Char.TryParse(String, Char) Método
Algumas informações se referem a produtos de pré-lançamento que podem ser substancialmente modificados antes do lançamento. A Microsoft não oferece garantias, expressas ou implícitas, das informações aqui fornecidas.
Converte o valor da cadeia de caracteres especificada em seu caractere Unicode equivalente. Um código de retorno indica se a conversão foi bem-sucedida ou falhou.
static bool TryParse(System::String ^ s, [Runtime::InteropServices::Out] char % result);
public static bool TryParse (string s, out char result);
public static bool TryParse (string? s, out char result);
static member TryParse : string * char -> bool
Public Shared Function TryParse (s As String, ByRef result As Char) As Boolean
- s
- String
Uma cadeia de caracteres que contém um único caractere ou null
- result
- Char
Quando esse método é retornado, ele contém um caractere Unicode equivalente ao caractere exclusivo no s
, se a conversão foi bem-sucedida ou um valor indefinido se a conversão falhou. A conversão falhará se o parâmetro s
for null
ou se o tamanho do s
não for 1. Este parâmetro é passado não inicializado.
caso o parâmetro s
tenha sido convertido com êxito; do contrário, false
O exemplo de código a seguir demonstra sobrecargas do TryParse método para vários tipos base e o TryParseExact método para o DateTime tipo base.
// This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for
// several base types, and the TryParseExact method for DateTime.
// In most cases, this example uses the most complex overload; that is, the overload
// with the most parameters for a particular type. If a complex overload specifies
// null (Nothing in Visual Basic) for the IFormatProvider parameter, formatting
// information is obtained from the culture associated with the current thread.
// If a complex overload specifies the style parameter, the parameter value is
// the default value used by the equivalent simple overload.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
static void Show( bool parseResult, String^ typeName, String^ parseValue )
String^ msgSuccess = L"Parse for {0} = {1}";
String^ msgFailure = L"** Parse for {0} failed. Invalid input.";
if ( parseResult == true )
Console::WriteLine( msgSuccess, typeName, parseValue );
Console::WriteLine( msgFailure, typeName );
void main()
bool result;
CultureInfo^ ci;
String^ nl = Environment::NewLine;
String^ msg1 = L"This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for{0}"
L"several base types, as well as the TryParseExact method for DateTime.{0}";
String^ msg2 = L"Non-numeric types:{0}";
String^ msg3 = L"{0}Numeric types:{0}";
String^ msg4 = L"{0}The following types are not CLS-compliant:{0}";
// Non-numeric types.
Boolean booleanVal;
Char charVal;
DateTime datetimeVal;
// Numeric types.
Byte byteVal;
Int16 int16Val;
Int32 int32Val;
Int64 int64Val;
Decimal decimalVal;
Single singleVal;
Double doubleVal;
// The following types are not CLS-compliant.
SByte sbyteVal;
UInt16 uint16Val;
UInt32 uint32Val;
UInt64 uint64Val;
Console::WriteLine( msg1, nl );
// Non-numeric types:
Console::WriteLine( msg2, nl );
// DateTime
// TryParse:
// Assume current culture is en-US, and dates of the form: MMDDYYYY.
result = DateTime::TryParse( L"7/4/2004 12:34:56", datetimeVal );
Show( result, L"DateTime #1", datetimeVal.ToString() );
// Use fr-FR culture, and dates of the form: DDMMYYYY.
ci = gcnew CultureInfo( L"fr-FR" );
result = DateTime::TryParse( L"4/7/2004 12:34:56", ci, DateTimeStyles::None, datetimeVal );
Show( result, L"DateTime #2", datetimeVal.ToString() );
// TryParseExact:
// Use fr-FR culture. The format, "G", is short date and long time.
result = DateTime::TryParseExact( L"04/07/2004 12:34:56", L"G", ci, DateTimeStyles::None, datetimeVal );
Show( result, L"DateTime #3", datetimeVal.ToString() );
// Assume en-US culture.
