NodeTypeDescription Class
Describes a node type in the cluster, each node type represents sub set of nodes in the cluster.
All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.
- Inheritance
NodeTypeDescription(*, name: str, client_connection_endpoint_port: int, http_gateway_endpoint_port: int, is_primary: bool, vm_instance_count: int, placement_properties: Dict[str, str] | None = None, capacities: Dict[str, str] | None = None, durability_level: str | _models.DurabilityLevel | None = None, application_ports: _models.EndpointRangeDescription | None = None, ephemeral_ports: _models.EndpointRangeDescription | None = None, reverse_proxy_endpoint_port: int | None = None, is_stateless: bool | None = None, multiple_availability_zones: bool | None = None, **kwargs: Any)
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
The name of the node type. Required. |
The placement tags applied to nodes in the node type, which can be used to indicate where certain services (workload) should run. |
The capacity tags applied to the nodes in the node type, the cluster resource manager uses these tags to understand how much resource a node has. |
The TCP cluster management endpoint port. Required. |
The HTTP cluster management endpoint port. Required. |
The durability level of the node type. Learn about DurabilityLevel.
durability can be enabled only on full node VM skus like D15_V2, G5 etc. Known values are: "Bronze", "Silver", and "Gold". |
The range of ports from which cluster assigned port to Service Fabric applications. |
The range of ephemeral ports that nodes in this node type should be configured with. |
The node type on which system services will run. Only one node type should be marked as primary. Primary node type cannot be deleted or changed for existing clusters. Required. |
VMInstanceCount should be 1 to n, where n indicates the number of VM instances corresponding to this nodeType. VMInstanceCount = 0 can be done only in these scenarios: NodeType is a secondary nodeType. Durability = Bronze or Durability >= Bronze and InfrastructureServiceManager = true. If VMInstanceCount = 0, implies the VMs for this nodeType will not be used for the initial cluster size computation. Required. |
The endpoint used by reverse proxy. |
Indicates if the node type can only host Stateless workloads. |
Indicates if the node type is enabled to support multiple zones. |
Name | Description |
The name of the node type. Required. |
The placement tags applied to nodes in the node type, which can be used to indicate where certain services (workload) should run. |
The capacity tags applied to the nodes in the node type, the cluster resource manager uses these tags to understand how much resource a node has. |
The TCP cluster management endpoint port. Required. |
The HTTP cluster management endpoint port. Required. |
The durability level of the node type. Learn about DurabilityLevel.
durability can be enabled only on full node VM skus like D15_V2, G5 etc. Known values are: "Bronze", "Silver", and "Gold". |
The range of ports from which cluster assigned port to Service Fabric applications. |
The range of ephemeral ports that nodes in this node type should be configured with. |
The node type on which system services will run. Only one node type should be marked as primary. Primary node type cannot be deleted or changed for existing clusters. Required. |
VMInstanceCount should be 1 to n, where n indicates the number of VM instances corresponding to this nodeType. VMInstanceCount = 0 can be done only in these scenarios: NodeType is a secondary nodeType. Durability = Bronze or Durability >= Bronze and InfrastructureServiceManager = true. If VMInstanceCount = 0, implies the VMs for this nodeType will not be used for the initial cluster size computation. Required. |
The endpoint used by reverse proxy. |
Indicates if the node type can only host Stateless workloads. |
Indicates if the node type is enabled to support multiple zones. |
Azure SDK for Python