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PopupWindow.OutsideTouchable Property


Indicates whether the popup window will be informed of touch events outside of its window. -or- Controls whether the pop-up will be informed of touch events outside of its window.

public virtual bool OutsideTouchable { [Android.Runtime.Register("isOutsideTouchable", "()Z", "GetIsOutsideTouchableHandler")] get; [Android.Runtime.Register("setOutsideTouchable", "(Z)V", "GetSetOutsideTouchable_ZHandler")] set; }
[<get: Android.Runtime.Register("isOutsideTouchable", "()Z", "GetIsOutsideTouchableHandler")>]
[<set: Android.Runtime.Register("setOutsideTouchable", "(Z)V", "GetSetOutsideTouchable_ZHandler")>]
member this.OutsideTouchable : bool with get, set

Property Value

true if the popup is outside touchable, false otherwise



Property getter documentation:

Indicates whether the popup window will be informed of touch events outside of its window.

Java documentation for android.widget.PopupWindow.isOutsideTouchable().

Property setter documentation:

Controls whether the pop-up will be informed of touch events outside of its window. This only makes sense for pop-ups that are touchable but not focusable, which means touches outside of the window will be delivered to the window behind. The default is false.

If the popup is showing, calling this method will take effect only the next time the popup is shown or through a manual call to one of the #update() methods.

Java documentation for android.widget.PopupWindow.setOutsideTouchable(boolean).

Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 2.5 Attribution License.

Applies to

See also