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UserIdentity.Tickets Property


Contains an array of tickets that identify the user. If your app uses the JWT policy, only one ticket is returned. This value is only available to Microsoft application partners.


If you are developing for Windows 10 or greater, use the Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core APIs instead. For more information, see Web account manager.

 property IVectorView<OnlineIdServiceTicket ^> ^ Tickets { IVectorView<OnlineIdServiceTicket ^> ^ get(); };
IVectorView<OnlineIdServiceTicket> Tickets();
public IReadOnlyList<OnlineIdServiceTicket> Tickets { get; }
var iVectorView = userIdentity.tickets;
Public ReadOnly Property Tickets As IReadOnlyList(Of OnlineIdServiceTicket)

Property Value

An array of tickets that identify the user.

Applies to

See also