Working with Private PowerShellGet Repositories

The PowerShellGet module support repositories other than the PowerShell Gallery. These cmdlets enable the following scenarios:

  • Support a trusted, pre-validated set of PowerShell modules for use in your environment
  • Testing a CI/CD pipeline that builds PowerShell modules or scripts
  • Deliver PowerShell scripts and modules to systems that can't access the internet
  • Deliver PowerShell scripts and modules only available to your organization

This article describes how to set up a local PowerShell repository. The article also covers the OfflinePowerShellGetDeploy module available from the PowerShell Gallery. This module contains cmdlets to install the latest version of PowerShellGet into your local repository.

Local repository types

There are two ways to create a local PSRepository: NuGet server or file share. Each type has advantages and disadvantages:

NuGet Server

Advantages Disadvantages
Mimics PowerShellGallery functionality Multi-tier app requires operations planning & support
NuGet integrates with Visual Studio, other tools Authentication model and NuGet accounts management needed
NuGet supports metadata in .Nupkg packages Publishing requires API Key management & maintenance
Provides search, package administration, etc.

File Share

Advantages Disadvantages
Easy to set up, back up, and maintain No UI beyond basic file share
Simple security model - user permissions on the share Limited security and no recording of who updates what
No constraints such as replacing existing items

PowerShellGet works with either type and supports locating versions and dependency installation. However, some features that work for the PowerShell Gallery aren't available for base NuGet servers or file shares. There is no differentiation of scripts, modules, DSC resources, or role capabilities.

Creating a NuGet.Server repository

The following article lists the steps for setting up your own NuGet Server.

Follow the steps up to the point of adding packages. The steps for publishing a package are covered later in this article.

For a file share-based repository, make sure that your users have permissions to access the file share.

Registering a local repository

Before a repository can be used, it must be registered using the Register-PSRepository command. In the examples below, the InstallationPolicy is set to Trusted, on the assumption that you trust your own repository.

# Register a NuGet-based server
$registerPSRepositorySplat = @{
    Name = 'LocalPSRepo'
    SourceLocation = 'http://MyLocalNuget/Api/V2/'
    ScriptSourceLocation = 'http://MyLocalNuget/Api/V2'
    InstallationPolicy = 'Trusted'
Register-PSRepository @registerPSRepositorySplat

# Register a file share on my local machine
$registerPSRepositorySplat = @{
    Name = 'LocalPSRepo'
    SourceLocation = '\\localhost\PSRepoLocal\'
    ScriptSourceLocation = '\\localhost\PSRepoLocal\'
    InstallationPolicy = 'Trusted'
Register-PSRepository @registerPSRepositorySplat

Take note of the difference between how the two commands handle ScriptSourceLocation. For a file share-based repositories, the SourceLocation and ScriptSourceLocation must match. For a web-based repository, they must be different, so in this example a trailing "/" is added to the SourceLocation.

When using a file sharing protocol, like NFS or SMB, be sure to follow the recommended guidance for securing the protocol. For more information about securing SMB on Windows, see [SMB security enhancements][09].

If you want the newly created PSRepository to be the default repository, you must unregister all other PSRepositories. For example:

Unregister-PSRepository -Name PSGallery


The repository name 'PSGallery' is reserved for use by the PowerShell Gallery. You can unregister PSGallery, but you can't reuse the name PSGallery for any other repository.

If you need to restore the PSGallery, run the following command:

Register-PSRepository -Default

Publishing to a local repository

Once you've registered the local PSRepository, you can publish to your local PSRepository. There are two main publishing scenarios: publishing your own module and publishing a module from the PSGallery.

Publishing a module you authored

Use Publish-Module and Publish-Script to publish your module to your local PSRepository the same way you do for the PowerShell Gallery.

  • Specify the location for your code
  • Supply an API key
  • Specify the repository name. For example, -PSRepository LocalPSRepo


You must create an account in the NuGet server, then sign in to generate and save the API key. For a file share, use any non-blank string for the NuGetApiKey value.


