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How to Install the Business Process Management Solution

The following steps describe how to prepare the computer for installing the Business Process Management (BPM) solution, and how to install the solution on this computer.


You will run some batch files to deploy the solution. We recommend that you redirect the output of the batch files to a text file to verify that the script completed successfully.

Prepare the computer for installing the Business Process Management Solution

To prepare the computer for installing the Business Process Management Solution

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Services. Using the Services console, make sure that the following services are running:

    • FTP Publishing

    • Message Queuing

    • World Wide Web Publishing

  2. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, click Computer Management console, and then add the BizTalk service account to the local Administrators group.

  3. If you installed Windows SharePoint Services, exclude the (root) of the Default Web Site from Windows SharePoint Services Managed Paths as follows: Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint Central Administration.

    1. Under Virtual Server Configuration, select Configure virtual server settings.

    2. On the Virtual Server List page, click Default Web Site.

    3. On the Virtual Server Settings page, click Define managed paths.

    4. In the Included Paths section of the Defined Managed Path page, select Root and then click Remove selected paths.

    5. At a command prompt, perform an IISReset.

Configure the computer for installing the Business Process Management Solution

To configure the computer for installing the Business Process Management Solution

  1. Log off the computer, and then log on to the computer as the BizTalk service account.

  2. Open a command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER to set the %BTSSolutionsPath% environment variable to indicate the base folder for the E2E solutions. Then, exit the command prompt.

    • setx BTSSolutionsPath "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2009\SDK\Scenarios"


      If you are using a 64-bit computer, use %ProgramFiles(x86)% instead of %ProgramFiles%.


      For more information about the SETX command, see the Microsoft TechNet Web site at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=67831.

  3. Open a command prompt, change the current directory to %BTSSolutionsPath%\BPM\HistoryDB folder, type CreateDatabase.cmd, and press ENTER to create the history database.


    The user running the host specified as the handler for the SQL send adapter must have permissions to execute stored procedures on the SouthridgeVideoHistory database.

  4. At a command prompt, run the following command to change the default script host to CScript.exe

    • CScript /H:CScript
  5. At a command prompt, run the following command to create the CSRWebApp Web application

  6. At a command prompt, run the following command to create a new IIS virtual directory for OrderBroker_Proxy.

    • iisvdir /create "Default Web Site" BTSScn.BPM.OrderBroker_Proxy "%BTSSolutionsPath%\BPM\OrderBroker_Proxy"


    You can use Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager to create the Web Application. For more information about how to create applications in IIS 7.0, see ASP.NET Integration with IIS 7.

  7. Create a new IIS application pool and set its identity as a user that is a member of the BizTalk Isolated Host Users group and the IIS_WPG group, as follows:

    1. In Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, right-click Application Pools, select New, and then select Application Pool.

    2. Type the Application pool ID (any value), and then click OK.

    3. Right-click the application pool that you created, and then select Advanced Settings.

    4. Expand Process Model, click in the right-column for the Identity setting, and then click

    5. Select a user account (either a Build-in account or Custom account ) that has permissions to create and execute files in the Windows\Temp directory. When you configured BizTalk, the configuration process already set these permissions for the user it added to the BizTalk Isolated Host Users group. Specifying the same user is a good choice.

  8. In Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, expand Default Web Site, right-click BTSScn.BPM.OrderBroker_Proxy, point to Manage Application, and then click Advanced Settings.

  9. Set Application Pool to the application pool that you created in the previous step.

  10. Repeat the previous two steps for the CSRWebApp application.

  11. Reset IIS to make sure all these changes take effect immediately. To do this, run iisreset at a command prompt.

  12. At a command prompt, change the current folder to the %BTSSolutionsPath%\BPM\Scripts, type CreateQueues.vbs, and then press ENTER to create the following private queues.

    Name Transactional Transaction protocol
    ToFacilitiesQ Yes Native
    FromFacilitiesQ Yes Native
    FromFixedOrdersQ Yes Native
    ToServicingSystemQ Yes Native
    ToCSRSystemQ No HTTP
    ToVendorSystemQ No HTTP


    You can use Computer Management snap-in to create the queues. For more information about how to create a private queue, see the Message Queuing documentation.

  13. At a command prompt, change the current folder to the %BTSSolutionsPath%\BPM\Scripts, type CreateTestDirectories.cmd, and then press ENTER.

    • The following folders are crated in %SystemDrive%\BPMTest folder













    • FromVendor folder is created in the %SystemDrive%\Inetpub\ftproot folder.


      If the Windows system is not installed on the C drive, you should replace %SystemDrive% with C:. You have to match the folder names to the address in the binding files that the BPM solution provides.


      The BizTalk service account must have read/write permission to the FromVendor folder.

