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CarrierConfigManager.KeyDropVideoCallWhenAnsweringAudioCallBool Field


When true, if the user is in an ongoing video call over WIFI and answers an incoming audio call, the video call will be disconnected before the audio call is answered.

public const string KeyDropVideoCallWhenAnsweringAudioCallBool;
[<Android.Runtime.Register("KEY_DROP_VIDEO_CALL_WHEN_ANSWERING_AUDIO_CALL_BOOL", ApiSince=25)>]
val mutable KeyDropVideoCallWhenAnsweringAudioCallBool : string

Field Value



When true, if the user is in an ongoing video call over WIFI and answers an incoming audio call, the video call will be disconnected before the audio call is answered. This is in contrast to the usual expected behavior where a foreground video call would be put into the background and held when an incoming audio call is answered.

Java documentation for android.telephony.CarrierConfigManager.KEY_DROP_VIDEO_CALL_WHEN_ANSWERING_AUDIO_CALL_BOOL.

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