KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem>.InsertItem(Int32, TItem) Metoda
Niektóre informacje odnoszą się do produktu w wersji wstępnej, który może zostać znacząco zmodyfikowany przed wydaniem. Firma Microsoft nie udziela żadnych gwarancji, jawnych lub domniemanych, w odniesieniu do informacji podanych w tym miejscu.
Wstawia element do określonego indeksu KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem> .
override void InsertItem(int index, TItem item);
protected override void InsertItem (int index, TItem item);
override this.InsertItem : int * 'Item -> unit
Protected Overrides Sub InsertItem (index As Integer, item As TItem)
- index
- Int32
Liczony od elementu zerowego indeks, w którym powinien zostać wstawiony parametr item
- item
- TItem
Obiekt do wstawienia.
Ta sekcja zawiera dwa przykłady kodu, które demonstrują zastępowanie InsertItem metody w celu zapewnienia niestandardowego zachowania podczas dodawania lub wstawiania obiektów do kolekcji. Pierwszy przykład dodaje zdarzenie powiadomienia niestandardowego, a drugi zapewnia obsługę kolekcji obiektów z kluczami modyfikowalnymi.
Przykład 1
W poniższym przykładzie kodu pokazano, jak zastąpić chronione InsertItemmetody , , RemoveItemClearItemsi SetItem w celu zapewnienia niestandardowego zachowania dla Addmetod , Removei Clear oraz ustawiania właściwości domyślnej Item[] (indeksator w języku C#). Zachowanie niestandardowe podane w tym przykładzie to zdarzenie powiadomienia o nazwie Changed
, które jest wywoływane na końcu każdej z zastąpionych metod.
Przykładowy kod tworzy klasę SimpleOrder
pochodzącą z KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem> klasy i reprezentującą prosty formularz zamówienia. Formularz zamówienia zawiera OrderItem
obiekty reprezentujące uporządkowane elementy. Przykładowy kod tworzy również klasę zawierającą SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs
informacje o zdarzeniu oraz wyliczenie identyfikujące typ zmiany.
W przykładzie kodu pokazano zachowanie niestandardowe przez wywołanie właściwości i metod klasy pochodnej w Main
metodzie Demo
klasy .
W tym przykładzie kodu są używane obiekty z niezmiennymi kluczami. Aby zapoznać się z przykładem kodu, który używa kluczy modyfikowalnych, zobacz ChangeItemKey.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;
using namespace System::Collections::ObjectModel;
public enum class ChangeTypes
ref class SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs;
// This class represents a simple line item in an order. All the
// values are immutable except quantity.
public ref class OrderItem
int _quantity;
initonly int PartNumber;
initonly String^ Description;
initonly double UnitPrice;
OrderItem(int partNumber, String^ description, int quantity,
double unitPrice)
this->PartNumber = partNumber;
this->Description = description;
this->Quantity = quantity;
this->UnitPrice = unitPrice;
property int Quantity
int get() { return _quantity; };
void set(int value)
if (value < 0)
throw gcnew ArgumentException("Quantity cannot be negative.");
_quantity = value;
virtual String^ ToString() override
return String::Format(
"{0,9} {1,6} {2,-12} at {3,8:#,###.00} = {4,10:###,###.00}",
PartNumber, _quantity, Description, UnitPrice,
UnitPrice * _quantity);
// Event argument for the Changed event.
public ref class SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
OrderItem^ ChangedItem;
initonly ChangeTypes ChangeType;
OrderItem^ ReplacedWith;
SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs(ChangeTypes change,
OrderItem^ item, OrderItem^ replacement)
this->ChangeType = change;
this->ChangedItem = item;
this->ReplacedWith = replacement;
// This class derives from KeyedCollection and shows how to override
// the protected ClearItems, InsertItem, RemoveItem, and SetItem
// methods in order to change the behavior of the default Item
// property and the Add, Clear, Insert, and Remove methods. The
// class implements a Changed event, which is raised by all the
// protected methods.
// SimpleOrder is a collection of OrderItem objects, and its key
// is the PartNumber field of OrderItem-> PartNumber is an Integer,
// so SimpleOrder inherits KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>.
// (Note that the key of OrderItem cannot be changed; if it could
// be changed, SimpleOrder would have to override ChangeItemKey.)
public ref class SimpleOrder : KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem^>
event EventHandler<SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs^>^ Changed;
// This parameterless constructor calls the base class constructor
// that specifies a dictionary threshold of 0, so that the internal
// dictionary is created as soon as an item is added to the
// collection.
