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CSS EditProj Command

For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.

Modifies a Commerce Server Staging (CSS) project that is defined on a server. The project must already be defined on the server. Use the AddProj command to add projects to a server.


In order to modify projects, you must have CSS administrator rights on the server or for the project. You have rights if you are a member of the CSS Administrators group.

EditProj <ProjectName> <Property=Value> [...] [GlobalFlags]





Specifies the name of an existing project.


Specifies a property and its value. See the Optional Parameters and Business Data Flags sections later in this topic for applicable properties and their values.

Optional Parameters




Specifies the path and file name of a script to run after content is received.


Specifies the path and file name of a script to run after content is sent.


Specifies the path and file name of a script to run before content is received


Specifies the path and file name of a script to run before content is sent.


Contains comments for the staging project. This is comparable to entering text in the Note box on the Project tab in the Project Properties dialog box.


Specifies one or more destinations. A destination can be a server name, a route name, or a directory for same box replications. When you specify a route name, include the /Route flag. This causes CSS to treat the destination string as the name of a route. If the flag is omitted or /NoRoute is specified, CSS will treat the string as either a server name or directory.

Routes can only be used to stage Web content and business data.


Specifies a directory to exclude from staging.

This option is only applicable to Web content staging projects. You define this option only on the source staging server.

Filter <filter1> [...]

Specifies the filters to use to include or exclude specific assets, such as files or directories, in a Web content staging project. Options available for specifying filters are as follows:

+<filter>Includes the file or directory filter.
-<filter>Excludes the file or directory filter.
\Applies the filter to directories.
...\Applies the filter to all subdirectories.
<filter>A file or directory filter that can use wildcard characters.

For example, to include text1.txt, exclude all files that end in .exe that are in the project root directory, exclude the directory dir1, and include all *.jpg files in the whole directory tree, specify:

 /Filter "+text1.txt -*.exe -dir1\ +...\*.jpg"
This option is only applicable to Web content staging projects. When filters are defined, they only must be defined on the source staging server.

Flags=< NoDelete | DirsOnly | Force | Incremental | Automatic | Route | ExcludeAll >

Specifies one or more flags. The following flags, except for the Route flag, are only valid for staging Web content projects:

NoDeleteSpecifies to preserve deleted content on the endpoint servers. This is comparable to selecting the Preserve Content on destination when deleting from source option on the Advanced tab in the Project Properties dialog box.
Specifies to replicate the directory structure only.
This flag has no user interface counterpart. This flag cannot be used with the /Incremental option.
ForceSpecifies whether to force deployment of all content. This is comparable to selecting the Force deployment of all content option on the Advanced tab in the Project Properties dialog box.
IncrementalSpecifies whether to stage all content or only that content that has changed. This is comparable to selecting the Check time stamp only option on the Advanced tab in the Project Properties dialog box.
AutomaticSpecifies whether to stage content automatically or according to a schedule. This is comparable to selecting the Deploy automatically as content changes option on the Schedule tab in the Project Properties dialog box.
Instructs CSS to compare the destination name provided against the route names that are defined on the server. CSS will treat the destination string that resembles existing routes defined on the server as a route name. The default assignment is /Route.
Routes can only be used to stage Web content and business data.
ExcludeAllSpecifies that all subdirectories should be excluded from staging.


Specifies the path of an existing directory. This directory is used to temporarily store data that is staged. The directory must be specified in the form: <drive>:/<path>.


Specifies an e-mail address to receive notifications when a staging project succeeds or fails.


Specifies an e-mail address to receive notifications when a staging project fails.


Specifies an e-mail address to receive notifications when a staging project succeeds.

MapUrl=<map url>

Specifies the URL to which the destination maps. This is comparable to specifying the Virtual directory to be assigned to the project on the IIS tab in the Project Properties dialog box.

This option is only applicable to Web content staging projects. You define this option only on endpoint servers.

