The Microsoft Desktop App Installer on Windows 11 supports OAuth 2.0 authentication requests for identities hosted in Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AAD) to access the Windows app installation media. The user will only be prompted for authentication if the Windows app installation media is inaccessible, by first attempting to access the media for display to the user.
If authentication is required, the URI targeting the installation media must provide the identity hosting solution by including the suffix of ?msixauth=<identity provider> to the URI. By specifying the identity provider, the Microsoft Desktop App Installer will connect to the desired identity provider to request authentication.
Identity Service
Identity Connection String
Microsoft AAD
The values of each field must be URL-encoded, that is with non-printing characters and spaces. The use of question mark ("?") to separate the main Source from the field values, and ampersands ("&") to separate each subsequent fields in the ms-appinstaller:.
Example: ms-appinstaller:?source=
2.The ability to use the ms-appinstaller URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) scheme (protocol) can be controlled by an IT professional (an administrator). To enable ms-appinstaller on your network, set the Group Policy EnableMSAppInstallerProtocol (/windows/client-management/mdm/policy-csp-desktopappinstaller) to enabled (see Policy CSP - DesktopAppInstaller). For more info, see Installing Windows 10 apps from a web page.
A document describing how to create the custom UX xml file and how to add it to your MSIX package to create a custom look and feel for your App Installer installs.
This article provides details that need to be considered when deploying your MSIX packages on Windows devices in an enterprise environment. This article is targeted at enterprise and IT Pros.
This article provides all the details you need to manage deploying you MSIX applications in an enterprise and retail environment. This article is targeted at enterprise and IT Pros.