SimpleOrder() : KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem^>(nullptr, 0) {};
// This is the only method that absolutely must be overridden,
// because without it the KeyedCollection cannot extract the
// keys from the items.
virtual int GetKeyForItem(OrderItem^ item) override
// In this example, the key is the part number.
return item->PartNumber;
virtual void InsertItem(int index, OrderItem^ newItem) override
__super::InsertItem(index, newItem);
Changed(this, gcnew SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs(
ChangeTypes::Added, newItem, nullptr));
virtual void SetItem(int index, OrderItem^ newItem) override
OrderItem^ replaced = this->Items[index];
__super::SetItem(index, newItem);
Changed(this, gcnew SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs(
ChangeTypes::Replaced, replaced, newItem));
virtual void RemoveItem(int index) override
OrderItem^ removedItem = Items[index];
Changed(this, gcnew SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs(
ChangeTypes::Removed, removedItem, nullptr));
virtual void ClearItems() override
Changed(this, gcnew SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs(
ChangeTypes::Cleared, nullptr, nullptr));
// This method uses the internal reference to the dictionary
// to test fo
void AddOrMerge(OrderItem^ newItem)
int key = this->GetKeyForItem(newItem);
OrderItem^ existingItem = nullptr;
// The dictionary is not created until the first item is
// added, so it is necessary to test for null. Using
// AndAlso ensures that TryGetValue is not called if the
// dictionary does not exist.
if (this->Dictionary != nullptr &&
this->Dictionary->TryGetValue(key, existingItem))
existingItem->Quantity += newItem->Quantity;
public ref class Demo
static void Main()
SimpleOrder^ weekly = gcnew SimpleOrder();
weekly->Changed += gcnew
// The Add method, inherited from Collection, takes OrderItem->
weekly->Add(gcnew OrderItem(110072674, "Widget", 400, 45.17));
weekly->Add(gcnew OrderItem(110072675, "Sprocket", 27, 5.3));
weekly->Add(gcnew OrderItem(101030411, "Motor", 10, 237.5));
weekly->Add(gcnew OrderItem(110072684, "Gear", 175, 5.17));
// The Contains method of KeyedCollection takes TKey.
Console::WriteLine("\nContains(101030411): {0}",
// The default Item property of KeyedCollection takes the key
// type, Integer. The property is read-only.
Console::WriteLine("\nweekly[101030411]->Description: {0}",
// The Remove method of KeyedCollection takes a key.
// The Insert method, inherited from Collection, takes an
// index and an OrderItem.
Console::WriteLine("\nInsert(2, gcnew OrderItem(...))");
weekly->Insert(2, gcnew OrderItem(111033401, "Nut", 10, .5));
// The default Item property is overloaded. One overload comes
// from KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>; that overload
// is read-only, and takes Integer because it retrieves by key.
// The other overload comes from Collection<OrderItem>, the
// base class of KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>; it
// retrieves by index, so it also takes an Integer. The compiler
// uses the most-derived overload, from KeyedCollection, so the
// only way to access SimpleOrder by index is to cast it to
// Collection<OrderItem>. Otherwise the index is interpreted
// as a key, and KeyNotFoundException is thrown.
Collection<OrderItem^>^ coweekly = weekly;
Console::WriteLine("\ncoweekly[2].Description: {0}",
Console::WriteLine("\ncoweekly[2] = gcnew OrderItem(...)");
coweekly[2] = gcnew OrderItem(127700026, "Crank", 27, 5.98);
OrderItem^ temp = coweekly[2];
// The IndexOf method, inherited from Collection<OrderItem>,
// takes an OrderItem instead of a key.
Console::WriteLine("\nIndexOf(temp): {0}", weekly->IndexOf(temp));
// The inherited Remove method also takes an OrderItem->
weekly->AddOrMerge(gcnew OrderItem(110072684, "Gear", 1000, 5.17));
static void Display(SimpleOrder^ order)
for each( OrderItem^ item in order )
static void ChangedHandler(Object^ source,
SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs^ e)
OrderItem^ item = e->ChangedItem;
if (e->ChangeType == ChangeTypes::Replaced)
OrderItem^ replacement = e->ReplacedWith;
Console::WriteLine("{0} (quantity {1}) was replaced " +
"by {2}, (quantity {3}).", item->Description,
item->Quantity, replacement->Description,
else if(e->ChangeType == ChangeTypes::Cleared)
Console::WriteLine("The order list was cleared.");
Console::WriteLine("{0} (quantity {1}) was {2}.",
item->Description, item->Quantity, e->ChangeType);
void main()
/* This code example produces the following output:
Widget (quantity 400) was Added.
Sprocket (quantity 27) was Added.
