CultureInfo.DisplayName Właściwość


Pobiera pełną nazwę zlokalizowanej kultury.

 virtual property System::String ^ DisplayName { System::String ^ get(); };
public virtual string DisplayName { get; }
member this.DisplayName : string
Public Overridable ReadOnly Property DisplayName As String

Wartość właściwości


Pełna nazwa zlokalizowanej kultury w formacie languagefull [country/regionfull], gdzie languagefull to pełna nazwa języka, a kraj/regionfull to pełna nazwa kraju/regionu.


Poniższy przykład kodu wyświetla kilka właściwości kultury neutralnej.


W przykładzie są wyświetlane kultury i z 0x0004 i zh-CHS zh-CHT 0x7C04 identyfikatorami kultury. Jednak aplikacja Windows Vista powinna używać nazwy zamiast i zamiast zh-Hans zh-CHS zh-Hant zh-CHT. Nazwy i reprezentują bieżący standard i powinny być używane, chyba że masz zh-Hans zh-Hant przyczynę używania starszych nazw.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
int main()
   // Displays several properties of the neutral cultures.
   Console::WriteLine( "CULTURE ISO ISO WIN DISPLAYNAME                              ENGLISHNAME" );
   System::Collections::IEnumerator^ enum0 = CultureInfo::GetCultures( CultureTypes::NeutralCultures )->GetEnumerator();
   while ( enum0->MoveNext() )
      CultureInfo^ ci = safe_cast<CultureInfo^>(enum0->Current);
      Console::Write( "{0,-7}", ci->Name );
      Console::Write( " {0,-3}", ci->TwoLetterISOLanguageName );
      Console::Write( " {0,-3}", ci->ThreeLetterISOLanguageName );
      Console::Write( " {0,-3}", ci->ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName );
      Console::Write( " {0,-40}", ci->DisplayName );
      Console::WriteLine( " {0,-40}", ci->EnglishName );

This code produces the following output.  This output has been cropped for brevity.

ar      ar  ara ARA Arabic                                   Arabic                                  
bg      bg  bul BGR Bulgarian                                Bulgarian                               
ca      ca  cat CAT Catalan                                  Catalan                                 
zh-Hans zh  zho CHS Chinese (Simplified)                     Chinese (Simplified)                    
cs      cs  ces CSY Czech                                    Czech                                   
da      da  dan DAN Danish                                   Danish                                  
de      de  deu DEU German                                   German                                  
el      el  ell ELL Greek                                    Greek                                   
en      en  eng ENU English                                  English                                 
es      es  spa ESP Spanish                                  Spanish                                 
fi      fi  fin FIN Finnish                                  Finnish                                 
zh      zh  zho CHS Chinese                                  Chinese                                 
zh-Hant zh  zho CHT Chinese (Traditional)                    Chinese (Traditional)                   
zh-CHS  zh  zho CHS Chinese (Simplified) Legacy              Chinese (Simplified) Legacy             
zh-CHT  zh  zho CHT Chinese (Traditional) Legacy             Chinese (Traditional) Legacy            

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCultureInfo

   public static void Main()

      // Displays several properties of the neutral cultures.
      Console.WriteLine("CULTURE ISO ISO WIN DISPLAYNAME                              ENGLISHNAME");
      foreach (CultureInfo ci in CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.NeutralCultures))
         Console.Write("{0,-7}", ci.Name);
         Console.Write(" {0,-3}", ci.TwoLetterISOLanguageName);
         Console.Write(" {0,-3}", ci.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName);
         Console.Write(" {0,-3}", ci.ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName);
         Console.Write(" {0,-40}", ci.DisplayName);
         Console.WriteLine(" {0,-40}", ci.EnglishName);

This code produces the following output.  This output has been cropped for brevity.

ar      ar  ara ARA Arabic                                   Arabic
bg      bg  bul BGR Bulgarian                                Bulgarian
ca      ca  cat CAT Catalan                                  Catalan
zh-Hans zh  zho CHS Chinese (Simplified)                     Chinese (Simplified)
cs      cs  ces CSY Czech                                    Czech
da      da  dan DAN Danish                                   Danish
de      de  deu DEU German                                   German
el      el  ell ELL Greek                                    Greek
en      en  eng ENU English                                  English
es      es  spa ESP Spanish                                  Spanish
fi      fi  fin FIN Finnish                                  Finnish
zh      zh  zho CHS Chinese                                  Chinese
zh-Hant zh  zho CHT Chinese (Traditional)                    Chinese (Traditional)
zh-CHS  zh  zho CHS Chinese (Simplified) Legacy              Chinese (Simplified) Legacy
zh-CHT  zh  zho CHT Chinese (Traditional) Legacy             Chinese (Traditional) Legacy

Imports System.Globalization

Module Module1

   Public Sub Main()

      ' Displays several properties of the neutral cultures.
      Console.WriteLine("CULTURE ISO ISO WIN DISPLAYNAME                              ENGLISHNAME")
      Dim ci As CultureInfo
      For Each ci In CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.NeutralCultures)
         Console.Write("{0,-7}", ci.Name)
         Console.Write(" {0,-3}", ci.TwoLetterISOLanguageName)
         Console.Write(" {0,-3}", ci.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName)
         Console.Write(" {0,-3}", ci.ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName)
         Console.Write(" {0,-40}", ci.DisplayName)
         Console.WriteLine(" {0,-40}", ci.EnglishName)
      Next ci

   End Sub

'This code produces the following output.  This output has been cropped for brevity.
'ar      ar  ara ARA Arabic                                   Arabic                                  
'bg      bg  bul BGR Bulgarian                                Bulgarian                               
'ca      ca  cat CAT Catalan                                  Catalan                                 
'zh-Hans zh  zho CHS Chinese (Simplified)                     Chinese (Simplified)                    
'cs      cs  ces CSY Czech                                    Czech                                   
'da      da  dan DAN Danish                                   Danish                                  
'de      de  deu DEU German                                   German                                  
'el      el  ell ELL Greek                                    Greek                                   
'en      en  eng ENU English                                  English                                 
'es      es  spa ESP Spanish                                  Spanish                                 
'fi      fi  fin FIN Finnish                                  Finnish                                 
'zh      zh  zho CHS Chinese                                  Chinese                                 
'zh-Hant zh  zho CHT Chinese (Traditional)                    Chinese (Traditional)                   
'zh-CHS  zh  zho CHS Chinese (Simplified) Legacy              Chinese (Simplified) Legacy             
'zh-CHT  zh  zho CHT Chinese (Traditional) Legacy             Chinese (Traditional) Legacy            

End Module


Ta właściwość reprezentuje zlokalizowanej nazwy CultureInfo obiektu.

Nazwy kultur mogą się różnić z powodu konwencji tworzenia skryptów lub formatowania. W celu wyświetlenia należy użyć zwróconej nazwy, a nie próby jej analizy.

Jeśli niestandardowa kultura jest tworzona za pomocą klasy , właściwość jest inicjowana CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder do wartości właściwości DisplayName NativeName .


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