Get IP statistics API

Applies to:

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If you are a US Government customer, please use the URIs listed in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint for US Government customers.


For better performance, you can use server closer to your geo location:


API description

Retrieves the statistics for the given IP.


  1. Rate limitations for this API are 100 calls per minute and 1500 calls per hour.
  2. Maximum Value for Lookbackhours is 720 Hours(30days).


One of the following permissions is required to call this API. To learn more, including how to choose permissions, see Use Microsoft Defender for Endpoint APIs

Permission type Permission Permission display name
Application Ip.Read.All 'Read IP address profiles'
Delegated (work or school account) Ip.Read.All 'Read IP address profiles'


When obtaining a token using user credentials:

  • The user needs to have at least the following role permission: 'View Data' (For more information, see Create and manage roles)

HTTP request

GET /api/ips/{ip}/stats

Request headers

Name Type Description
Authorization String Bearer {token}. Required.

Request URI parameters

Name Type Description
lookBackHours Int32 Defines the hours we search back to get the statistics. Defaults to 30 days. Optional.

Request body



If successful and ip exists - 200 OK with statistical data in the body. IP is valid but doesn't exist - organizationPrevalence 0, IP is invalid - HTTP 400.


Request example

Here's an example of the request.


Response example

Here's an example of the response.

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#microsoft.windowsDefenderATP.api.InOrgIPStats",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "organizationPrevalence": 63515,
    "orgFirstSeen": "2017-07-30T13:36:06Z",
    "orgLastSeen": "2017-08-29T13:32:59Z"
Name Description
Organization prevalence the distinct count of devices that opened network connection to this IP.
Org first seen the first connection for this IP in the organization.
Org last seen the last connection for this IP in the organization.


This statistic information is based on data from the past 30 days.


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