Motor (quantity 10) was Added.
Gear (quantity 175) was Added.
110072674 400 Widget at 45.17 = 18,068.00
110072675 27 Sprocket at 5.30 = 143.10
101030411 10 Motor at 237.50 = 2,375.00
110072684 175 Gear at 5.17 = 904.75
Contains(101030411): True
weekly[101030411]->Description: Motor
Motor (quantity 10) was Removed.
Insert(2, gcnew OrderItem(...))
Nut (quantity 10) was Added.
coweekly[2].Description: Nut
coweekly[2] = gcnew OrderItem(...)
Nut (quantity 10) was replaced by Crank, (quantity 27).
IndexOf(temp): 2
Crank (quantity 27) was Removed.
Widget (quantity 400) was Removed.
110072675 27 Sprocket at 5.30 = 143.10
110072684 1175 Gear at 5.17 = 6,074.75
The order list was cleared.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
// This class derives from KeyedCollection and shows how to override
// the protected ClearItems, InsertItem, RemoveItem, and SetItem
// methods in order to change the behavior of the default Item
// property and the Add, Clear, Insert, and Remove methods. The
// class implements a Changed event, which is raised by all the
// protected methods.
// SimpleOrder is a collection of OrderItem objects, and its key
// is the PartNumber field of OrderItem. PartNumber is an Integer,
// so SimpleOrder inherits KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>.
// (Note that the key of OrderItem cannot be changed; if it could
// be changed, SimpleOrder would have to override ChangeItemKey.)
public class SimpleOrder : KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>
public event EventHandler<SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs> Changed;
// This parameterless constructor calls the base class constructor
// that specifies a dictionary threshold of 0, so that the internal
// dictionary is created as soon as an item is added to the
// collection.
public SimpleOrder() : base(null, 0) {}
// This is the only method that absolutely must be overridden,
// because without it the KeyedCollection cannot extract the
// keys from the items.
protected override int GetKeyForItem(OrderItem item)
// In this example, the key is the part number.
return item.PartNumber;
protected override void InsertItem(int index, OrderItem newItem)
base.InsertItem(index, newItem);
EventHandler<SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs> temp = Changed;
if (temp != null)
temp(this, new SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs(
ChangeType.Added, newItem, null));
protected override void SetItem(int index, OrderItem newItem)
OrderItem replaced = Items[index];
base.SetItem(index, newItem);
EventHandler<SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs> temp = Changed;
if (temp != null)
temp(this, new SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs(
ChangeType.Replaced, replaced, newItem));
protected override void RemoveItem(int index)
OrderItem removedItem = Items[index];
EventHandler<SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs> temp = Changed;
if (temp != null)
temp(this, new SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs(
ChangeType.Removed, removedItem, null));
protected override void ClearItems()
EventHandler<SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs> temp = Changed;
if (temp != null)
temp(this, new SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs(
ChangeType.Cleared, null, null));
// Event argument for the Changed event.
public class SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
private OrderItem _changedItem;
private ChangeType _changeType;
private OrderItem _replacedWith;
public OrderItem ChangedItem { get { return _changedItem; }}
public ChangeType ChangeType { get { return _changeType; }}
public OrderItem ReplacedWith { get { return _replacedWith; }}
public SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs(ChangeType change,
OrderItem item, OrderItem replacement)
_changeType = change;
_changedItem = item;
_replacedWith = replacement;
public enum ChangeType
public class Demo
public static void Main()
SimpleOrder weekly = new SimpleOrder();
weekly.Changed += new
// The Add method, inherited from Collection, takes OrderItem.
weekly.Add(new OrderItem(110072674, "Widget", 400, 45.17));
weekly.Add(new OrderItem(110072675, "Sprocket", 27, 5.3));
weekly.Add(new OrderItem(101030411, "Motor", 10, 237.5));
weekly.Add(new OrderItem(110072684, "Gear", 175, 5.17));
// The Contains method of KeyedCollection takes TKey.
Console.WriteLine("\nContains(101030411): {0}",
// The default Item property of KeyedCollection takes the key
// type, Integer. The property is read-only.
Console.WriteLine("\nweekly[101030411].Description: {0}",
// The Remove method of KeyedCollection takes a key.
// The Insert method, inherited from Collection, takes an
// index and an OrderItem.
Console.WriteLine("\nInsert(2, new OrderItem(...))");
weekly.Insert(2, new OrderItem(111033401, "Nut", 10, .5));
// The default Item property is overloaded. One overload comes
// from KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>; that overload
// is read-only, and takes Integer because it retrieves by key.
