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IDkmBreakpointManager.DisableBoundBreakpoint Method


Disable the bound breakpoint so that it will no longer hit. If the bound breakpoint is already disabled, this operation has no effect.

 void DisableBoundBreakpoint(Microsoft::VisualStudio::Debugger::Breakpoints::DkmBoundBreakpoint ^ boundBreakpoint, Microsoft::VisualStudio::Debugger::DkmWorkList ^ workList, Microsoft::VisualStudio::Debugger::DkmCompletionRoutine<Microsoft::VisualStudio::Debugger::Breakpoints::DkmDisableBoundBreakpointAsyncResult> ^ completionRoutine);
public void DisableBoundBreakpoint (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Breakpoints.DkmBoundBreakpoint boundBreakpoint, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.DkmWorkList workList, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.DkmCompletionRoutine<Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Breakpoints.DkmDisableBoundBreakpointAsyncResult> completionRoutine);
abstract member DisableBoundBreakpoint : Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Breakpoints.DkmBoundBreakpoint * Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.DkmWorkList * Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.DkmCompletionRoutine<Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Breakpoints.DkmDisableBoundBreakpointAsyncResult> -> unit
Public Sub DisableBoundBreakpoint (boundBreakpoint As DkmBoundBreakpoint, workList As DkmWorkList, completionRoutine As DkmCompletionRoutine(Of DkmDisableBoundBreakpointAsyncResult))



[In] Represents a breakpoint which has been bound (resolved) to a particular code instruction address or a particular data element. For example, in C++ templates one could create a DkmPendingBreakpoint for a source line. The breakpoint manager would resolve it to zero (ex: module not loaded), one (ex: template is only used on 'int') or many (ex: template is used with many template arguments) location. Each location would have a DkmBoundBreakpoint object.


WorkList which is currently being processed. This value can be used to check for cancelation or to append additional work. New work items will not begin executing until after this function returns.


Routine to fire when the request is complete. This will be implicitly fired if the implementation returns failure from this interface method. The implementation must fire this method in all other scenarios.

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