array<String^>^dateFormats = {L"f",L"F",L"g",L"G"};
result = DateTime::TryParseExact( L"7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM", dateFormats, nullptr, DateTimeStyles::None, datetimeVal );
Show( result, L"DateTime #4", datetimeVal.ToString() );
// Boolean
result = Boolean::TryParse( L"true", booleanVal );
Show( result, L"Boolean", booleanVal.ToString() );
// Char
result = Char::TryParse( L"A", charVal );
Show( result, L"Char", charVal.ToString() );
// Numeric types:
Console::WriteLine( msg3, nl );
// Byte
result = Byte::TryParse( L"1", NumberStyles::Integer, nullptr, byteVal );
Show( result, L"Byte", byteVal.ToString() );
// Int16
result = Int16::TryParse( L"-2", NumberStyles::Integer, nullptr, int16Val );
Show( result, L"Int16", int16Val.ToString() );
// Int32
result = Int32::TryParse( L"3", NumberStyles::Integer, nullptr, int32Val );
Show( result, L"Int32", int32Val.ToString() );
// Int64
result = Int64::TryParse( L"4", NumberStyles::Integer, nullptr, int64Val );
Show( result, L"Int64", int64Val.ToString() );
// Decimal
result = Decimal::TryParse( L"-5.5", NumberStyles::Number, nullptr, decimalVal );
Show( result, L"Decimal", decimalVal.ToString() );
// Single
result = Single::TryParse( L"6.6", static_cast<NumberStyles>((NumberStyles::Float | NumberStyles::AllowThousands)), nullptr, singleVal );
Show( result, L"Single", singleVal.ToString() );
// Double
result = Double::TryParse( L"-7", static_cast<NumberStyles>(NumberStyles::Float | NumberStyles::AllowThousands), nullptr, doubleVal );
Show( result, L"Double", doubleVal.ToString() );
// Use the simple Double.TryParse overload, but specify an invalid value.
result = Double::TryParse( L"abc", doubleVal );
Show( result, L"Double #2", doubleVal.ToString() );
Console::WriteLine( msg4, nl );
// SByte
result = SByte::TryParse( L"-8", NumberStyles::Integer, nullptr, sbyteVal );
Show( result, L"SByte", sbyteVal.ToString() );
// UInt16
result = UInt16::TryParse( L"9", NumberStyles::Integer, nullptr, uint16Val );
Show( result, L"UInt16", uint16Val.ToString() );
// UInt32
result = UInt32::TryParse( L"10", NumberStyles::Integer, nullptr, uint32Val );
Show( result, L"UInt32", uint32Val.ToString() );
// UInt64
result = UInt64::TryParse( L"11", NumberStyles::Integer, nullptr, uint64Val );
Show( result, L"UInt64", uint64Val.ToString() );
This example produces the following results:
This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for
several base types, as well as the TryParseExact method for DateTime.
Non-numeric types:
Parse for DateTime #1 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
Parse for DateTime #2 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
Parse for DateTime #3 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
Parse for DateTime #4 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
Parse for Boolean = True
Parse for Char = A
Numeric types:
Parse for Byte = 1
Parse for Int16 = -2
Parse for Int32 = 3
Parse for Int64 = 4
Parse for Decimal = -5.5
Parse for Single = 6.6
Parse for Double = -7
** Parse for Double #2 failed. Invalid input.
The following types are not CLS-compliant:
Parse for SByte = -8
Parse for UInt16 = 9
Parse for UInt32 = 10
Parse for UInt64 = 11
// This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for
// several base types, and the TryParseExact method for DateTime.
// In most cases, this example uses the most complex overload; that is, the overload
// with the most parameters for a particular type. If a complex overload specifies
// null (Nothing in Visual Basic) for the IFormatProvider parameter, formatting
// information is obtained from the culture associated with the current thread.
// If a complex overload specifies the style parameter, the parameter value is
// the default value used by the equivalent simple overload.
using System;
using System.Globalization;
class Sample
public static void Main()
bool success;
CultureInfo ci;
string nl = Environment.NewLine;
string msg1 =
"This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for{0}" +
"several base types, as well as the TryParseExact method for DateTime.{0}";
string msg2 = "Non-numeric types:{0}";
string msg3 = "{0}Numeric types:{0}";
string msg4 = "{0}The following types are not CLS-compliant:{0}";
// Non-numeric types.