// The other overload comes from Collection<OrderItem>, the
// base class of KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>; it
// retrieves by index, so it also takes an Integer. The compiler
// uses the most-derived overload, from KeyedCollection, so the
// only way to access SimpleOrder by index is to cast it to
// Collection<OrderItem>. Otherwise the index is interpreted
// as a key, and KeyNotFoundException is thrown.
Collection<OrderItem> coweekly = weekly;
Console.WriteLine("\ncoweekly[2].Description: {0}",
Console.WriteLine("\ncoweekly[2] = new OrderItem(...)");
coweekly[2] = new OrderItem(127700026, "Crank", 27, 5.98);
OrderItem temp = coweekly[2];
// The IndexOf method, inherited from Collection<OrderItem>,
// takes an OrderItem instead of a key.
Console.WriteLine("\nIndexOf(temp): {0}", weekly.IndexOf(temp));
// The inherited Remove method also takes an OrderItem.
// Increase the quantity for a line item.
Console.WriteLine("\ncoweekly(1) = New OrderItem(...)");
coweekly[1] = new OrderItem(coweekly[1].PartNumber,
coweekly[1].Description, coweekly[1].Quantity + 1000,
private static void Display(SimpleOrder order)
foreach( OrderItem item in order )
private static void ChangedHandler(object source,
SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs e)
OrderItem item = e.ChangedItem;
if (e.ChangeType==ChangeType.Replaced)
OrderItem replacement = e.ReplacedWith;
Console.WriteLine("{0} (quantity {1}) was replaced " +
"by {2}, (quantity {3}).", item.Description,
item.Quantity, replacement.Description,
else if(e.ChangeType == ChangeType.Cleared)
Console.WriteLine("The order list was cleared.");
Console.WriteLine("{0} (quantity {1}) was {2}.",
item.Description, item.Quantity, e.ChangeType);
// This class represents a simple line item in an order. All the
// values are immutable except quantity.
public class OrderItem
private int _partNumber;
private string _description;
private double _unitPrice;
private int _quantity;
public int PartNumber { get { return _partNumber; }}
public string Description { get { return _description; }}
public double UnitPrice { get { return _unitPrice; }}
public int Quantity { get { return _quantity; }}
public OrderItem(int partNumber, string description, int quantity,
double unitPrice)
_partNumber = partNumber;
_description = description;
_quantity = quantity;
_unitPrice = unitPrice;
public override string ToString()
return String.Format(
"{0,9} {1,6} {2,-12} at {3,8:#,###.00} = {4,10:###,###.00}",
PartNumber, _quantity, Description, UnitPrice,
UnitPrice * _quantity);
/* This code example produces the following output:
Widget (quantity 400) was Added.
Sprocket (quantity 27) was Added.
Motor (quantity 10) was Added.
Gear (quantity 175) was Added.
110072674 400 Widget at 45.17 = 18,068.00
110072675 27 Sprocket at 5.30 = 143.10
101030411 10 Motor at 237.50 = 2,375.00
110072684 175 Gear at 5.17 = 904.75
Contains(101030411): True
weekly[101030411].Description: Motor
Motor (quantity 10) was Removed.
Insert(2, new OrderItem(...))
Nut (quantity 10) was Added.
coweekly[2].Description: Nut
coweekly[2] = new OrderItem(...)
Nut (quantity 10) was replaced by Crank, (quantity 27).
IndexOf(temp): 2
Crank (quantity 27) was Removed.
Widget (quantity 400) was Removed.
coweekly(1) = New OrderItem(...)
Gear (quantity 175) was replaced by Gear, (quantity 1175).
110072675 27 Sprocket at 5.30 = 143.10
110072684 1175 Gear at 5.17 = 6,074.75
The order list was cleared.
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
' This class derives from KeyedCollection and shows how to override
' the protected ClearItems, InsertItem, RemoveItem, and SetItem
' methods in order to change the behavior of the default Item
' property and the Add, Clear, Insert, and Remove methods. The
' class implements a Changed event, which is raised by all the
' protected methods.
' SimpleOrder is a collection of OrderItem objects, and its key
' is the PartNumber field of OrderItem. PartNumber is an Integer,
' so SimpleOrder inherits KeyedCollection(Of Integer, OrderItem).
' (Note that the key of OrderItem cannot be changed; if it could
' be changed, SimpleOrder would have to override ChangeItemKey.)
Public Class SimpleOrder
Inherits KeyedCollection(Of Integer, OrderItem)
Public Event Changed As EventHandler(Of SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs)
' This parameterless constructor calls the base class constructor
' that specifies a dictionary threshold of 0, so that the internal
' dictionary is created as soon as an item is added to the
' collection.