# Publish to a NuGet Server repository using my NuGetAPI key
$publishModuleSplat = @{
    Path = 'c:\projects\MyModule'
    Repository = 'LocalPsRepo'
    NuGetApiKey = $nuGetApiKey
Publish-Module @publishModuleSplat


To ensure security, API keys shouldn't be hard-coded in scripts. Use a secure key management system. When executing a command manually, API keys shouldn't be passed as plain-text to avoid it being logged, the Read-Host cmdlet can be used to safely pass the value of the API key.

# Publish to a file share repo - the NuGet API key must be a non-blank string
$publishModuleSplat = @{
    Path = 'c:\projects\MyModule'
    Repository = 'LocalPsRepo'
    NuGetApiKey = 'AnyStringWillDo'
Publish-Module @publishModuleSplat

Publishing a module from the PSGallery

To publish a module from the PSGallery to your local PSRepository, you can use the Save-Package cmdlet.

  • Specify the Name of the Package
  • Specify 'NuGet' as the Provider
  • Specify the PSGallery location as the source (
  • Specify the path to your local Repository


# Publish from the PSGallery to your local Repository
$savePackageSplat = @{
    Name = 'PackageName'
    ProviderName = 'NuGet'
    Source = ''
    Path = '\\localhost\PSRepoLocal\'
Save-Package @savePackageSplat

If your local PSRepository is web-based, it requires an additional step that uses nuget.exe to publish. See the documentation for using nuget.exe.

Installing PowerShellGet on a disconnected system

Deploying PowerShellGet is difficult in environments that require systems to be disconnected from the internet. PowerShellGet has a bootstrap process that installs the latest version the first time it's used. The OfflinePowerShellGetDeploy module in the PowerShell Gallery provides cmdlets that support this bootstrap process.

To bootstrap an offline deployment, you need to:

  • Download and install the OfflinePowerShellGetDeploy your internet-connected system and your disconnected systems
  • Download PowerShellGet and its dependencies on the internet-connected system using the Save-PowerShellGetForOffline cmdlet
  • Copy PowerShellGet and its dependencies from the internet-connected system to the disconnected system
  • Use the Install-PowerShellGetOffline on the disconnected system to place PowerShellGet and its dependencies into the proper folders

The following commands use Save-PowerShellGetForOffline to put all the components into a folder f:\OfflinePowerShellGet

# Requires -RunAsAdministrator
#Download the OfflinePowerShellGetDeploy to a location that can be accessed
# by both the connected and disconnected systems.
Save-Module -Name OfflinePowerShellGetDeploy -Path 'F:\' -Repository PSGallery
Import-Module F:\OfflinePowerShellGetDeploy

# Put PowerShellGet somewhere locally
Save-PowerShellGetForOffline -LocalFolder 'F:\OfflinePowerShellGet'

At this point, you must make the contents of F:\OfflinePowerShellGet available to your disconnected systems. Run the Install-PowerShellGetOffline cmdlet to install PowerShellGet on the disconnected system.


It's important that you don't run PowerShellGet in the PowerShell session before running these commands. Once PowerShellGet is loaded into the session, the components can't be updated. If you do start PowerShellGet by mistake, exit and restart PowerShell.

Import-Module F:\OfflinePowerShellGetDeploy
Install-PowerShellGetOffline -LocalFolder 'F:\OfflinePowerShellGet'

After running these commands, you are ready to publish PowerShellGet to your local repository.

# Publish to a NuGet Server repository using my NuGetAPI key
$publishModuleSplat = @{
    Path = 'F:\OfflinePowershellGet'
    Repository = 'LocalPsRepo'
    NuGetApiKey = $nuGetApiKey
Publish-Module @publishModuleSplat


To ensure security, API keys shouldn't be hard-coded in scripts. Use a secure key management system. When executing a command manually, API keys shouldn't be passed as plain-text to avoid it being logged, the Read-Host cmdlet can be used to safely pass the value of the API key.

# Publish to a file share repo - the NuGet API key must be a non-blank string
$publishModuleSplat = @{
    Path = 'F:\OfflinePowerShellGet'
    Repository = 'LocalPsRepo'
    NuGetApiKey = 'AnyStringWillDo'
Publish-Module @publishModuleSplat

Use Packaging solutions to host PowerShellGet repositories

You can also use packaging solutions like Azure Artifacts to host a private or public PowerShellGet repository. For more information and instructions, see the Azure Artifacts documentation.