Install the Business Process Management Solution

To install the Business Process Management Solution

  1. At a command prompt, change the current folder to %BTSSolutionsPath%\BPM, type SetupBPM.bat, and then press ENTER.


    Before running SetupBPM.bat, in the files %BTSInstallPath%/SDK/Scenarios/BPM/CSDWebApp/App_WebReferences/SouthridgeVideo_OrderBroker/OrderBrokerOrch_OrderPort.wsdl and %BTSInstallPath%/SDK/Scenarios/BPM/OrderBroker_Proxy/App_Code/OrderBrokerOrch_OrderPort.asmx.cs, replace all instances of 8f8bbebbb3fb375a with XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.

    The SetupBPM.bat performs the following tasks:

    1. Creates a unique strong name key (SNK) for signing the assemblies of the BPM Solution.

    2. Extracts the public key token from the SNK.

    3. Updates the binding files with the public token.

    4. Builds the BPM solution, and installs OpsAdapter.

    5. Builds the SSOApplicationConfig in the %BTSSolutionsPath%\Common folder.

  2. Deploy the Southridge Video business rules using the Business Rule Engine Deployment Wizard:

    1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to BizTalk Server, and then click Business Rules Engine Deployment Wizard.


      On a system that supports User Account Control (UAC), you may need to run the tool with Administrative privileges. To do this, right-click the application, and then select Run as administrator.

    2. On the Welcome page, click Next.

    3. On the Deployment Task page, select Import and publish Policy/Vocabulary to database from file, and then click Next.

    4. On the Policy Store page, keep all other default settings, and then click Next.

    5. On the Import Rules Engine Policy/Vocabulary file page, click Browse, select the DecodeAndValidateOrderRules.xml file in the %BTSSolutionsPath%\BPM\Rules folder, and then click Next.

    6. On the Ready page, click Next, and then on the Importing Policy/Vocabulary page, click Next

    7. On the Completion page, select Run the wizard again to open the Wizard again, and then click Finish.

    8. On the Welcome page, click Next.

    9. On the Deployment Task page, select DeployPolicy, and then click Next.

    10. On the Policy Store page, keep all other default settings, and then click Next.

    11. On the Deploy Policy page, select DecodeAndValidateOrder 1.0 in the Rule Engine Policy drop-down list, and then click Next.

    12. On the Ready page, click Next, and then on the Deploying Policy page, click Next.

    13. On the Completion page, click Finish.

  3. If you install the BPM solution on a 64-bit computer, then

    1. Open a 32-bit command prompt as follow: Click Start, click Run, type %SYSTEMROOT%\SYSWOW64\CMD.EXE, and then press ENTER.

    2. At the 32-bit command prompt, change the directory to the %BTSSolutionsPath%\BPM\Scripts folder.

    3. Using Notepad, open the CreateSouthridgeVideoApplication.cmd, and then replace "%CommonProgramFiles%\Enterprise Single Sign-On\ssomanage.exe" with "%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Common Files\Enterprise Single Sign-On\ssomanage.exe".


      At a 32-bit command prompt, the %CommonProgramFiles% variable is changed to "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Common Files". Because the SSO administrative utility is installed in the %ProgramFiles% even on a 64-bit computer, you must fix the path. The DeployBPM.cmd calls CreateSouthridgeVideoApplication.cmd.

    4. At the 32-bit command prompt, type DeployBPM.cmd, and then press ENTER.


      The DeployBPM.cmd must be run at a 32-bit command prompt because it includes the VB Script accessing x86 objects that requires the x86 version of cscript.exe.

  4. At a command prompt, change the current folder to %BTSSolutionsPath%\BPM\Scripts, type DeployBPM.cmd, and then press ENTER. The DeployBPM.cmd performs the following tasks:

    1. Creates BizTalk Applications for the BPM Solution.

    2. Adds references between the applications.

    3. Imports the binding files.

    4. Deploys the BAM definition files.

    5. Registers the SouthridgeVideo event source.

    6. Creates a Single Sign-On (SSO) affiliated application, and saves configuration values to the SSO application.

  5. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to BizTalk Server, and then click BizTalk Server Administration.

    1. In the BizTalk Server Administration Console, expand BizTalk Group, expand Applications, expand BTSScn.BPM.OrderBrokerApp, expand Receive Locations, right-click Vendor-RP-RL, and then click Properties.

    2. On the Properties dialog box, click Configure, and then enter values as the following table on the Transport Properties dialog box:

      Property Name Value
      Server localhost
      User Name <BizTalk service account name>
      Password <BizTalk service account password>
  6. Run the BPM Solution. For more information about running the solution, see How to Run the Business Process Management Solution.

Next Steps

You test how the Business Management Solution works in How to Run the Business Process Management Solution.

See Also

Before Installing the Business Process Management Solution Developer Machine Setup for the Business Process Management Solution