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(Nothing, 0)
End Sub
' This is the only method that absolutely must be overridden,
' because without it the KeyedCollection cannot extract the
' keys from the items.
Protected Overrides Function GetKeyForItem( _
ByVal item As OrderItem) As Integer
' In this example, the key is the part number.
Return item.PartNumber
End Function
Protected Overrides Sub InsertItem( _
ByVal index As Integer, ByVal newItem As OrderItem)
MyBase.InsertItem(index, newItem)
RaiseEvent Changed(Me, New SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs( _
ChangeType.Added, newItem, Nothing))
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub SetItem(ByVal index As Integer, _
ByVal newItem As OrderItem)
Dim replaced As OrderItem = Items(index)
MyBase.SetItem(index, newItem)
RaiseEvent Changed(Me, New SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs( _
ChangeType.Replaced, replaced, newItem))
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub RemoveItem(ByVal index As Integer)
Dim removedItem As OrderItem = Items(index)
RaiseEvent Changed(Me, New SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs( _
ChangeType.Removed, removedItem, Nothing))
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub ClearItems()
RaiseEvent Changed(Me, New SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs( _
ChangeType.Cleared, Nothing, Nothing))
End Sub
End Class
' Event argument for the Changed event.
Public Class SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs
Inherits EventArgs
Private _changedItem As OrderItem
Private _changeType As ChangeType
Private _replacedWith As OrderItem
Public ReadOnly Property ChangedItem As OrderItem
Return _changedItem
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property ChangeType As ChangeType
Return _changeType
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property ReplacedWith As OrderItem
Return _replacedWith
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New(ByVal change As ChangeType, ByVal item As OrderItem, _
ByVal replacement As OrderItem)
_changeType = change
_changedItem = item
_replacedWith = replacement
End Sub
End Class
Public Enum ChangeType
End Enum
Public Class Demo
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim weekly As New SimpleOrder()
AddHandler weekly.Changed, AddressOf ChangedHandler
' The Add method, inherited from Collection, takes OrderItem.
weekly.Add(New OrderItem(110072674, "Widget", 400, 45.17))
weekly.Add(New OrderItem(110072675, "Sprocket", 27, 5.3))
weekly.Add(New OrderItem(101030411, "Motor", 10, 237.5))
weekly.Add(New OrderItem(110072684, "Gear", 175, 5.17))
' The Contains method of KeyedCollection takes TKey.
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Contains(101030411): {0}", _
' The default Item property of KeyedCollection takes the key
' type, Integer. The property is read-only.
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "weekly(101030411).Description: {0}", _
' The Remove method of KeyedCollection takes a key.
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Remove(101030411)")
' The Insert method, inherited from Collection, takes an
' index and an OrderItem.
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Insert(2, New OrderItem(...))")
weekly.Insert(2, New OrderItem(111033401, "Nut", 10, .5))
' The default Item property is overloaded. One overload comes
' from KeyedCollection(Of Integer, OrderItem); that overload
' is read-only, and takes Integer because it retrieves by key.
' The other overload comes from Collection(Of OrderItem), the
' base class of KeyedCollection(Of Integer, OrderItem); it
' retrieves by index, so it also takes an Integer. The compiler
' uses the most-derived overload, from KeyedCollection, so the
' only way to access SimpleOrder by index is to cast it to
' Collection(Of OrderItem). Otherwise the index is interpreted
' as a key, and KeyNotFoundException is thrown.
Dim coweekly As Collection(Of OrderItem) = weekly
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "coweekly(2).Description: {0}", _
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "coweekly(2) = New OrderItem(...)")
coweekly(2) = New OrderItem(127700026, "Crank", 27, 5.98)
Dim temp As OrderItem = coweekly(2)
' The IndexOf method, inherited from Collection(Of OrderItem),
' takes an OrderItem instead of a key.
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "IndexOf(temp): {0}", _
' The inherited Remove method also takes an OrderItem.
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Remove(temp)")
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "RemoveAt(0)")
' Increase the quantity for a line item.
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "coweekly(1) = New OrderItem(...)")
coweekly(1) = New OrderItem(coweekly(1).PartNumber, _
coweekly(1).Description, coweekly(1).Quantity + 1000, _
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Display(ByVal order As SimpleOrder)
For Each item As OrderItem In order
Next item
End Sub
Private Shared Sub ChangedHandler(ByVal source As Object, _
ByVal e As SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs)
Dim item As OrderItem = e.ChangedItem
If e.ChangeType = ChangeType.Replaced Then
Dim replacement As OrderItem = e.ReplacedWith
Console.WriteLine("{0} (quantity {1}) was replaced " & _
"by {2}, (quantity {3}).", item.Description, _
item.Quantity, replacement.Description, replacement.Quantity)
ElseIf e.ChangeType = ChangeType.Cleared Then
Console.WriteLine("The order list was cleared.")