Boolean booleanVal;
Char charVal;
DateTime datetimeVal;
// Numeric types.
Byte byteVal;
Int16 int16Val;
Int32 int32Val;
Int64 int64Val;
Decimal decimalVal;
Single singleVal;
Double doubleVal;
// The following types are not CLS-compliant.
SByte sbyteVal;
UInt16 uint16Val;
UInt32 uint32Val;
UInt64 uint64Val;
Console.WriteLine(msg1, nl);
// Non-numeric types:
Console.WriteLine(msg2, nl);
// DateTime
// TryParse:
// Assume current culture is en-US, and dates of the form: MMDDYYYY.
success = DateTime.TryParse("7/4/2004 12:34:56", out datetimeVal);
Show(success, "DateTime #1", datetimeVal.ToString());
// Use fr-FR culture, and dates of the form: DDMMYYYY.
ci = new CultureInfo("fr-FR");
success = DateTime.TryParse("4/7/2004 12:34:56",
ci, DateTimeStyles.None, out datetimeVal);
Show(success, "DateTime #2", datetimeVal.ToString());
// TryParseExact:
// Use fr-FR culture. The format, "G", is short date and long time.
success = DateTime.TryParseExact("04/07/2004 12:34:56", "G",
ci, DateTimeStyles.None, out datetimeVal);
Show(success, "DateTime #3", datetimeVal.ToString());
// Assume en-US culture.
string[] dateFormats = {"f", "F", "g", "G"};
success = DateTime.TryParseExact("7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM",
dateFormats, null, DateTimeStyles.None,
out datetimeVal);
Show(success, "DateTime #4", datetimeVal.ToString());
// Boolean
success = Boolean.TryParse("true", out booleanVal);
Show(success, "Boolean", booleanVal.ToString());
// Char
success = Char.TryParse("A", out charVal);
Show(success, "Char", charVal.ToString());
// Numeric types:
Console.WriteLine(msg3, nl);
// Byte
success = Byte.TryParse("1", NumberStyles.Integer, null, out byteVal);
Show(success, "Byte", byteVal.ToString());
// Int16
success = Int16.TryParse("-2", NumberStyles.Integer, null, out int16Val);
Show(success, "Int16", int16Val.ToString());
// Int32
success = Int32.TryParse("3", NumberStyles.Integer, null, out int32Val);
Show(success, "Int32", int32Val.ToString());
// Int64
success = Int64.TryParse("4", NumberStyles.Integer, null, out int64Val);
Show(success, "Int64", int64Val.ToString());
// Decimal
success = Decimal.TryParse("-5.5", NumberStyles.Number, null, out decimalVal);
Show(success, "Decimal", decimalVal.ToString());
// Single
success = Single.TryParse("6.6",
(NumberStyles.Float | NumberStyles.AllowThousands),
null, out singleVal);
Show(success, "Single", singleVal.ToString());
// Double
success = Double.TryParse("-7",
(NumberStyles.Float | NumberStyles.AllowThousands),
null, out doubleVal);
Show(success, "Double", doubleVal.ToString());
// Use the simple Double.TryParse overload, but specify an invalid value.
success = Double.TryParse("abc", out doubleVal);
Show(success, "Double #2", doubleVal.ToString());
Console.WriteLine(msg4, nl);
// SByte
success = SByte.TryParse("-8", NumberStyles.Integer, null, out sbyteVal);
Show(success, "SByte", sbyteVal.ToString());
// UInt16
success = UInt16.TryParse("9", NumberStyles.Integer, null, out uint16Val);
Show(success, "UInt16", uint16Val.ToString());
// UInt32
success = UInt32.TryParse("10", NumberStyles.Integer, null, out uint32Val);
Show(success, "UInt32", uint32Val.ToString());
// UInt64
success = UInt64.TryParse("11", NumberStyles.Integer, null, out uint64Val);
Show(success, "UInt64", uint64Val.ToString());
protected static void Show(bool parseSuccess, string typeName,
string parseValue)
string msgSuccess = "Parse for {0} = {1}";
string msgFailure = "** Parse for {0} failed. Invalid input.";
if (parseSuccess == true)
Console.WriteLine(msgSuccess, typeName, parseValue);
Console.WriteLine(msgFailure, typeName);
This example produces the following results:
This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for
several base types, as well as the TryParseExact method for DateTime.
