntArray;
[<Android.Runtime.Register("KEY_5G_NR_SSRSRQ_THRESHOLDS_INT_ARRAY", ApiSince=30)>]
val mutable Key5gNrSsrsrqThresholdsIntArray : string

Field Value



List of 4 customized 5G SS reference signal received quality (SSRSRQ) thresholds.

Reference: 3GPP TS 38.215; 3GPP TS 38.133 section 10

4 threshold integers must be within the boundaries [-43 dB, 20 dB], and the levels are: <UL> <LI>"NONE: [-43, threshold1)"</LI> <LI>"POOR: [threshold1, threshold2)"</LI> <LI>"MODERATE: [threshold2, threshold3)"</LI> <LI>"GOOD: [threshold3, threshold4)"</LI> <LI>"EXCELLENT: [threshold4, 20]"</LI> </UL>

This key is considered invalid if the format is violated. If the key is invalid or not configured, a default value set will apply.

Java documentation for android.telephony.CarrierConfigManager.KEY_5G_NR_SSRSRQ_THRESHOLDS_INT_ARRAY.

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