Console.WriteLine("{0} (quantity {1}) was {2}.", _
item.Description, item.Quantity, e.ChangeType)
End If
End Sub
End Class
' This class represents a simple line item in an order. All the
' values are immutable except quantity.
Public Class OrderItem
Private _partNumber As Integer
Private _description As String
Private _unitPrice As Double
Private _quantity As Integer
Public ReadOnly Property PartNumber As Integer
Return _partNumber
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Description As String
Return _description
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property UnitPrice As Double
Return _unitPrice
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Quantity() As Integer
Return _quantity
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New(ByVal partNumber As Integer, _
ByVal description As String, _
ByVal quantity As Integer, _
ByVal unitPrice As Double)
_partNumber = partNumber
_description = description
_quantity = quantity
_unitPrice = unitPrice
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return String.Format( _
"{0,9} {1,6} {2,-12} at {3,8:#,###.00} = {4,10:###,###.00}", _
PartNumber, _quantity, Description, UnitPrice, _
UnitPrice * _quantity)
End Function
End Class
' This code example produces the following output:
'Widget (quantity 400) was Added.
'Sprocket (quantity 27) was Added.
'Motor (quantity 10) was Added.
'Gear (quantity 175) was Added.
'110072674 400 Widget at 45.17 = 18,068.00
'110072675 27 Sprocket at 5.30 = 143.10
'101030411 10 Motor at 237.50 = 2,375.00
'110072684 175 Gear at 5.17 = 904.75
'Contains(101030411): True
'weekly(101030411).Description: Motor
'Motor (quantity 10) was Removed.
'Insert(2, New OrderItem(...))
'Nut (quantity 10) was Added.
'coweekly(2).Description: Nut
'coweekly(2) = New OrderItem(...)
'Nut (quantity 10) was replaced by Crank, (quantity 27).
'IndexOf(temp): 2
'Crank (quantity 27) was Removed.
'Widget (quantity 400) was Removed.
'coweekly(1) = New OrderItem(...)
'Gear (quantity 175) was replaced by Gear, (quantity 1175).
'110072675 27 Sprocket at 5.30 = 143.10
'110072684 1175 Gear at 5.17 = 6,074.75
'The order list was cleared.
Przykład 2
W poniższym przykładzie kodu pokazano, jak zastąpić metodę chronioną ChangeItemKey w celu obsługi kluczy modyfikowalnych oraz jak zastąpić chronione InsertItemmetody , , RemoveItemClearItemsi SetItem w celu zachowania integralności kluczy i kolekcji.
Przykładowy kod tworzy MutableKeys
kolekcję, która pochodzi z KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem>klasy , i MutableKey
klasy . Klasa MutableKey
ma właściwość settable Key
. Po przypisaniu nowego klucza do właściwości metoda setter właściwości wywołuje internal
metodę (Friend
w języku Visual Basic) ChangeKey
kolekcji, aby sprawdzić, czy nowy klucz będzie powodować konflikt z istniejącym kluczem. Jeśli tak, zostanie zgłoszony wyjątek i wartość właściwości nie zostanie zmieniona.
Aby zachować połączenie między obiektem MutableKey
a MutableKeys
kolekcją i uniemożliwić wstawianie obiektu do dwóch kolekcji, MutableKey
klasa ma internal
pole (Friend
w Visual Basic). Collection
To pole jest obsługiwane przez chronione metody, które zapewniają niestandardowe zachowanie podczas dodawania i usuwania elementów z kolekcji, takich jak InsertItem metoda. Pole jest ustawiane po dodaniu elementu do kolekcji i wyczyszczone po usunięciu elementu.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
// This class demonstrates one way to use the ChangeItemKey
// method to store objects with keys that can be changed. The
// ChangeItemKey method is used to keep the internal lookup
// Dictionary in sync with the keys of the stored objects.