Non-numeric types:
Parse for DateTime #1 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
Parse for DateTime #2 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
Parse for DateTime #3 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
Parse for DateTime #4 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
Parse for Boolean = True
Parse for Char = A
Numeric types:
Parse for Byte = 1
Parse for Int16 = -2
Parse for Int32 = 3
Parse for Int64 = 4
Parse for Decimal = -5.5
Parse for Single = 6.6
Parse for Double = -7
** Parse for Double #2 failed. Invalid input.
The following types are not CLS-compliant:
Parse for SByte = -8
Parse for UInt16 = 9
Parse for UInt32 = 10
Parse for UInt64 = 11
// This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for
// several base types, and the TryParseExact method for DateTime.
// In most cases, this example uses the most complex overload that is, the overload
// with the most parameters for a particular type. If a complex overload specifies
// null (Nothing in Visual Basic) for the IFormatProvider parameter, formatting
// information is obtained from the culture associated with the current thread.
// If a complex overload specifies the style parameter, the parameter value is
// the default value used by the equivalent simple overload.
open System
open System.Globalization
let show parseSuccess typeName parseValue =
if parseSuccess then
printfn $"Parse for %s{typeName} = %s{parseValue}"
printfn $"** Parse for %s{typeName} failed. Invalid input."
let main _ =
printfn "This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for\nseveral base types, as well as the TryParseExact method for DateTime.\n"
// Non-numeric types:
printfn "Non-numeric types:\n"
// DateTime
// TryParse:
// Assume current culture is en-US, and dates of the form: MMDDYYYY.
let success, datetimeVal = DateTime.TryParse "7/4/2004 12:34:56"
show success "DateTime #1" (string datetimeVal)
// Use fr-FR culture, and dates of the form: DDMMYYYY.
let ci = CultureInfo "fr-FR"
let success, datetimeVal = DateTime.TryParse("4/7/2004 12:34:56", ci, DateTimeStyles.None)
show success "DateTime #2" (string datetimeVal)
// TryParseExact:
// Use fr-FR culture. The format, "G", is short date and long time.
let success, datetimeVal = DateTime.TryParseExact("04/07/2004 12:34:56", "G", ci, DateTimeStyles.None)
show success "DateTime #3" (string datetimeVal)
// Assume en-US culture.
let dateFormats = [| "f"; "F"; "g"; "G" |]
let success, datetimeVal = DateTime.TryParseExact("7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM", dateFormats, null, DateTimeStyles.None)
show success "DateTime #4" (string datetimeVal)
printfn ""
// Boolean
let success, booleanVal = Boolean.TryParse "true"
show success "Boolean" (string booleanVal)
// Char
let success, charVal = Char.TryParse "A"
show success "Char" (string charVal)
// Numeric types:
printfn "\nNumeric types:\n"
// Byte
let success, byteVal = Byte.TryParse("1", NumberStyles.Integer, null)
show success "Byte" (string byteVal)
// Int16
let success, int16Val = Int16.TryParse("-2", NumberStyles.Integer, null)
show success "Int16" (string int16Val)
// Int32
let success, int32Val = Int32.TryParse("3", NumberStyles.Integer, null)
show success "Int32" (string int32Val)
// Int64
let success, int64Val = Int64.TryParse("4", NumberStyles.Integer, null)
show success "Int64" (string int64Val)
// Decimal
let success, decimalVal = Decimal.TryParse("-5.5", NumberStyles.Number, null)
show success "Decimal" (string decimalVal)
// Single
let success, singleVal = Single.TryParse("6.6", NumberStyles.Float ||| NumberStyles.AllowThousands, null)
show success "Single" (string singleVal)
// Double
let success, doubleVal = Double.TryParse("-7", NumberStyles.Float ||| NumberStyles.AllowThousands, null)
show success "Double" (string doubleVal)
// Use the simple Double.TryParse overload, but specify an invalid value.