SkipLockedFiles=<yes | no>

Specifies whether CSS will not deploy a file from the source or overwrite a file on the target if it is locked or currently being used. If this option is cleared and files are being used, the replication will fail. This is comparable to selecting the Skip locked files on source or destination option on the Advanced tab in the Project Properties dialog box.

This option is only applicable to Web content staging projects. You define this option only on the source staging server.

TransactionMethod=<yes | no>

Specifies whether to perform transactional staging. This is comparable to selecting the Enable rollback and transactions option on the Advanced tab in the <Staging Server Name>Properties dialog box. The TransactionMethod is set on the destination servers specified for the Global Flags.

When you select this option, it causes the endpoint server to maintain a copy of the Web content for each project that is staged onto that server. You enable this option in case that you want to revert to the original Web content. When you enable this option, you must make sure that you have sufficient disk space to support the storage of Web content projects. If, for example, you decide to keep three rollbacks, you must have enough hard disk space for at least three versions of the content.

This option is only applicable to Web content staging projects. You define this option only on endpoint servers. If you enable this option, use SetGlobal to modify the RollbacksToKeep.


Specifies the rights to set on the virtual directory:

  • r=Allow read access

  • w=Allow write access

  • e=Allow execute access

  • s=Allow script access

  • b=Allow directory browsing

This is comparable to specifying these optionson the IIS tab in the Project Properties dialog box.

Note   This option is only applicable to Web content staging projects. You define this option only on endpoint servers.


Specifies the name of the Web site that you want to host in the virtual directory.

WaitApply=<yes | no>

Specifies whether to enable timed release. This is comparable to selecting the Enable timed release option on the Advanced tab in the Project Properties dialog box.

This option is only applicable to Web content staging projects. You define this option only on endpoint servers. For more information, see Web Content Staging Options.

Business Data Flags

The following flags are only valid for business data projects. Specification of these flags is required when you modify the location of the business data XML configuration file.




Specifies the project type. Specify /BusinessData for business data projects and when specifying the business XML configuration file.

/BusinessXmlFile <filepath>

Specifies the path and file name to the business data configuration XML file.

Global Flags



/Server <ServerName>

Specifies the server for which the command should execute. Leave blank to execute the command on the server where you enter the command.

/User <user> [pass | *]

Specifies the credentials to use to run the command. You must specify a user name that has the required CSS administrator or operator rights on the server where the command will be executed. If you omit the user name, the user name of the person who enters the command is used.

If you omit the password or enter an asterisk, CSS prompts you for the password. The password you enter is not displayed on the screen.


You must have CSS administrator rights to execute this command.

You cannot change the project type after the project has been created.


The following series of commands are performed from the source server.

The first command specifies the address to mail notifications about the success or failure of staging the Web content project named Test1. The command executes by using the credentials of the user logged into the local source server. This user must have CSS administrator rights on the source server in order to execute the command.

The next three commands enable transaction processing for the Test1 project on each destination server, CS001, CS002, and CS003.

Bb498362.alert_caution(en-US,CS.70).gifImportant Note:

The CSSUser must have CSS administrator rights on the remote destination servers for the commands to execute.

C:%COMMERCE_SERVER_ROOT%\Staging\Bin>Css EditProj Test1 MailTo=Admin@adventure-works.com
C:%COMMERCE_SERVER_ROOT%\Staging\Bin>Css EditProj Test1 TransactionMethod=yes /Server CS001 CSSUser CSSPassword
C:%COMMERCE_SERVER_ROOT%\Staging\Bin>Css EditProj Test1 TransactionMethod=yes /Server CS002 CSSUser CSSPassword
C:%COMMERCE_SERVER_ROOT%\Staging\Bin>Css EditProj Test1 TransactionMethod=yes /Server CS003 CSSUser CSSPassword

See Also

Other Resources

Staging Web Sites and Commerce Server Data

Creating Projects for Staging

Managing Staging Projects

CSS AddProj Command

CSS QueryGlobal Command

CSS SetGlobal Command

Staging Commands