// MutableKeys stores MutableKey objects, which have an Integer
// Key property that can be set. Therefore, MutableKeys inherits
// KeyedCollection(Of Integer, MutableKey).
public class MutableKeys : KeyedCollection<int, MutableKey>
// This parameterless constructor delegates to the base class
// constructor that specifies a dictionary threshold. A
// threshold of 0 means the internal Dictionary is created
// the first time an object is added.
public MutableKeys() : base(null, 0) {}
protected override int GetKeyForItem(MutableKey item)
// The key is MutableKey.Key.
return item.Key;
protected override void InsertItem(int index, MutableKey newItem)
if (newItem.Collection != null)
throw new ArgumentException("The item already belongs to a collection.");
base.InsertItem(index, newItem);
newItem.Collection = this;
protected override void SetItem(int index, MutableKey newItem)
MutableKey replaced = Items[index];
if (newItem.Collection != null)
throw new ArgumentException("The item already belongs to a collection.");
base.SetItem(index, newItem);
newItem.Collection = this;
replaced.Collection = null;
protected override void RemoveItem(int index)
MutableKey removedItem = Items[index];
removedItem.Collection = null;
protected override void ClearItems()
foreach( MutableKey mk in Items )
mk.Collection = null;
internal void ChangeKey(MutableKey item, int newKey)
base.ChangeItemKey(item, newKey);
public void Dump()
if (Dictionary == null)
Console.WriteLine(" The dictionary has not been created.");
Console.WriteLine(" Dictionary entries");
Console.WriteLine(" ------------------");
foreach( KeyValuePair<int, MutableKey> kvp in Dictionary )
Console.WriteLine(" {0} : {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
Console.WriteLine("\n List of items");
Console.WriteLine(" -------------");
foreach( MutableKey mk in Items )
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", mk);
public class Demo
public static void Main()
MutableKeys mkeys = new MutableKeys();
// The Add method is inherited from Collection.
mkeys.Add(new MutableKey(110072674, "Widget"));
mkeys.Add(new MutableKey(110072675, "Sprocket"));
Console.WriteLine("\nCreate and insert a new item:");
MutableKey test = new MutableKey(110072684, "Gear");
mkeys.Insert(1, test);
Console.WriteLine("\nTry to insert the item again:");
mkeys.Insert(1, test);
catch(ArgumentException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message);
Console.WriteLine("\nChange the Key property of the item:");
test.Key = 100000072;
Console.WriteLine("\nTry to set the Key property to an existing key:");
test.Key = 110072674;
catch(ArgumentException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message);
private static void Display(MutableKeys order)
foreach( MutableKey item in order )
// This class has a key that can be changed.
public class MutableKey
public MutableKey(int newKey, string newValue)
_key = newKey;
Value = newValue;
} //New
public string Value;
internal MutableKeys Collection;
private int _key;
public int Key
return _key;
if (Collection != null)
Collection.ChangeKey(this, value);
_key = value;
public override string ToString()
return String.Format("{0,9} {1}", _key, Value);
/* This code example produces the following output:
Dictionary entries
110072674 : 110072674 Widget
110072675 : 110072675 Sprocket
List of items
110072674 Widget
110072675 Sprocket
Create and insert a new item:
Dictionary entries
110072674 : 110072674 Widget
110072675 : 110072675 Sprocket
110072684 : 110072684 Gear
List of items
110072674 Widget
110072684 Gear
110072675 Sprocket
Try to insert the item again:
Error: The item already belongs to a collection.
Change the Key property of the item:
Dictionary entries
110072674 : 110072674 Widget
110072675 : 110072675 Sprocket
100000072 : 100000072 Gear
List of items
110072674 Widget
100000072 Gear
110072675 Sprocket
Try to set the Key property to an existing key:
Error: An item with the same key has already been added.
Dictionary entries
110072674 : 110072674 Widget
110072675 : 110072675 Sprocket
100000072 : 100000072 Gear
List of items
110072674 Widget
100000072 Gear
110072675 Sprocket
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
' This class demonstrates one way to use the ChangeItemKey
' method to store objects with keys that can be changed. The
' ChangeItemKey method is used to keep the internal lookup
' Dictionary in sync with the keys of the stored objects.
' MutableKeys stores MutableKey objects, which have an Integer
' Key property that can be set. Therefore, MutableKeys inherits
' KeyedCollection(Of Integer, MutableKey).
Public Class MutableKeys
Inherits KeyedCollection(Of Integer, MutableKey)
' This parameterless constructor delegates to the base class
' constructor that specifies a dictionary threshold. A
' threshold of 0 means the internal Dictionary is created
' the first time an object is added.
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(Nothing, 0)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Function GetKeyForItem( _
ByVal item As MutableKey) As Integer
' The key is MutableKey.Key.
Return item.Key
End Function
Protected Overrides Sub InsertItem( _
ByVal index As Integer, ByVal newItem As MutableKey)
If newItem.Collection IsNot Nothing Then _
Throw New ArgumentException("The item already belongs to a collection.")