let success, doubleVal = Double.TryParse "abc"
show success "Double #2" (string doubleVal)
printfn "\nThe following types are not CLS-compliant:\n"
// SByte
let success, sbyteVal = SByte.TryParse("-8", NumberStyles.Integer, null)
show success "SByte" (string sbyteVal)
// UInt16
let success, uint16Val = UInt16.TryParse("9", NumberStyles.Integer, null)
show success "UInt16" (string uint16Val)
// UInt32
let success, uint32Val = UInt32.TryParse("10", NumberStyles.Integer, null)
show success "UInt32" (string uint32Val)
// UInt64
let success, uint64Val = UInt64.TryParse("11", NumberStyles.Integer, null)
show success "UInt64" (string uint64Val)
// This example produces the following results:
// This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for
// several base types, as well as the TryParseExact method for DateTime.
// Non-numeric types:
// Parse for DateTime #1 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56
// Parse for DateTime #2 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56
// Parse for DateTime #3 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56
// Parse for DateTime #4 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56
// Parse for Boolean = True
// Parse for Char = A
// Numeric types:
// Parse for Byte = 1
// Parse for Int16 = -2
// Parse for Int32 = 3
// Parse for Int64 = 4
// Parse for Decimal = -5.5
// Parse for Single = 6.6
// Parse for Double = -7
// ** Parse for Double #2 failed. Invalid input.
// The following types are not CLS-compliant:
// Parse for SByte = -8
// Parse for UInt16 = 9
// Parse for UInt32 = 10
// Parse for UInt64 = 11
' This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for
' several base types, and the TryParseExact method for DateTime.
' In most cases, this example uses the most complex overload; that is, the overload
' with the most parameters for a particular type. If a complex overload specifies
' null (Nothing in Visual Basic) for the IFormatProvider parameter, formatting
' information is obtained from the culture associated with the current thread.
' If a complex overload specifies the style parameter, the parameter value is
' the default value used by the equivalent simple overload.
Imports System.Globalization
Class Sample
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim result As Boolean
Dim ci As CultureInfo
Dim nl As String = Environment.NewLine
Dim msg1 As String = _
"This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for{0}" & _
"several base types, as well as the TryParseExact method for DateTime.{0}"
Dim msg2 As String = "Non-numeric types:{0}"
Dim msg3 As String = "{0}Numeric types:{0}"
Dim msg4 As String = "{0}The following types are not CLS-compliant:{0}"
' Non-numeric types.
Dim booleanVal As [Boolean]
Dim charVal As [Char]
Dim datetimeVal As DateTime
' Numeric types.
Dim byteVal As [Byte]
Dim int16Val As Int16
Dim int32Val As Int32
Dim int64Val As Int64
Dim decimalVal As [Decimal]
Dim singleVal As [Single]
Dim doubleVal As [Double]
' The following types are not CLS-compliant.
Dim sbyteVal As SByte
Dim uint16Val As UInt16
Dim uint32Val As UInt32
Dim uint64Val As UInt64
Console.WriteLine(msg1, nl)
' Non-numeric types:
Console.WriteLine(msg2, nl)
' DateTime
' TryParse:
' Assume current culture is en-US, and dates of the form: MMDDYYYY.
result = DateTime.TryParse("7/4/2004 12:34:56", datetimeVal)
Show(result, "DateTime #1", datetimeVal.ToString())
' Use fr-FR culture, and dates of the form: DDMMYYYY.
ci = New CultureInfo("fr-FR")
result = DateTime.TryParse("4/7/2004 12:34:56", ci, DateTimeStyles.None, datetimeVal)
Show(result, "DateTime #2", datetimeVal.ToString())
' TryParseExact:
' Use fr-FR culture. The format, "G", is short date and long time.
result = DateTime.TryParseExact("04/07/2004 12:34:56", "G", ci, DateTimeStyles.None, datetimeVal)
Show(result, "DateTime #3", datetimeVal.ToString())
' Assume en-US culture.
Dim dateFormats As String() = {"f", "F", "g", "G"}
result = DateTime.TryParseExact("7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM", dateFormats, Nothing, DateTimeStyles.None, datetimeVal)
Show(result, "DateTime #4", datetimeVal.ToString())
' Boolean
result = [Boolean].TryParse("true", booleanVal)
Show(result, "Boolean", booleanVal.ToString())
' Char
result = [Char].TryParse("A", charVal)
Show(result, "Char", charVal.ToString())
' Numeric types:
Console.WriteLine(msg3, nl)
' Byte
result = [Byte].TryParse("1", NumberStyles.Integer, Nothing, byteVal)
Show(result, "Byte", byteVal.ToString())
' Int16
result = Int16.TryParse("-2", NumberStyles.Integer, Nothing, int16Val)
Show(result, "Int16", int16Val.ToString())
' Int32
result = Int32.TryParse("3", NumberStyles.Integer, Nothing, int32Val)
Show(result, "Int32", int32Val.ToString())
' Int64
result = Int64.TryParse("4", NumberStyles.Integer, Nothing, int64Val)
Show(result, "Int64", int64Val.ToString())
' Decimal
result = [Decimal].TryParse("-5.5", NumberStyles.Number, Nothing, decimalVal)
Show(result, "Decimal", decimalVal.ToString())
' Single
result = [Single].TryParse("6.6", NumberStyles.Float Or NumberStyles.AllowThousands, Nothing, singleVal)
Show(result, "Single", singleVal.ToString())
' Double
result = [Double].TryParse("-7", NumberStyles.Float Or NumberStyles.AllowThousands, Nothing, doubleVal)
Show(result, "Double", doubleVal.ToString())
' Use the simple Double.TryParse overload, but specify an invalid value.
result = [Double].TryParse("abc", doubleVal)
Show(result, "Double #2", doubleVal.ToString())
Console.WriteLine(msg4, nl)
' SByte
result = SByte.TryParse("-8", NumberStyles.Integer, Nothing, sbyteVal)
Show(result, "SByte", sbyteVal.ToString())
' UInt16
result = UInt16.TryParse("9", NumberStyles.Integer, Nothing, uint16Val)
Show(result, "UInt16", uint16Val.ToString())
' UInt32
result = UInt32.TryParse("10", NumberStyles.Integer, Nothing, uint32Val)
Show(result, "UInt32", uint32Val.ToString())
' UInt64
result = UInt64.TryParse("11", NumberStyles.Integer, Nothing, uint64Val)
Show(result, "UInt64", uint64Val.ToString())
End Sub
Protected Shared Sub Show(parseResult As Boolean, typeName As String, parseValue As String)
Dim msgSuccess As String = "Parse for {0} = {1}"
Dim msgFailure As String = "** Parse for {0} failed. Invalid input."
If parseResult = True Then
Console.WriteLine(msgSuccess, typeName, parseValue)
Console.WriteLine(msgFailure, typeName)
End If
End Sub
End Class
'This example produces the following results:
'This example demonstrates overloads of the TryParse method for
'several base types, as well as the TryParseExact method for DateTime.
'Non-numeric types:
'Parse for DateTime #1 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
'Parse for DateTime #2 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
'Parse for DateTime #3 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
'Parse for DateTime #4 = 7/4/2004 12:34:56 PM
'Parse for Boolean = True
'Parse for Char = A
'Numeric types:
'Parse for Byte = 1
'Parse for Int16 = -2
'Parse for Int32 = 3
'Parse for Int64 = 4
'Parse for Decimal = -5.5
'Parse for Single = 6.6
'Parse for Double = -7
'** Parse for Double #2 failed. Invalid input.
'The following types are not CLS-compliant:
'Parse for SByte = -8
'Parse for UInt16 = 9
'Parse for UInt32 = 10
'Parse for UInt64 = 11
O TryParse método é como o Parse método, exceto pelo fato de o TryParse método não lançar uma exceção se a conversão falhar.
Produto | Versões |
.NET | Core 1.0, Core 1.1, Core 2.0, Core 2.1, Core 2.2, Core 3.0, Core 3.1, 5, 6, 7 |
.NET Framework | 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8 |
.NET Standard | 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.0, 2.1 |
UWP | 10.0 |