MyBase.InsertItem(index, newItem)
newItem.Collection = Me
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub SetItem(ByVal index As Integer, _
ByVal newItem As MutableKey)
Dim replaced As MutableKey = Items(index)
If newItem.Collection IsNot Nothing Then _
Throw New ArgumentException("The item already belongs to a collection.")
MyBase.SetItem(index, newItem)
newItem.Collection = Me
replaced.Collection = Nothing
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub RemoveItem(ByVal index As Integer)
Dim removedItem As MutableKey = Items(index)
removedItem.Collection = Nothing
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub ClearItems()
For Each mk As MutableKey In Items
mk.Collection = Nothing
End Sub
Friend Sub ChangeKey(ByVal item As MutableKey, _
ByVal newKey As Integer)
MyBase.ChangeItemKey(item, newKey)
End Sub
Public Sub Dump()
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "DUMP:")
If Dictionary Is Nothing Then
Console.WriteLine(" The dictionary has not been created.")
Console.WriteLine(" Dictionary entries")
Console.WriteLine(" ------------------")
For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of Integer, MutableKey) In Dictionary
Console.WriteLine(" {0} : {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value)
End If
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & " List of items")
Console.WriteLine(" -------------")
For Each mk As MutableKey In Items
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", mk)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Demo
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim mkeys As New MutableKeys()
' The Add method is inherited from Collection.
mkeys.Add(New MutableKey(110072674, "Widget"))
mkeys.Add(New MutableKey(110072675, "Sprocket"))
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Create and insert a new item:")
Dim test As New MutableKey(110072684, "Gear")
mkeys.Insert(1, test)
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Try to insert the item again:")
mkeys.Insert(1, test)
Catch ex As ArgumentException
Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message)
End Try
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Change the Key property of the item:")
test.Key = 100000072
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Try to set the Key property to an existing key:")
test.Key = 110072674
Catch ex As ArgumentException
Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Display(ByVal order As MutableKeys)
For Each item As MutableKey In order
Next item
End Sub
End Class
' This class has a key that can be changed.
Public Class MutableKey
Public Sub New(ByVal newKey As Integer, ByVal newValue As String)
_key = newKey
Value = newValue
End Sub
Public Value As String
Friend Collection As MutableKeys
Private _key As Integer
Public Property Key As Integer
Return _key
End Get
If Collection IsNot Nothing Then
Collection.ChangeKey(Me, value)
End If
_key = value
End Set
End Property
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return String.Format("{0,9} {1}", _key, Value)
End Function
End Class
' This code example produces the following output:
' Dictionary entries
' ------------------
' 110072674 : 110072674 Widget
' 110072675 : 110072675 Sprocket
' List of items
' -------------
' 110072674 Widget
' 110072675 Sprocket
'Create and insert a new item:
' Dictionary entries
' ------------------
' 110072674 : 110072674 Widget
' 110072675 : 110072675 Sprocket
' 110072684 : 110072684 Gear
' List of items
' -------------
' 110072674 Widget
' 110072684 Gear
' 110072675 Sprocket
'Try to insert the item again:
'Error: The item already belongs to a collection.
'Change the Key property of the item:
' Dictionary entries
' ------------------
' 110072674 : 110072674 Widget
' 110072675 : 110072675 Sprocket
' 100000072 : 100000072 Gear
' List of items
' -------------
' 110072674 Widget
' 100000072 Gear
' 110072675 Sprocket
'Try to set the Key property to an existing key:
'Error: An item with the same key has already been added.
' Dictionary entries
' ------------------
' 110072674 : 110072674 Widget
' 110072675 : 110072675 Sprocket
' 100000072 : 100000072 Gear
' List of items
' -------------
' 110072674 Widget
' 100000072 Gear
' 110072675 Sprocket
Jeśli index
parametr jest równy Count, item
jest dodawany na końcu elementu KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem>.
Ta metoda jest operacją O(n
), gdzie n
to Count.
InsertItem metoda jest wywoływana Add przez metody i Insert .
Zastąpij tę metodę, aby zapewnić dostosowane zachowanie metod Add i Insert dziedziczone z Collection<T> klasy ogólnej.
Wywołaj implementację klasy bazowej tej metody, aby wstawić element do bazowej kolekcji i zaktualizować słownik odnośników.
Produkt | Wersje |
.NET | Core 1.0, Core 1.1, Core 2.0, Core 2.1, Core 2.2, Core 3.0, Core 3.1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
.NET Framework | 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1 |
.NET Standard | 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 2.0, 2.1 |
UWP | 10.0 |
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